Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 395 The Murderer

Chapter 395 The Murderer
Hai Tianlong thought for a moment, and finally said: "Bing'er, come here, I probably guess what kind of poison you have been poisoned, but I must use your blood to confirm it!"

"Oh!" Xue Hanbing obediently stepped forward, allowing Hai Tianlong to take a drop of blood from her finger.

Hai Tianlong studied for a while and said: "Bing'er, have you ever drunk a kind of tea called Xiangsong!"

"No!" Xue Hanbing thought for a while and shook his head.

"Bing'er, think again!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Brother Tianlong, I have never liked drinking tea. I drink more boiled water on weekdays!" Xue Hanbing said.

"Hai Tianlong, tell her the characteristics of the fragrant pine!" Su Chengyun said, it is impossible for Hai Tianlong to make a wrong judgment, and the only explanation is that Xue Hanbing didn't know that he was drinking fragrant pine.

"By the way, Xiangsong tastes sweet, a bit like the sweet water your little girls drink!" Hai Tianlong said.

Xue Hanbing froze when he heard this.

Sweet, like sweet water?

"Bing'er, do you remember where you drank?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"I...I..." There was a trace of panic in Xue Hanbing's eyes.

"Bing'er, tell me!" Hai Tianlong stared at Xue Hanbing and asked.

Xue Hanbing bit her lip for a long time, and finally had no choice but to say under Hai Tianlong's oppression: "I... I drank sweet water at my sister's place!"

"Xue Hanqing?" Hai Tianlong frowned tightly.

"My sister said some time ago that she found a delicious sweet water and invited me to drink it. I like it very much after drinking it, so every time I come here, my sister will prepare it for me!" Xue Hanbing echoed, "However, my sister drank it too. !"

"Bing'er, have you ever seen a bright red flower before drinking the fragrant pine, it is so bright!" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Ah..." Xue Hanbing was stunned.

"Have you seen it?" Hai Tianlong asked.

Xue Hanbing came back to his senses, and replied sullenly: "There is a big red flower growing in my sister's backyard!"

"Are there two big flowers blooming in that flower, with a very faint fragrance that can only be smelled when you get close?" Hai Tianlong asked.

Xue Hanbing nodded, with tears in his eyes: "That's right! Brother Tianlong, do you suspect that my sister poisoned me? But my sister also drank the fragrant pine?"

"Bing'er, it's fine to only drink the fragrant pine, but if you drink the fragrant pine within a quarter of an hour after smelling the big red flower, it will become poisonous!" Hai Tianlong shook his head and said, "Bing'er, think about it, Did your sister smell the big red flower within a quarter of an hour when she drank the pine?" Hai Tianlong reminded.

Xue Hanbing thought about it carefully.

"Sister, don't you want to drink? It's so sweet!"

"I'm not thirsty yet, Bing'er drinks first!"


"Sister, let's go see flowers together!"

"Today I have a headache and I don't want to go for a hair dryer. Bing'er can go alone. I'll prepare your favorite sweet water for you!"


"Sister, let's move out the tables and chairs and watch the flowers drink sweet water, shall we?"

"No, there are bugs in the backyard, I'm afraid that falling into the sweet water will affect my mood!"

"Sister, no!"

"Bing'er likes to go alone!"


One by one, things gradually came back to memory, and Xue Hanbing's face became paler and paler.

"Why? Why?" she murmured in pain.

"Is it really Xue Hanqing?" Hai Tianlong gritted his teeth and asked.

"Brother Tianlong..." Xue Hanbing yelled in a daze, "Maybe my sister didn't do it on purpose, maybe my sister didn't know that these two kinds are poisonous together!"

"Hmph, is it intentional? I'll know the pulse for her!" After Hai Tianlong finished speaking, he strode towards the compound.

"Brother Tianlong, brother Tianlong..." Xue Hanbing yelled twice, but did not call Hai Tianlong back, so he put down his hand dejectedly, and said in frustration, "Why, why? Why did my sister want to kill me?"

Seeing this, Su Chengyun shook his head: "Xue Hanbing, wake up! Can't you see what your sister means? She knows that she can't stop you from following Hai Tianlong, but she doesn't want you to be pregnant with Hai Tianlong's child, so It's better to strike first!"

"Ah... no, Su Chengyun, you are talking nonsense!" Xue Hanbing bit her lip and stared at Su Chengyun.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? In fact, you already have the answer in your heart, but you just don't want to admit it! If you sisters serve a husband together, it is enough for people to laugh at you. If you gave birth to a child, but Xue Hanqing never gave birth, then the one who is laughed at is Only your sister, who has such a strong self-esteem, will allow such a thing to happen?" Su Chengyun hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Besides, it's the best time for you to strike now, if you wait for you to follow Hai Tianlong, Then there must be a lot of people paying attention to your sister, and it will be difficult for her to attack at that time, and she will be easily discovered by others!" Su Chengyun analyzed.

"But, if I'm pregnant with brother Tianlong's child, shouldn't my sister be happy? At worst, I'll have two, and I'll raise one for her!" Xue Hanbing said.

"Hehe, Xue Hanbing, you are still young, you won't have such naive thoughts when you become a mother." Su Chengyun said, "A child is a mother's treasure, and a mother will not be willing to give away her child Yes! Moreover, other people's children are not as good as your own children, even if you are sisters, you are not as good as your own children!"


"Xue Hanbing, what Xue Hanqing wants is her own and Hai Tianlong's child, not your child! Further guessing, if all women can't conceive Hai Tianlong's child, and she is the only one who can conceive, then she will It's the invisible mistress!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah... Su Chengyun, do you mean that the women in the compound were all poisoned by their elder sister, so they couldn't conceive Brother Tianlong's child?" Xue Hanbing's eyes widened in surprise. Terrible.

"Hehe, your sister doesn't have that much energy yet. If Hai Tianlong finds out that she is the only one intact, she will be considered a murderer if she is not a murderer. So it is impossible for your sister to foolishly poison all women!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Then Su Chengyun, what did you mean just now?" Xue Hanbing was a little confused.

"Hehe, Xue Hanbing, do you think the women in that compound are very simple? Even if your sister doesn't do it, other people will. So, your sister just needs to push from behind, and it's the women who are more unlucky!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah... no way?" Xue Hanbing didn't believe it.

"Xue Hanbing, you underestimate the war between women too much. The fight in that compound is no less than a battlefield. Sometimes it is scary for a woman to be ruthless for a man!" Su Chengyun sighed, the drama of Gongdou is exciting at any time .

(End of this chapter)

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