Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 370 Found someone

Chapter 370 Found someone
"Master, there are more small islands ahead!" A guard rowed a boat to report the situation.

"Search one by one, all carefully!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Yes!" The guard replied and left again.

"Brother Hai, don't worry, there are so many small islands here, maybe Su Chengyun will end up on one of those small islands!" Lu Rushuang said.

"Well, maybe!" Hai Tianlong replied absent-mindedly.

The big ship continued to move forward slowly, and Hai Tianlong stood straight on the deck with erratic eyes.

"Hey, where did the petals come from?" Lu Rushuang asked in surprise when she suddenly saw some petals floating on the water in the distance.

Hai Tianlong frowned slightly when he heard the words: "Maybe it was blown over from a small island!"

"Hey, look at the piece of wood that floated with the petals?" Lu Rushuang saw a broken log with sharp eyes.

Hai Tianlong looked at it, and didn't care at first, but suddenly his eyes narrowed sharply, he flew up, picked up the broken log, and returned to the boat.

"Brother Hai?" Lu Rushuang couldn't help calling, looking at Hai Tianlong who was staring at the broken tree without blinking.

"Qingcao, go to the warehouse to see how many boats are there?" Hai Tianlong shouted.

Qingcao hurriedly ran over and came back soon: "Master, there is only one boat in the warehouse!"

"It's Su Chengyun, it must be Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong shouted after hearing the words.

"Brother Hai, what does this broken tree have to do with Su Chengyun?" Lu Rushuang asked suspiciously.

"Lu Rushuang, this broken log is from the boat on the boat. Didn't Su Chengyun take a boat last time? In fact, there should be another boat in the warehouse, but that boat is gone, so it must have been in Su Chengyun's hands all along!" Hai Tianlong Road.

"But, how can Su Chengyun hide a boat?" Lu Rushuang was even more puzzled.

"It's the ring, it must be the ring, Su Chengyun has the ring!" Hai Tianlong seemed to be convinced that it was Su Chengyun.

"Su Chengyun must be nearby, must be nearby!" Hai Tianlong raised his eyes and looked around.

"Brother Hai, don't worry, it's easy to find Su Chengyun when you know he's nearby!" Lu Rushuang said.

"The boat broke apart. The boat must have hit something and was damaged. I wonder if Su Chengyun is okay?" Hai Tianlong was extremely anxious at this moment.

"Brother Hai, it should be fine. We only saw this broken log, didn't we? If the ship broke down all of a sudden, then we should see a pile of broken logs!" Lu Rushuang analyzed.

"Yes, you are right!" Hai Tianlong was still a little annoyed, "By the way, there are still petals?"

"Green Grass, go and find out where those petals came from?" Hai Tianlong said, the broken wood and the mutiny came together, they must have come from the same place, even if they didn't, they met halfway, so The search range is much smaller.

"Yes, master!" Qingcao went to check the petals, and the result was soon.

"Master, there are several kinds of petals, one of which is only found on an isolated island! That isolated island is not far ahead!" Qingcao pointed to the front.

"Okay, Qing Cao, you lead the way!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Yes, Master!"

The big boat moved towards the direction pointed by the green grass, and they only encountered three small islands, but there was no trace of Su Chengyun on them.

"Continue!" Hai Tianlong said in a deep voice.

The boat continued to move forward, and after a while, a small island suddenly came into view.

Hai Tianlong stared at a figure on the cliff of the island.

"'s Su Chengyun!" Lu Rushuang covered her mouth in surprise.

Hai Tianlong's face was a little gloomy, he flew up, flew towards the cliff, and soon landed on the edge of the cliff.

Su Chengyun sat on the edge of the cliff with his legs dangling in the air, looking at Hai Tianlong flying towards him, he only smiled and said, "You are here!"

"Su Chengyun, do you know what you are doing?" Hai Tianlong roared, stretched out his hand and dragged Su Chengyun away from the edge of the cliff, "It's dangerous here, do you know?"

Su Chengyun laughed: "No, I think it's safe here, at least it's safer than staying by your side!"

"Su Chengyun, you..." Hai Tianlong's momentum weakened, and he couldn't hold back his face. He had just promised Su Chengyun that day that he would not have any trouble finding him, but the words were still there, and something happened at night.

"Go, come back with me!" Hai Tianlong said after a moment of silence.

"My boat is ruined!" Su Chengyun said.

"That's not your boat, it's mine!" Hai Tianlong said, if he had already confirmed that the boat was on Su Chengyun's body, he would not have searched like a headless worm.

"Hey, I forgot!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Where's your ring?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"It's in my hand, but it's combined with my fingers, you can't see it!" Su Chengyun stretched out his hand, "Hai Tianlong, if you want to get me to accept the ring, then It won't work!"

"It seems quite advanced!" Hai Tianlong snorted coldly.He hasn't seen a Na ring yet. He mainly wants to know how many things he can't predict are hidden in Su Chengyun's Na ring, so as not to accidentally stumble upon it one day, but Su Chengyun's appearance doesn't matter. I will explain, he just found her, so let's take it slowly.

While the two were talking, Qingcao had already driven the boat to the bottom of the cliff, and Hai Tianlong jumped onto the boat with Su Chengyun.

"Get out of here!" Hai Tianlong gave an order, and the boat sailed away.

Hai Tianlong looked at Su Chengyun: "Are you tired?"

Su Chengyun shook his head: "It's okay!"

"Lu Rushuang, bring Su Chengyun some food to the room!" Hai Tianlong said.

Lu Rushuang should be, but he still said: "Brother Hai, you haven't rested for several days. Now that Su Chengyun has finally found him, go and rest for a while!"

I didn't feel it before, but now that Lu Rushuang said this, Hai Tianlong also felt a little bit unable to open his eyes, and nodded: "Okay, Lu Rushuang, Su Chengyun will be taken care of by you!"

"Brother Hai, don't worry, I will take good care of her!" Lu Rushuang said.

"Qingcao, let them all go back and rest!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Yes, Master!"

Hai Tianlong turned and left, Lu Rushuang stepped forward to help Su Chengyun walk towards the room, and ordered the fat aunt to bring food.

Seeing Su Chengyun eating carelessly, Lu Rushuang frowned slightly and asked, "Su Chengyun, did you do it on purpose?"

"Oh, what do you mean?" Su Chengyun asked without raising his head.

"Su Chengyun, you are a pharmacist. I don't believe that you will be fainted by Qing Lian'er's medicine. Are you sober from the beginning, including being taken away by Qing Lian'er and falling into the water, is it all right?" Under your control?"

"Hehe, Lu Rushuang, what kind of answer do you want to know?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"I..." Lu Rushuang was not sure what answer she wanted now.

Seeing Lu Rushuang's expression, Su Chengyun smiled and continued to eat, leaving Lu Rushuang to meditate alone.

After finally finishing his meal, Su Chengyun wiped his mouth and said, "Lu Rushuang, you guessed it right, I've always been sober!"

Although he had guessed the answer a long time ago, Lu Rushuang was still extremely astonished when Su Chengyun said it so clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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