Chapter 396
"Impossible, impossible, I don't believe it!" Xue Hanbing shook his head and said.

"Xue Hanbing, you can see the facts clearly today, and see clearly that the life in that compound is really what you want?"

"Su Chengyun, don't you want me to follow Brother Tianlong, so you made up these things to scare me?" Xue Hanbing asked for a reason.

"Hehe, what do you have to do with Hai Tianlong and me? Hai Tianlong is not mine. In the eyes of my man, I am the only one around me. He will treat me well all his life and will never contaminate other people. woman!" Su Chengyun said thinking about Mo Qiling.

Xue Hanbing was flickered by Su Chengyun's soft eyes, and said: "But, you are already pregnant with Brother Tianlong's child?"

"Xue Hanbing, I have said long ago that this child is not Hai Tianlong's at all, you just didn't believe it! My child's father is the best man in the world. Compared with him, Hai Tianlong is far behind!" Su Chengyun laughed on the road.

"Hey, is there a better man than Brother Tianlong?" Xue Hanbing asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, maybe in your opinion, a man who is strong, powerful and good-looking is a good man, but in my opinion, only a man who is responsible for his own woman is a good man! Like Hai Tianlong, who has a dark history and is abusive. Such a man, in my opinion, is the worst man!" Su Chengyun said.

"No, brother Tianlong is very good to his women!" Xue Hanbing argued.

"That's because you have never seen a man who is really nice to a woman!" Su Chengyun said, "Xue Hanbing, I have a suggestion for you. You are still young and you are not in a hurry to get married. You can use your heart to see what you want. What kind of man is he? To be honest, Hai Tianlong is really not suitable for you. Just because you didn't push me down the pond proves that you are still a kind girl in your heart. Hai Tianlong's compound is a big dyeing workshop. Everyone who enters will change, but some people have sublimated, and some people have turned black! Xue Hanbing, do you really want to become one of the women in that compound?"


"Hehe, it seems that you don't hit the south wall and don't look back! It's no wonder that you have been secretly in love with Hai Tianlong for so long, and you suddenly told you to give up, you must not be convinced!" Su Chengyun said, "Let's go, let's go and see the big girl." The courtyard is bustling, let you take a good look at it!"


"What? Afraid? You dare not face it?" Su Chengyun's mouth slightly raised.

"Who...who said I was scared?" Xue Hanbing raised his head, "Just go!"

The two walked towards the compound, and met Xiaoyu who was looking for them on the way, and the three of them walked forward together.

From a distance, Hai Tianlong's angry voice was heard, as well as the voice of a woman crying.

Xue Hanbing's footsteps suddenly paused.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun said: "Xue Hanbing, if you can't even face this, then how can you be Hai Tianlong's woman?"

"Who said I dare not face it!" Xue Hanbing pretended to be calm and walked towards the compound.

I saw women kneeling on the ground one by one, while Hai Tianlong was sitting, and the stone table next to him had been cracked into several pieces.

This anger is big enough.

Su Chengyun shook his head.

When Hai Tianlong saw Su Chengyun and Xue Hanbing coming in, he frowned slightly: "Why are you here?"

"Can't you come and see the fun?" Su Chengyun said.

Hai Tianlong's eyes were fixed, and he stared at Xiaoyu and said, "You still don't want to bring the stool?"

Xiaoyu Deling quickly moved a stool covered with soft fur of monsters. Su Chengyun smiled and sat on it.

And Xue Hanbing stood beside Hai Tianlong, looking at the women kneeling on the ground, but when she saw her sister, she couldn't help biting her lips.

"Sister, what did you do wrong, why did you kneel on the ground?" Xue Hanbing's tone was full of joy and anger.

Xue Hanqing glanced at Xue Hanbing, but did not speak.

But Hai Tianlong said angrily: "Bing'er, you've figured out your poison, it was your sister who did it!"

Xue Hanqing didn't expect Hai Tianlong to say it so straightforwardly without giving her face, and couldn't help being a little unbelievable.

Although he had expected it in his heart, Xue Hanbing still felt pain in his heart when he heard Hai Tianlong's words with certainty: "Sister, why did you do this? I'm still so young, how can you bear the heart that I won't be able to conceive a child again in the future! "

Xue Hanqing opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Seeing this, Xue Hanbing was even more disappointed.

"Hai Tianlong, since Xue Hanqing did it alone, why do you have to punish other women?" Su Chengyun said.

"Hmph, that's because no one is wrong to punish them!" Hai Tianlong snorted coldly, "Nearly half of the women here are unable to reproduce, and the other half are more or less poisoned. But it’s all about the severity! When did my home become a concentration camp for poisoning? Well, can you explain to me?” Hai Tianlong stared at the women on the ground.

A woman cried sadly: "Brother Hai, you want to make the decision for me? I was murdered for no reason and couldn't conceive an heir. What should I do after this?"

"And me, Big Brother Hai, you also want to make decisions for me?"

The teacup in Hai Tianlong's hand shattered: "Shut up, don't think that you can cry because you can't conceive a child, don't think that I don't know how dark your hearts are, I don't believe that you are all clean and white in these things!"

"Brother Hai..."

"I'm asking the guards to investigate. You wait quietly for me. When I find out the results, you can clean up as you want. Don't think I will show mercy!" Hai Tianlong said.

The women fell silent.

Hai Tianlong glanced at Su Chengyun, then looked at Xiaoyu: "Didn't you go to get food for Su Chengyun? Why are you empty-handed?"

"Master..." Seeing Hai Tianlong's unfriendly tone, Xiaoyu became frightened.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Hai Tianlong, don't scare Xiaoyu, I put away the things!"

Hearing this, Xiaoyu quickly brought a table, Su Chengyun waved his hand, and all kinds of snacks and snacks arrived on the table.

Xiaoyu poured hot tea for Su Chengyun winkingly, and also offered a cup to Hai Tianlong.

Su Chengyun had to admit that Hai Tianlong's subordinates were very powerful, and after a while, guards began to report the situation one after another.

Looking at the evidence presented one by one, Hai Tianlong's face became darker and darker, as if he could drip ink, his whole body exuded a cold aura, as if containing the fury of a storm.

The women kneeling on the ground all trembled, even Xue Hanqing was no exception.

Xue Hanbing was also a little shaky, she didn't expect that this compound was so filthy, and everyone who looked pure, kind and weak turned out to be a guy with a poisonous needle hidden in the cotton. Except for the newcomer Lu Rushuang, the rest of the women were basically Everyone has a lot of criminal records.

(End of this chapter)

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