Chapter 390

"Sister, don't worry about it, I don't believe it. She, Su Chengyun, dares to do something in Brother Tianlong's territory? Are people in Lanling Continent so confident?" Xue Hanbing pushed Xue Hanqing, stood in front, and glared at Su Chengyun. cloud.

"Hehe, Brother Tianlong, Brother Tianlong?" Su Chengyun laughed, "Xue Hanbing, you still say you don't like Hai Tianlong!"

Xue Hanbing's face changed, but then he said: "Su Chengyun, my name is Brother Tianlong, and Brother Tianlong allowed it!"

"Really?" A smile flashed across Su Chengyun's eyes, as if mocking Xue Hanbing.

"Su Chengyun, forget about today's matter. Since you don't want to deal with us, we don't want to deal with you either. I hope you don't ask for our day!" Xue Hanqing said lightly.

"Hehe, don't worry, there won't be such a day!" Su Chengyun smiled happily, she didn't believe that Xue Hanqing would give up so easily.

"Sister..." Xue Hanbing tugged at Xue Hanqing's sleeve.

"Bing'er, let's go!" Xue Hanqing was about to walk towards the compound, but was stopped by Jin Yutong.

"Xue Hanqing, it's rare for everyone to get together today, why don't you chat more!" Jin Yutong said with a smile, "I heard that a few days ago, Xue Hanbing and the young master proposed to give the child born by Su Chengyun to you to raise! Is there such a thing?" Jin Yutong asked curiously.

Xue Hanqing's expression darkened when he heard the words: "Jin Yutong, get out of the way, I want to go back!"

"Xue Hanqing, haven't we finished talking yet? Hehe, your sister is really planning for you. When the child is brought to you, the young master doesn't go to see the child every day, no...see you. Hehe, Xue Hanqing, don't you also I want to go along with your sister's suggestion, you can see the young master often, I don't think you will refuse, maybe the young master will let you move to his yard as soon as he is happy, no matter how hard you work, being a real mistress Is it an easy thing too?" Jin Yutong said with a smile, ignoring Xue Hanqing's gloomy face.

"Jin Yutong, have you said enough? I never thought of it like this. If I want a child, I won't have it myself. I won't raise someone else's child!" Xue Hanqing said coldly.

"Hey, you have to be able to give birth!" Jin Yutong was not frightened by Xue Hanqing's cold face, and said with a smile, "Xue Hanqing, you have been with the young master for the longest time, and you haven't conceived a child for such a long time , maybe there is something wrong with your body, maybe you won’t be able to conceive for the rest of your life! This opportunity is very good, anyway, the young master likes the child in Su Chengyun’s womb, so if you take it, the benefits will be great!” Jin Yutong was lobbying.

"Su Chengyun, I don't understand why Jin Yutong always encourages Xue Hanqing to adopt your child?" Lu Rushuang asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, pave the way for yourself!" Su Chengyun said, "None of Hai Tianlong's women have conceived a child. If Xue Hanqing has a child under him, then other people have reason to ask to conceive a child!" Su Chengyun said, but she was still looking at other things in her heart. In Jin Yutong's heart, Hai Tianlong cherished the child in her belly very much. If something happened to the child in Xue Hanqing's hands, Xue Hanqing would suffer a terrible situation. It is conceivable that only when Xue Hanqing falls, will Jin Yutong have a chance to advance one step higher.

Thinking of this, Su Chengyun's eyes narrowed slightly, Jin Yutong was trying to trick her child, and viciously wanted to use her child to restrain Xue Hanqing.

It's... really unforgivable!
And Jin Yutong didn't seem to care what Su Chengyun was thinking, and looked at Su Chengyun without fear of death and asked: "Su Chengyun, you are from the Lanling Continent with a low status. For your child's future, you It's also Lexijin who handed over the child to Xue Hanqing."

Su Chengyun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and tilted his head to look at Jin Yutong and said, "Jin Yutong, it's not your fault that you can't have a baby, but you absolutely shouldn't think about my child!"

Speaking of this, Su Chengyun's eyes became extremely condensed, and Jin Yutong was taken aback, but she quickly realized that she was terrified and annoyed at the moment just now. She was just an outsider, and she was actually scared just now.

Jin Yutong felt that the women around her were laughing at her, and her strong self-esteem made her stare at Su Chengyun fiercely: "Huh, Su Chengyun, Xue Hanqing raising your child is for your face, don't toast if you don't eat and punish her." Jiu, let me tell you, here, as long as the young master's woman is not as disobedient as you, do you know the consequences of disobedience? Hmph, even if we dispose of you, the young master will not say a word. The young master can No matter what happens in our courtyard!"

threaten her?

Su Chengyun looked at Jin Yutong coldly: "Hehe, why should I give you face, how many gold coins is your face worth? Also, you can't deal with me if you want, you are not qualified for me! "

Su Chengyun's arrogance seemed to set off a storm, Jin Yutong looked at Su Chengyun in disbelief: "Unruly! Su Chengyun, arrogant people usually die very early!"

"Oh? Really?" The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly, "Jin Yutong, it's not that arrogant people die early, but that people who like to make trouble are more likely to kick the iron plate!"

"Haha, Su Chengyun, you actually call yourself a tough guy? Haha, I'm dying of laughter. When will outsiders become tough guys? It really makes us laugh!" Jin Yutong laughed loudly, as if Su Chengyun What a joke.

"Hehe, I said yes, it's really unwise for you to mess with me! Not to mention trying to hurt my child, anyone who dares to hurt my child will die!" Su Chengyun said coldly.

"Su Chengyun, I want to see how you let me die! Hmph, you are so arrogant, I really owe you a lesson, I will discipline you for the young master today!" After Jin Yutong finished speaking, he rushed towards Su Chengyun.

"Sister, won't you stop?" Xue Hanbing asked Xue Hanqing beside her.

Xue Hanqing shook her head lightly: "Let Jin Yutong test Su Chengyun's depth! I also want to see what Su Chengyun relies on!"

"En!" Xue Hanbing nodded.

Seeing Jin Yutong rushing over, the little maid, Xiaoyu hurriedly stood in front of her: "Miss Jin, don't! Master will be angry!"

"Whether Su Chengyun is angry or not is none of my business!" Jin Yutong sneered.

"It's not Miss Su, I'm talking about the master!" Xiaoyu shouted.

"What? Young Master?" Jin Yutong raised his eyebrows, "Hmph, I don't believe that Young Master would embarrass me for an outsider!"

Jin Yutong kept moving, while Xiaoyu stood in front of him firmly: "Miss Jin, don't!"

"Get out of the way!" Jin Yutong pushed Xiaoyu aside.

"Golden girl!" Xiaoyu staggered and continued to stop her.

"Xiaoyu, you are looking for death!" Seeing Xiaoyu persistently blocking her, Jin Yutong couldn't help but get angry, and was about to chop off with one palm, but who knew that she would chop off, only to see a figure flash past in front of her.


(End of this chapter)

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