Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 409 Rumors

Chapter 409 Rumors
Su Chengyun laughed, she guessed that Hai Tianlong would never swallow this resentment, no, as soon as Hai Tianwei left, he began to take revenge.

"Su Chengyun, what are you laughing at?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Hehe, I'm not laughing at anything, I just think this small courtyard is really lively!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Hai Tianlong's face darkened when he heard this.

"Su Chengyun, you should go back and rest!"

"Oh, got it!" Su Chengyun stood up and walked out.

But she kept shaking her head in her heart, this is the trouble of women!

Xiaoyu was silent all the way, Su Chengyun asked curiously when he saw this: "Xiaoyu, what's the matter, are you scared?"

Xiaoyu seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "No, I just can't figure out why those women would betray the master so boldly, aren't they afraid of the master's anger?"

"Hehe, Xiaoyu, in this world, many people are lucky, such as those women, since they know that Hai Tianlong has many women, they should have been mentally prepared to guard their loneliness, but they are obviously tall. You underestimated yourself and didn't hold on to it, so you betrayed your master! However, they will also pay the price for what they did. Your master is not a person to be provoked in his bones, not to mention how embarrassing it is Therefore, the moment they betrayed your master, their fate was doomed! What kind of talk about a husband and wife for a day, a hundred days of kindness, will not work for your master!"

"But, wasn't that Hu Jiaoer taken away by the young master?" Xiao Yu asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, Xiaoyu, haven't you noticed that Hu Jiaoer is just a prop for Haitianwei to fight against your master, do you really care about Hu Jiaoer when Hai Tianwei does?" Su Chengyun shook his head and said, Hai Tianwei The look in the woman's eyes looks real, but it's really fake.

It can be seen that in the minds of Hai Tianwei and Hai Tianlong, women are really nothing.But Hai Tianlong is better, at least he doesn't use women to fight, but Hai Tianwei has no bottom line, and he hits women. It seems that he is more shameless than Hai Tianlong, and he doesn't seem to care about this.

"But, didn't Hu Jiao Er give birth to a son for Eldest Young Master?" Xiao Yu asked, with a son, Eldest Young Master would at least protect Hu Jiao Er.

"Hehe, what is a son? Your young master is also a monk. The life of a monk is longer than that of ordinary people. If you want a son, you can find another life later. There is no need to ask your master's woman to give birth to him!" Su Chengyun said. .

"Isn't that child already born?"

"So what if he was born, that child's status is so dishonorable, you thought Hai Tianwei would announce the existence of this child to the world!" Su Chengyun shook his head and sighed, Hai Tianwei is not that stupid.

"Ah... Eldest Young Master..."

"Hehe, don't worry, your young master will not even kill his own children, at most throw them to others to raise!" Su Chengyun said.

This is just her guess, but it is not ruled out that Hailianwei is unwilling to hit Hai Tianlong.

"Okay, anyway, some of your overseas women will disappear, let's not talk about them, I'm going back to sleep for a while!" Su Chengyun was also tired today, so he returned to his small courtyard and walked towards the room.

"Miss Su, rest first, and I'll call you after dinner!" Xiaoyu said.


In fact, Su Chengyun didn't fall asleep, but came to the space, and she started to practice in it. The closer she was to the birth of the child, the more urgency she felt in her heart.

Fortunately, Mr. Ming Yi left, so she has no worries.

It's time to plan well.

Hai Tianlong seemed tired of seeing the woman in the courtyard, and sent everyone away quickly in the next two days, even Lu Rushuang was moved to another place, and the big courtyard over there was suddenly empty down.

Hai Tianlong and these women were sent back to the family, no matter how secretive they were, they couldn't stop the news from leaking out, and many people were guessing what happened.

What made Su Chengyun speechless was that many people guessed that Hai Tianlong sent all those women away because of her.

When Su Chengyun heard the news, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of water, which was too outrageous.

She was pushed to the cusp of the storm, fortunately there was Hai Tianlong shaking in Haiyunzong, no one dared to trouble her, and fortunately this is the inner courtyard of the deep house, so much news from outside could not come in.

She overheard some of her servants discussing the news when she was walking, and finally asked Xiaoyu by force.

Otherwise, Su Chengyun would not know how famous her reputation is now.

Why did Jin Yutong cause trouble for her, Hai Tianlong became so angry that he became a concubine, not only disposed of Jin Yutong, but also disposed of all the women in the compound.

This misunderstanding is really big!
Su Chengyun is now extremely sure that someone is manipulating all this behind the scenes.

And not long after those women were sent back, several accidents happened, and they all died of accidents!

Although it was an accident, it is intriguing to have an accident at this juncture.

Many people speculated that she did it because she was afraid that these women would come back again.

Su Chengyun was a little dumbfounded, did she really want to take action against them?
It's unforgivable that those people have never seen her, and they just choreographed her like this.

And Hai Tianlong seemed to have received the news a long time ago, he didn't explain anything, he just suppressed some people forcefully.

However, this attitude makes people feel that Hai Tianlong is supporting her, and more people believe that she is the murderer.

"Miss Su, you are so wronged!" Xiao Yu complained for Su Chengyun. Miss Su never disdained those women, so there was no need to harm them.

However, Xiaoyu knew that her master must have dealt with those people, so she didn't dare to bring out her master and say that her master was wrong.

"Xiaoyu, I'm not angry, why are you angry!" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"Miss Su, you can still laugh! Those people outside just talk nonsense without knowing anything. Miss Su is such a good person, but they are so ruthless in their arrangement!" Xiaoyu said angrily, in fact, there were still people cursing Miss Su's child, but Xiaoyu didn't dare to say it.Although Miss Su doesn't really care about anything, she does care about the child in her womb. If she knows that people outside say such vicious things to her child, Miss Su will definitely be angry, very angry.

Although she couldn't see through Miss Su's strength, she knew she was very strong, so she was afraid that Miss Su would go to those people to settle accounts on the spot when she was angry.

If she makes Miss Su angry because of her wrong words, the master will definitely not let her go easily.

(End of this chapter)

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