Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 376 Rogue

Chapter 376 Rogue
As soon as Su Chengyun and the others returned to the boat, they saw Mr. Ming Yi jumping onto the deck.

"Young Master Ming Yi, what are you doing?" Hai Tianlong looked at Young Master Ming Yi displeased.

"Hehe, I'll be where Chengyun is!" Mr. Ming Yi said directly.

"Master Mingyi, this is my boat, please get off!" Hai Tianlong said sharply.

"Hai Tianlong, I won't go down! Beat me down if you have the ability!" Young Master Ming Yi said provocatively.

"Young Master Mingyi, you are looking for trouble. You really think that I dare not beat you down! Look at the trick!" Hai Tianlong's palm moved slightly, and he was about to strike out.

"Hai Tianlong!" Su Chengyun hurriedly called out.

Hai Tianlong paused, looked at Su Chengyun, then at Mr. Ming Yi, and put down his hands.

"Hai Tianlong, let me talk to Master Mingyi!" Su Chengyun looked at Hai Tianlong and said.

Hai Tianlong thought for a while and said: "Okay, but you are tired, so let's talk about something tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun looked at Young Master Ming Yi and responded.

"Also, I want to be present!" Hai Tianlong added a condition.

"Yes!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Young Master Ming Yi, you heard me. I have already agreed for you to come to see Su Chengyun tomorrow, and now you can go!" Hai Tianlong raised an eyebrow at Young Master Ming Yi, his eyes were full of unkindness.

Mr. Ming Yi was unmoved, and said with a smile: "Since I'm here, I'll disturb you all night, Hai Tianlong, you don't even have a single vacant room here, do you?"

"Master Ming Yi, don't push yourself!" Hai Tianlong's face darkened upon hearing this.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, if you don't want me to live in the room, it's okay for me to stay on the deck, anyway, it's not very cold at night, and I'm also a cultivator, so don't be afraid!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Young Master Ming Yi, there is an inn as soon as you get off the boat!" Hai Tianlong reminded.

"What if you take the boat away secretly while I'm leaving?" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Hmph, I, Hai Tianlong, will never break my promise. I will definitely wait for you to come tomorrow!" Hai Tianlong shook his sleeves.

"Hai Tianlong, I don't believe you, so I'd better stay here!" Mr. Ming Yi said directly.

"You..." Hai Tianlong wanted to curse in his heart. It is widely rumored in Lanling Continent that Mr. Ming Yi is not Mr. Qianqian?Why is he acting so... rascal!
Hai Tianlong caught sight of a figure on the pier, and hurriedly shouted: "Qing Yu'er, take Mr. Ming Yi away yet!"

Qing Yu'er twitched the corner of her mouth: "Hai Tianlong, Nan Mingyi is my guest, not my subordinate, I can't do what you want!"

"Qing Yu'er, you brought Mr. Ming Yi!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hehe, even if I brought them back, you still brought two back!" Qing Yu'er retorted, "Hai Tianlong, why bother about Nan Mingyi, you let Su Chengyun go, Nan Mingyi will naturally bring Su Chengyun with you." People leave your boat and will never bother you again!"

"Hmph, wanting to take Su Chengyun away is delusional!" Hai Tianlong shrank his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Su Chengyun, I'll take you back!" Hai Tianlong turned to Su Chengyun and said.

Su Chengyun looked at Young Master Ming Yi and blinked at him, it was Hai Tianlong's concession.

"Chengyun, go and rest first, let's talk about something tomorrow!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun followed Hai Tianlong towards the cabin.

Lu Rushuang glanced at Mr. Ming Yi complicatedly, and then walked towards the cabin.

"Nan Mingyi, it's not easy to make Hai Tianlong make concessions!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Hehe, this is his boat, he won't make any big moves on his own boat." Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Nan Mingyi, it turns out that you had a great idea a long time ago. You guessed that Hai Tianlong would be passive, so you acted like this!" Qing Yu'er praised.

"It's nothing? Today, I saw that Hai Tianlong is not a completely unreasonable person!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Nan Mingyi, don't be confused by Hai Tianlong's appearance, he is a very complicated person!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Is it as complicated as you?" Mr. Mingyi asked.

"This..." Qing Yu'er bit her lip, it seems that Mr. Ming Yi has already discovered that she is a complicated person, as the next successor of Qingyun Sect, can she not be complicated, otherwise she really can't hold her position firmly.

"Qing Yu'er, you go back first, I'm afraid I'll be here for a few days!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Okay, Nan Mingyi, I'm still worried that Hai Tianlong will make things difficult for you, and I will come to see you again tomorrow!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Follow you!" Mr. Mingyi replied.

Qing Yu'er reluctantly left, Young Master Ming Yi shook his head slightly, and sat down on the stool on the deck.

"Su Chengyun, sleep for a while, I'll ask Lu Rushuang to bring you food later!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Oh, good!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile, she was tired anyway, so let's go to sleep first.

Hai Tianlong left Su Chengyun's room, saw Lu Rushuang outside, and directly ordered: "Lu Rushuang, prepare some food for Su Chengyun in a while!"

"Oh, good!" Lu Rushuang replied.

"By the way, Mr. Ming Yi is on the boat. You are also old friends. You can go and say hello, I don't mind!" Hai Tianlong said again.

"Oh, no, no need!" Lu Rushuang hurriedly said, "Brother Hai, I didn't know Mr. Ming Yi very well before, so there's no need to deliberately say hello!"

"Really?" Hai Tianlong twitched the corner of his mouth and left.

"Young Master Ming Yi, you are quite leisurely!" Hai Tianlong returned to the deck and sat down next to Young Master Ming Yi.

"Hehe, I'm just an idler, and I'm not busy with so many things like you!" Mr. Ming Yi glanced at Hai Tianlong and said.

"Master Ming Yi, why do you have the time to come overseas? Are there so many places in the Lanling Continent that you can visit? Could it be that you really fell in love with Qing Yuer, so you came here with her?" Hai Tianlong was puzzled. His eyes swept over Young Master Ming Yi.

"How do you say this? Since it's a tour, of course it's where you go. Why do you need to distinguish between Lanling mainland and overseas? I don't have as much ambition as your overseas!" Mr. Ming Yi said pointedly.

"Hey, it seems that you are also very smart, and you even guessed that we overseas coveted your Lanling Continent!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hehe, it's not difficult to guess. Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong have left so many clues. If I can't guess again, I can't justify it!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"It seems that the problem is with Qing Yu'er!" Hai Tianlong said, "Hey, but Mr. Ming Yi, even if you guessed it, so what, you are now overseas, and I can kill you at any time!" Hai Tianlong said coldly the way.

"Hehe, you won't, at least not now!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Why do you see it?" Hai Tianlong asked casually.

"Because of Chengyun!" Mr. Mingyi smiled, "If something happens to me, Chengyun will know about it. Guess what she will do when she finds out?"

Hearing this, Hai Tianlong's eyes were deeply condensed, and he looked at Mr. Ming Yi more cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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