Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 371 Doubt

Chapter 371 Doubt

"Su Chengyun, do you know that Hai Tianlong is anxious?" Lu Rushuang asked slowly after being silent for a long time.

Su Chengyun smiled: "I only know that Hai Tianlong kidnapped me here, and my relatives and friends will also be anxious!" Parents must miss her very much, and they don't think about food or tea for her. He must be very worried about her, Feng Jue, You Yue and Yun Zixuan must also be working on her affairs.

"Su Chengyun, are you taking revenge?" Lu Rushuang opened her eyes wide.

"Hehe, not bad!" Su Chengyun didn't deny it, but readily admitted that Hai Tianlong's action brought so much pain to her relatives and friends, she would naturally not let it go when she found an opportunity.

"Su Chengyun, I can guess it. Could it be that Hai Tianlong couldn't guess it?" If Hai Tianlong knew about this matter, would Su Chengyun still laugh like this here?

"Lu Rushuang, do you think Hai Tianlong doesn't know yet?" Su Chengyun said with a smile, "Actually, Hai Tianlong is very smart, he already knew it, but he didn't directly expose it like you!"

"Why... why?" Lu Rushuang's eyes were full of doubts.

"You want to say why Hai Tianlong knew about it, and still treats me like before, without blaming me at all?" Su Chengyun articulated the question in her heart for her.

Lu Rushuang nodded.

"Lu Rushuang, you still don't know Hai Tianlong very well. Even if she knew that I did it on purpose, she wouldn't do anything to me? Because I'm still useful to him, and the most important thing is that I'm not a soft persimmon. If he goes too far, I will probably choose to die together, and he will be the one who will have a headache!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Lu Rushuang glanced at Su Chengyun when she heard this, frowned and said: "Su Chengyun, Hai Tianlong likes you, even if you do something out of line, he will choose to tolerate it for the sake of saving your life, but Burn together? Su Chengyun, would you really choose to burn together? This doesn't seem to be your style!"

"Hehe, Lu Rushuang, if I'm forced to die, I will choose to die! So, I'm not afraid of dying!" Su Chengyun said, but with Mo Qiling around, he will protect her and never let her die with others of.But these things will not be told to Lu Rushuang.

"Su Chengyun, I find that I don't understand you less and less!" Lu Rushuang said, "Why did you get bullied so badly when you were in the Lu family with such a strong personality?"

It seems that Lu Rushuang has already doubted this.

"Hehe, Lu Rushuang, you can say that after being bullied by your Lu family, I became stronger and stronger, not only my strength, but also my temperament!" Su Chengyun.

"But... no matter how much you change, you will never change so thoroughly. The time I met you in the Warcraft Mountains, you had just left the Lu family not long ago. At that time, you were completely different from the Lu family!" Lu Rushuang said.

"Hehe, can I say that the former Su Chengyun was beaten to death by your Lu family? And I am the reborn Su Chengyun!" Su Chengyun stared at Lu Rushuang and said quietly.

Lu Rushuang's heart skipped a beat: "Rebirth from Nirvana?" She thought of some examples where people's personalities would change drastically after being greatly stimulated.

"What's the point of saying this now? In short, our Su family and your Lu family are at odds!" Su Chengyun said.

"Su Chengyun..." Lu Rushuang frowned.

"Lu Rushuang, the hatred of the family cannot be changed by just one or two of us. In view of the fact that you have not bullied me in the Lu family before, and in view of your care along the way, you, I don't have to pursue it, but I don't care if other people pursue it or not!" Su Chengyun said generously.

"Su Chengyun, is this your kindness to me?" Lu Rushuang laughed.

"Benevolence? Hehe, I like this word!" Su Chengyun laughed, "Lu Rushuang, if you weren't born in the Lu family, maybe we could become close friends, but who makes the world have no ifs? So, here Overseas, as long as you don't mess with me, I won't take the initiative to trouble you. However, I guess your life will not be easy, whoever asked you to find Hai Tianlong is not an ordinary person!"

Hai Tianlong is not something that Lu Rushuang can keep, and Hai Tianlong's identity destined Lu Rushuang to be in constant trouble in the future!
Lu Rushuang rolled her eyes when she heard the words: "Su Chengyun, you just don't like me so much, in your eyes, I don't think so much of me!"

"What do you think?" Su Chengyun asked back.

Lu Rushuang choked, lowered her head and began to pack her things.

"Su Chengyun, rest well, we stayed here for too long for you!" Lu Rushuang said.

"Hehe, this place is very nice. Haven't you seen Qing Yuqi and Qing Lian'er come here?"

"Su Chengyun, do you know that Qing Lian'er's cultivation was abolished by Hai Tianlong!" The corners of Lu Rushuang's mouth slightly curled up, "If Qing Lian'er knew that you were still alive, do you think she would trouble you? "

"Huh, was it abolished?" Su Chengyun was puzzled, "This Hai Tianlong is too violent! It would be nice to keep it and play slowly, if you insist on beating him to death with a stick, you will lose so much fun in the future!"

Lu Rushuang's face darkened: "Su Chengyun, do you know the important point? I learned a little about Qing Lian'er from Qingcao. Qing Lian'er's family has served Qing Yunzong for generations, and since Qing Lian'er entered Qing Yun, Zong Na has become the number one person in Qingyun Sect's ranking by virtue of his own ability, Hai Tianlong abolished her, Qingyun Sect will let it go?"

"Hehe, I don't believe that Hai Tianlong can't even handle this!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hai Tianlong can handle it, but can you? Hai Tianlong's identity is there, Qing Yunzong will not do anything to him no matter how angry he is? But what about you? What do you have? You still have to rely on Hai Tianlong's blessing! Qing Yunzong couldn't find Hai Tianlong's troubles, so they would put all their anger on you, everything about Qing Lian'er was caused by you, you thought Qing Yunzong would let you go easily!" Lu Rushuang said in a babble A big pass.

"Hey, Lu Rushuang, are you caring about me?" Su Chengyun was startled.

"Cut, who cares about you, I'm afraid that something will happen to you again, Hai Tianlong will go crazy! Although I also hope that something will happen to you, it's better to compare with you!" Lu Rushuang said angrily, If Hai Tianlong hadn't cared about Su Chengyun, what would her life and death have to do with her?

"Huhu, it's a good thing you don't care about me!" Su Chengyun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Lu Rushuang, you are really virtuous and generous. Did Hai Tianlong take you overseas because of this?"

"Su Chengyun..." Lu Rushuang showed a hint of anger on her face, but she tried her best to persuade herself not to be angry, not to be angry.

"Hmph, go to bed early!" Lu Rushuang let out a long breath, picked up the tray on the table and walked out, closing the door with a bang.

Su Chengyun shook his head and smiled, thinking.

It seems that Qingyunzong and Haiyunzong are not in complete opposition, nor are they in complete harmony.

She didn't believe that Hai Tianlong abolished Qing Lian'er because of her, he was not that affectionate.

Could it be that Hai Tianlong was testing Qing Yunzong?
But the two sects have existed for so long, those who should be tested should have been tested long ago!
(End of this chapter)

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