Chapter 377
"Master Mingyi!"

"Riding the clouds!"

Early the next morning, Su Chengyun came to the deck to meet Mr. Ming Yi, and Hai Tianlong was waiting there early.

Neither Su Chengyun nor Mr. Mingyi cared about Hai Tianlong, they sat down and began to talk slowly.

"Chengyun, do your parents know that you are here?" Mr. Mingyi asked.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Well, I know, Hai Tianlong threatened me with my parents' lives. He left a letter for my parents. They know that I have come overseas!"

Hearing this, Mr. Ming Yi glanced at Hai Tianlong.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun, you have to admit that this is the easiest way to take you away!" Hai Tianlong said.

"With such despicable means, Hai Tianlong, you are really a villain!" Mr. Ming Yi scolded.

"Hey, no matter what the method is, as long as it can achieve my goal, if I use other methods, I will take Su Chengyun away in the end. It would be bad if I hurt someone!" Hai Tianlong said.He is now a little glad that he chose such a method. If Su Chengyun's parents were really hurt, how could Su Chengyun come here so obediently? Maybe he would make a lot of trouble on the way, and that would be enough for him. Headache.

"Hai Tianlong, only you can take this kind of villain's behavior for granted!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, I don't argue with you. I always look at the result, not the process. No matter how beautiful the process is, if the result is not satisfactory, it is useless!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hai Tianlong, do you think you will have good results if you kidnap Chengyun?" Mr. Ming Yi asked back.

"Haha, at least Su Chengyun is under my control now, as long as I grasp this point!" Hai Tianlong said.

Mr. Ming Yi wanted to say something, but Su Chengyun stopped him. Reasoning with people like Hai Tianlong is a matter of playing the piano with a cow, so there is no need to waste time.

That is a person who does things based on his likes and dislikes, without any rules!

"Chengyun, did you suffer any hardships along the way?" Mr. Mingyi asked concerned, "Will you be very tired on the boat? This is not the mainland you are familiar with. It's normal if you are not used to it."

"It's okay, I'm not seasick!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Chengyun, I also heard that you have encountered pirates and monsters?" Mr. Mingyi said, Qing Yuer sent a document last night, and he read it all.

"Hehe, even if we meet, Hai Tianlong will deal with it. I'll just hide and watch!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"That's right, if Hai Tianlong can't even deal with pirates and monsters, and you get into trouble, then he can just jump into the sea and die!"

Su Chengyun smiled, to make Mr. Mingyi, who has always been a breeze and a bright moon, say such words, it seems that Hai Tianlong has stimulated him a lot!

"Master Mingyi, have you been overseas for a long time?" Su Chengyun asked.

Mr. Ming Yi shook his head: "Not long ago, just a little earlier than you! When we came, we didn't encounter so many things with you, and the journey went smoothly!" Mr. Ming Yi said regretfully, he came out to travel, Too smooth and not too good.

"Hehe, overseas is different from Lanling mainland. Mr. Mingyi, you have to experience it well, try to clear up overseas, and tell the people there when you return to Lanling mainland!" Su Chengyun said.

"Chengyun and I thought of going together. Overseas has coveted our Lanling Continent for so long, and we know the situation there very well, but our Lanling Continent only describes them in a few words, and there is no more redundant information. I chose to come overseas because I wanted to find out more." Mr. Mingyi said.

"Hehe, as long as you have this heart, come to me if you need help, and I will help you!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, I will, I won't be polite with Chengyun!" Mr. Mingyi replied.

Hai Tianlong frowned the more he listened, and finally couldn't help it anymore: "Master Mingyi, Su Chengyun, can you pay attention to what you say, I am sitting here from overseas, and you are talking about my overseas news in front of me, Is it not very good?"

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, we have different positions, you know in your heart whether you say this or not!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"That's right, Hai Tianlong, you all know that it doesn't make any difference whether we say it or not!" Su Chengyun also smiled and asked whether there was anything unavoidable in their words.

"Hmph, are you trying to drive me away?" Hai Tianlong was not annoyed when he heard the words, but hooked the corners of his lips, "I'm still sitting here today!" Wanting to be alone, with Hai Tianlong around, it's impossible!
Su Chengyun raised his eyelids, Hai Tianlong really thought too much, she and Mr. Ming Yi really didn't mean to drive him away.

"Chengyun, is Lu Rushuang here too?" Young Master Ming Yi asked.

"What? Mr. Ming Yi is reluctant to part with Lu Rushuang now, and wants to take it back?" Before Su Chengyun could speak, Hai Tianlong answered.

"Hai Tianlong, I didn't mean that!" Mr. Ming Yi hurriedly said.

"Hmph, whether you mean it or not, Lu Rushuang is mine now, and she will die by my side even if she dies, so it's useless even if you try to trick her!" Hai Tianlong said coldly.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, you really worry too much!" Mr. Ming Yi ignored Hai Tianlong after finishing speaking, and looked directly at Su Chengyun, "Chengyun, Lu Rushuang didn't make things difficult for you, did he? The Lu family has always been against you, you now If you are pregnant with a child and spend time with her day and night, if she changes her mind, you will be hard to guard against!"

"Master Ming Yi, do you think I'm dead? If I can't even control Lu Rushuang, I won't bring her here!" Hai Tianlong couldn't help but continued.

"Hai Tianlong, a woman's heart needle, can you ensure that Lu Rushuang will not hurt Chengyun? If I remember correctly, Lu Rushuang was the one who instigated you to trouble Chengyun in Lanling Continent!" Mr. Mingyi said quietly road.

"Hmph, if I say she can't, she won't. She took good care of Su Chengyun along the way!"

"Hehe, in the pirate incident, it's good to attract murderous intentions for Chengyun?" Mr. Ming Yi raised this question in confusion.

Hearing this, Hai Tianlong glared at Young Master Ming Yi, thinking about what happened to Qing Yuer's visit yesterday, he immediately thought that Qing Yuer must have intervened in this matter, otherwise, how could Young Master Ming Yi find out so many things in such a short period of time, and the details are extremely detailed .

Mr. Ming Yi also looked at Hai Tianlong without any fear. Although he and Hai Tianlong were slightly different in cultivation, in terms of momentum, Mr. Ming Yi did not lose.

"Young Master Ming Yi, you don't have to worry about Lu Rushuang. Although she has her own thoughts along the way, she is not a person who can't figure it out!" Su Chengyun said something nice for Lu Rushuang.

Because of her, it seems that the people around her are indifferent to, and even hostile to, the people of the Lu family. I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Chengyun, you must be on guard against others. Lu Rushuang's ability to hide in Mochizuki for so many years means that she is not a simple person. You'd better be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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