Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 410 News

Chapter 410 News
Of course, Xiaoyu has already told Hai Tianlong through Aunt Fat that Su Chengyun already knew the rumors outside.

Hai Tianlong came that night.

"Su Chengyun, you already know?" Hai Tianlong asked straight to the point.

"Well, I know everything I need to know!" Su Chengyun said.

"I didn't think carefully enough to give them a chance to target you!" Hai Tianlong said apologetically.

"They?" Su Chengyun was puzzled.

"Su Chengyun, you are from Lanling Continent. We overseas people look down on people from Lanling Continent. If I bring you back, many people have already expressed their opinions, and I let you live here. It caused dissatisfaction among many people!"

"Hehe, it should be your handling of family affairs that gave them a chance to target me?" Su Chengyun said.

"That's right, I didn't expect them to use this opportunity to target you at first!" Hai Tianlong said, "Su Chengyun, don't worry, I will calm this matter down as soon as possible!"

"Is it that easy? They probably want me to leave here, or make me disappear?" Su Chengyun said.

"They dare?" Hai Tianlong said angrily when he heard this.

"Hehe, what are they afraid of? Hai Tianlong, you are the heir of Haiyunzong, but you just treat me, a woman from Lanling Continent, well. Do you think they will take it seriously?" They are all worried about whether Hai Tianlong will fall in love with her, so let's do some irrational things for her.

And the child in her womb, I am afraid that most people will think it is Hai Tianlong's child, even if Hai Tianlong explained, but there are a few who believe it, which man would be so good to a woman who is pregnant with someone else's child.

And Hai Tianlong is now driving all the women in that compound back home mercilessly. Unreasonable people will naturally pull on her. Now, presumably they will no longer worry about Hai Tianlong, the heir.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun, Hai Tianwei must be playing tricks behind his back, I won't let him go!" Hai Tianlong frowned.

"Hai Tianlong, does your dear elder brother seem to have a lot of energy?" Su Chengyun joked, with such an opponent, it seems that Hai Tianlong is also working hard.

"Su Chengyun, don't stay too far away from this courtyard recently, I'm afraid there will be paranoid people in the sect who will harm you!" Hai Tianlong confessed.

"Well, I see, I will at most be active nearby!" Su Chengyun said.

"Okay, get some rest early!" Hai Tianlong bid farewell and left.

The next day, Su Chengyun went out for a walk as usual, but when she passed a maid sweeping the floor, an inconspicuous little ornament on the maid caught her attention.

"Xiaoyu, the weather is a bit cold, go and help me get the cloak!" Su Chengyun said to Xiaoyu who was following him.

"But, Miss Su, the master told me not to leave every step!" Xiaoyu refused to leave, Hai Tianlong had repeatedly explained it last night.

"Forget it, there's a gazebo over there, let's sit there!" Su Chengyun pointed to the gazebo in front of him.

"Miss Su, Miss Xiaoyu, the gazebo hasn't been cleaned yet, please wait a moment!" The little maid who swept the floor hurriedly said.

"Then you go!" Xiaoyu said.

"Yes!" The little maid walked towards the gazebo.

Seeing that the little maid was about to clean up, Su Chengyun stepped forward.

"Miss Su, I'll help you!" Xiao Yu helped Su Chengyun up.

"Just two steps, I can walk by myself, Xiaoyu, I don't even have the strength to walk two steps!" Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head.

Xiaoyu looked at the distance from here to the gazebo, and nodded: "Miss Su, slow down! I'll go and serve some snacks first!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun nodded.

Xiaoyu went to the gazebo to set up snacks, while Su Chengyun walked slowly towards the gazebo.

The little maid who swept the floor also happened to leave from the gazebo, and the moment she passed by Su Chengyun, she quickly stuffed a ball of paper to Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun quickly threw the paper into the ring, and walked towards the pavilion without stopping, as if nothing happened.

After resting in the gazebo for half an hour, Su Chengyun got up and walked outside.

"Miss Su, where else are you going?" Xiaoyu said, "It's a bit cold today, if Miss Su has no special place to go, go back and rest first!" Xiaoyu suggested.

Su Chengyun looked at the sky: "Well, it's not early today, let's go back now!"

Soon after returning to her room, Su Chengyun took Xiaoyu out, took out the ball of paper that the little maid gave her, and looked at it.

It turned out to be the message from Mr. Mingyi. Mr. Mingyi said that he had gone out for a trip, and told Su Chengyun to do whatever he wanted, but he must put his own safety first.

Mr. Ming Yi also said that he already has a channel to send news to Lanling Continent, and will send their news back.

After reading it, Su Chengyun threw the paper back into the ring, and Fang began to think seriously.

Send news back to Lanling Continent?

It really surprised her that Mr. Ming Yi found the channel so quickly!

However, Su Chengyun doesn't really want to hear the news from there. His parents will definitely come over as soon as possible after they know about it, and since Hai Tianlong is so strong here, and there is such a powerful force as the Haiyun Sect, even if his parents come here Not Hai Tianlong's opponent.

I wanted to reply to Mr. Ming Yi's letter, but thinking of the little maid just now, Su Chengyun gave up again.

Mr. Ming Yi is not likely to buy off the sweeping maid next to Hai Tianlong so quickly, so that maid is probably the eyeliner of Qing Yunzong or Qing Yu'er.

These great sects only saw that mutual eyeliner is not a secret thing, even in the Lanling Continent, many families and forces have other people's eyeliner, not to mention the powerful Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong.

Qing Yuer?
Su Chengyun gave up without even thinking about it. Although Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong are two sects, these two sects have been connected since ancient times. For her to offend the future helm of Hai Yunzong.

"Miss Su, the food is ready!" Xiaoyu knocked on the door and said.

"Okay, I'll go out right away!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Aunt Fat, you're here too!" Su Chengyun smiled and looked at Aunt Fat who rarely appeared. It seemed that the affairs of those women in Su Chengyun had been settled, otherwise Aunt Fat would not be idle.

"Hehe, Miss Su, I will take care of you wholeheartedly from now on. You will be growing up this month, and now is the most critical moment. You can't just have two little girls by your side!" Fat Aunt said with a smile.

"That's good, I feel at ease with Aunt Fat here!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Hehe, it seems that Hai Tianlong didn't relax his guard on her. The closer it was to the last moment, the more cautious Hai Tianlong was.

Fat aunt?

Naturally, they are the people Hai Tianlong sent by her side on the bright side, how many people are there secretly?
(End of this chapter)

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