Chapter 375
"Hai Tianlong, even if you are angry with Qing Lian'er's actions, isn't it too much to abolish her cultivation!" Qing Yu'er stared at Hai Tianlong and said.

"Qing Yu'er, you also said just now that I am the successor of Hai Yunzong. Qing Lian'er, who makes things difficult for me in front of me, doesn't mean that she doesn't take me seriously. I have shown mercy, but she doesn't know Repentance, it is unforgivable to kill Su Chengyun!" Having said this, Hai Tianlong's face became gloomy.

Qing Yu'er narrowed her eyes. According to Hai Tianlong's analysis, she had to admit that Hai Tianlong's actions were reasonable, but even so, she couldn't admit it.

"Hai Tianlong, although Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong have small conflicts, they are generally friendly. Qing Lian'er made a mistake, you can hand her over to Qingyunzong and let us handle it!" Qing Yu'er said .

"Haha, Qing Yu'er, leave it to you to deal with. You can punish her at most and the matter will be over. Then Su Chengyun's grievances are not for nothing. Besides, you can punish her and I can personally teach her. Is it the same? How can I teach you a lesson myself!" Hai Tianlong said coldly.

"Hai Tianlong, Qing Lian'er is not an ordinary Qingyun Sect disciple. Not long ago, the Second Elder took him in as his granddaughter. How would the Second Elder think if you directly abolished Qing Lian'er?" Qing Yu'er said.

"Second Elder?" He just came back and really didn't know about it, but it didn't have much impact, Hai Tianlong said, "Qing Yu'er, anyway, Qing Lian'er has been abolished, even if you look for me again It's better to find the genius treasure and restore it to her!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Is it so easy to find the treasure of genius to restore cultivation? Hai Tianlong, you did this matter, no matter what, you must give us Qing Yunzong and the second elder an explanation!" Qing Yu'er said without doubt.

"Hey, you have to explain it! If you want to talk about this, go to Haiyunzong, I will find a special person to talk to you!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hai Tianlong, you..."

"Qing Yu'er, Su Chengyun is tired, I don't have time to chat with you here!" Hai Tianlong dropped a sentence and looked directly at Su Chengyun, "Su Chengyun, get in the car, let's go back first!"

"Hai Tianlong..." Mr. Ming Yi frowned, his clenched hands showed that he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Young Master Ming Yi, this is not a good place to talk, I'll go back to the boat first!"

Mr. Mingyi looked at Su Chengyun's face for a moment and then nodded.

Lu Rushuang, who had jumped off the carriage earlier, helped Su Chengyun onto the carriage.

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, you want to take Su Chengyun away. Unless you can defeat me and my guards, Su Chengyun will not go with you!" Hai Tianlong jumped into the carriage and drove the carriage away.

Mr. Ming Yi lowered his head slightly, a trace of deepness appeared in his eyes.Hai Tianlong is right, overseas is his territory, and it is not so easy to take someone away from his territory.

"Nan Mingyi?" Seeing that Young Master Ming Yi had been thinking, Qing Yu'er couldn't help calling out.

Young Master Ming Yi looked up and watched the carriage that Su Chengyun was riding gradually disappear.

"Nan Mingyi, you've seen it too, you can't take Su Chengyun away at all!" Qing Yu'er said.

"I know!" Young Master Ming Yi said, I really hate that his cultivation base is too low!

"Nan Mingyi, you also met Su Chengyun, she didn't live as hard as you imagined, I see her life is very nourishing, and Hai Tianlong is also very kind to her, even more than Lu Rushuang!" Qing Yuer said .

"Qing Yu'er, what do you want to say?" Mr. Ming Yi frowned.

"Nan Mingyi, is it possible that Su Chengyun fell in love with Hai Tianlong?" Qing Yu'er asked cautiously.

"Impossible!" Mr. Ming Yi said directly when he heard the words, with a look of worry on his face.

"However, I think Su Chengyun doesn't want to go with you at all, and it is said that she was kidnapped by Hai Tianlong, so she should hate Hai Tianlong very much, but do you think she hates Hai Tianlong a little bit?" Qing Yu'er said .

"Qing Yu'er, Cheng Yun doesn't want to leave with me, it's because she knows that even if she leaves with me, neither of us can escape Hai Tianlong's grasp, she doesn't want to implicate me!" Young Master Ming Yi looked at Qing Yu'er and said, " Also, Chengyun likes Momo, she won't change her mind!"

"But, a woman's heart has changed!" Qing Yu'er said softly.Women worship the strong, especially the powerful and powerful like Hai Tianlong, so it is normal to get lost.

"That's other women, don't compare Cheng Yun with other women!" Mr. Ming Yi said directly.

"Nan Mingyi, maybe it's because you like Su Chengyun and imagined her so beautifully. Hai Tianlong is a powerful figure overseas, and his cultivation base is extremely high. It is inevitable for women to be tempted. We spent so long at sea day and night!" Qing Yu'er continued.

Mr. Mingyi was even more displeased when he heard the words: "Qing Yu'er, let me say it again, all women in the world may change their minds, but Cheng Yun will not! Before Mo Mo comes back, Cheng Yun's heart will always belong to Mo Mo Yes!" Young Master Ming Yi's tone this time was very cold, so cold that Qing Yu'er couldn't help shivering.

It was the first time for her to see Mr. Mingyi so angry, and she couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed!
"Nan Mingyi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to slander Su Chengyun on purpose!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Don't say such things in the future, you don't understand Chengyun, don't make wild guesses!" Seeing Qing Yu'er apologizing, Mr. Ming Yi's expression softened.

"Well, I know, it won't happen in the future!" Qing Yu'er said hurriedly.

Su Chengyun is a forbidden zone, she shouldn't mention it.

Mr. Ming Yi glanced at Qing Yu'er again, and said: "Qing Yu'er, thank you for your hospitality during this time, I'm afraid I will be away for a while!"

"Ah... Nan Mingyi, where are you going?"

"Go and accompany Chengyun!" Mr. Ming Yi walked forward while talking.

"Ah... isn't Su Chengyun on Hai Tianlong's boat? Could it be that if you want to go on Hai Tianlong's boat, Hai Tianlong won't agree!" Qing Yuer exclaimed.

"Hmph, whether he agrees or not, I will accompany Chengyun!" Mr. Mingyi's words were firm, and his steps were also firm.

"Nan Mingyi, let's think of another way. If you come directly to the door like this, Hai Tianlong will definitely not give you a good face. It will be bad if you fight again!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Qing Yu'er, this matter is no longer a matter of thinking about it, and I have no other way to think about it now! However, since I know that Chengyun is here, I can't let her face it alone!"

Mr. Mingyi said.

"Nan Mingyi..." Qing Yu'er stared at Mr. Ming Yi who was so persistent.

Is this still the personable and graceful Mr. Ming Yi?

For a moment, Qing Yu'er's heart was collapsing, and she watched helplessly as Mr. Ming Yi left.

No, this is still Mr. Mingyi, but he lost control when he encountered Su Chengyun.

Qing Yuer thought so.

Glancing ahead, Qing Yu'er raised her heels and stepped up.

(End of this chapter)

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