Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 389 pick out

Chapter 389 pick out
"Su Chengyun, I have admired your name for a long time!" Xue Hanqing said to Su Chengyun.

The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth twitched slightly: "Hehe, you don't need to greet me, Hai Tianlong's woman, I'm not interested in dealing with her!"

Xue Hanqing frowned slightly when he heard the words, what does Su Chengyun mean, does he look down on her?
"Su Chengyun, you will live here in the future, and you will have to deal with us sooner or later. Even if you don't like us, you have to endure it!" Xue Hanqing said.

"Hey, why do I have to endure it?" Su Chengyun looked at Xue Hanqing strangely, she is not Hai Tianlong's woman, do she need to endure his women?
"Su Chengyun, don't you still want Big Brother Hai to drive us away? Even if Big Brother Hai likes you, he won't do that. I advise you to give up this idea!" Xue Hanqing said in a persuasive tone. .

But as soon as she finished speaking, the voices of other women rang out.

"So her name is Su Chengyun?"

"Hey, if you live in the courtyard over there, you will be our master, isn't it the same as us!"

"Even if the people from outside are arrogant because they are favored, and they don't look at their own weight, when the master gets bored someday, they will be sent to our compound."

"Hey, maybe they just want to take advantage of the favored time to show off their prestige. After all, no prestige is no prestige. When it's out of date, you won't even be able to shake your prestige!"


The more Su Chengyun heard the smile on the corner of her mouth became gentler, she glanced at Xue Hanqing lightly, this woman is really amazing, she only said a few words, and provoked the resentment of so many women.

"Su Chengyun, this Xue Hanqing is more powerful than I imagined!" Lu Rushuang whispered.

"Hehe, how can you hold the number one position for so long without being very good?" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Su Chengyun, you woman, how can you laugh when my sister sees through your mind?" Xue Hanbing pointed at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun looked at Xue Hanbing: "Hehe, if I don't laugh, why should I still cry?"

"You..." Xue Hanbing's hands trembled, "Su Chengyun, Brother Tianlong only treats you well for the sake of your pregnancy. Don't get me wrong!"

"That's Hai Tianlong's business, what's my business? Xue Hanbing, it's your business that you like Hai Tianlong, don't I care about it? So, you'd better leave my business alone!" Su Chengyun said with a smile .

"" Xue Hanbing opened his mouth wide as if he had seen a ghost, and Xue Hanqing also frowned slightly.

The corners of Jin Yutong's mouth were pulled wide.

"Hmph, Jin Yutong didn't say anything about it after making so many preparations. It seems that he still doesn't want to be that early bird, Su Chengyun. Now that you do, see how happy she is!" Lu Rushuang said disdainfully, but In a blink of an eye, he said again, "Su Chengyun, why are you talking so fast? Since Jin Yutong has started, one day he will reveal the matter. Why did you come up with this?"

"Hehe, who told them to make me unhappy, since they made me unhappy, then why should I be polite!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Lu Rushuang stared at the words, it was because she was unhappy that she made others unhappy.

There are too many...

Lu Rushuang was speechless.

"Su Chengyun, what nonsense are you talking about? I... When did I like Brother Tianlong?" Xue Hanbing's defense was very weak, very weak, and everyone could see the blush on her face.

"Hehe, I didn't say anything nonsense, Jin Yutong said it all!" Su Chengyun said.

"Su Chengyun, when did I say such a thing? Don't slander me!" Jin Yutong quit. She didn't say it clearly. Although she really wanted to say it, didn't she say it yet?

"Jin Yutong, every word you said has the same meaning. If you don't believe me, you can spread your words and let people outside comment to see if I understand correctly!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, " Hey, Jin Yutong, you are born as a maid, what kind of speech do you imitate Miss Da, keep half of what you say, how uncomfortable it is for people to see, why don't you just say it frankly!"

"Su Chengyun, you..."

"Hehe, Jin Yutong, you can also ask Hai Tianlong to see how he understands your words!" Su Chengyun suggested again.

Jin Yutong's eyes rolled when he heard this.Her words were indeed very plain. If Hai Tianlong came, she would definitely think like Su Chengyun did. If she took the opportunity to accept Xue Hanbing, then her goal would have been achieved.

Hearing this, Xue Hanbing glanced at Su Chengyun who made the proposal, and lowered his head slightly.

But Xue Hanqing frowned even tighter.

"You two, my sister is still an unmarried woman, please be merciful!" Xue Hanqing looked at Su Chengyun and Jin Yutong and said.

"Hey, Xue Hanqing, I think what Su Chengyun said is right, let's find the young master, and let the young master come and judge!" Jin Yutong said with a smile.

"Brother Hai is so busy every day, how can we have time to take care of these small things, let's not bother Brother Hai!" Xue Hanqing directly refused, and looked at Su Chengyun, "Su Chengyun, please help me My child is blessed, don't talk about my sister anymore!"


Threatening her?
Su Chengyun's eyes became cold: "Xue Hanqing, don't you think you came here by yourself? I didn't call you, and I didn't provoke you. You ran over and told me, especially Xue Hanbing, That's not something a good girl with a tutor would do. Why, you are only allowed to talk about me, and I am not allowed to talk about you! Besides, isn't what I said the truth? How dare you swear that your sister Xue Hanbing doesn't like Hai Tianlong?" Su Chengyun stared into Xue Hanqing's eyes and said, "I swear that if Xue Hanbing doesn't like Hai Tianlong, then you'd better not have children for the rest of your life!"

"Su Chengyun, why are you so vicious that you cursed your sister for not having children?" Xue Hanbing yelled at Su Chengyun.

"Hehe, it was your elder sister who was talking about my child just now. Since you like to talk about my child, why don't I let you go?" She was unbearable.

"You..." Xue Hanbing pointed at Su Chengyun and didn't know what to say.

Su Chengyun looked at Xue Hanbing with a smile: "Xue Hanbing, a good girl doesn't always point her finger at others, it's very impolite, you know that?"

"It's up to you!" Xue Hanbing roared.

"Xue Hanbing, do you know what happens to those who point their fingers at me? They either lose their hands or their lives, which one do you want?" Su Chengyun stared at Xue Hanbing with cold eyes, and a flash of coldness flashed across his eyes.

"You...are you scaring me?" Xue Hanbing's heart skipped a beat, but he still held his head up in a calm manner.

"Su Chengyun, why do you scare a little girl!" Xue Hanqing stood in front of Xue Hanbing.

"Hehe, I'm trying to scare you. You should know that I, Su Chengyun, never provoke others, but if others insist on provoking me, I will not show mercy." Su Chengyun stared into Xue Hanbing's eyes and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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