Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 413 Doubt

Chapter 413 Doubt

"Su Chengyun, are you okay?" Seeing that the guards had gone out to arrest Lin Xing, Hai Tianlong turned his head and asked.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I'm fine, fortunately you're here, otherwise Lin Xing wouldn't have ran away in a hurry!"

"Why did Lin Xing come here?" Hai Tianlong looked at Su Chengyun and asked strangely.

Su Chengyun shrugged: "How would I know, you should ask Lin Xing about this!" Su Chengyun didn't want to tell Hai Tianlong about Mo Qiling.

"Didn't Lin Xing say anything? And what was it just now? You and Lin Xing just appeared out of nowhere!" Hai Tianlong would not give up easily, Su Chengyun didn't know the truth.

"Hai Tianlong, Lin Xing is far more mysterious than you imagined, and your arrest this time may end without a problem!" Su Chengyun reminded that since Lin Xing dared to come, he had made all the preparations, and he came from the upper realm. , the means are naturally not familiar to Hai Tianlong and the others.If Lin Xing wanted to hide his whereabouts, no one would be able to find him.

However, with the ticking time bomb of Lin Xing by her side, Su Chengyun also felt that her future life would be full of dangers. It seemed that her plan could not be delayed any longer.

Hai Tianlong saw that he could not get the most information from Su Chengyun, so he told Aunt Fat and the others who had heard the news from here and waited outside the door, and left.

"Miss Su, luckily you're fine!" Aunt Fat stepped forward and said, not forgetting to reprimand Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you? You didn't even know you were broken in, and you slept like a pig! "

Xiaoyu was already a little scared because he didn't do his job well, but now he trembled even more when he heard the words.

"Auntie Fat, don't train Xiaoyu. Lin Xing's cultivation base is too high, and it's understandable that Xiaoyu can't detect it!" Su Chengyun said good things for Xiaoyu. During this time, Xiaoyu took care of her with all her heart. .

"Hey, Miss Su, I know that too, but when I think of bad guys coming in, I always feel uneasy, no, I will put a small couch in this room later, and I will stay here from now on!" Aunt Fat road.

"Fat Aunt..." Su Chengyun couldn't laugh or cry, no matter how many people guard here, what's the use, and Lin Xing is not at the same level, Lin Xing wants to hide things that are easy for them.

"Miss Su, you don't need to persuade me, just let me guard here, so I can rest assured!" Fat Aunt said.

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "Hehe, since Aunt Fat insists, then I won't say more!"

"Well, Miss Su, it's still dark today, you can sleep a little longer, I'll stay here tonight!" said the fat aunt, and then glared at Xiaoyu, "Go back to your own room, you have to take care of the girl tomorrow !"

Xiaoyu took a look at Su Chengyun, and said disgruntledly: "Miss Su, then go to bed early, and Xiaoyu will come to serve you tomorrow!"

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded.

Xiaoyu left reluctantly, while the fat aunt supported Su Chengyun to lie down, covered her with the quilt, and then went to the small couch to rest.

Su Chengyun didn't fall asleep, nor could she.

After hearing that the fat aunt had entered a deep sleep, Su Chengyun got up gently and walked in front of the fat aunt.

"Aunt Fat..." Su Chengyun called out, her tone was different from the past, with an ethereal aura.

The fat aunt woke up suddenly and stood up, but her movements were extremely stiff, and there was no look in her eyes.

"What's your order?" The fat aunt's voice sounded like a machine without a soul.

"Fat Aunt, what are the forces of Hai Tianlong?" Su Chengyun asked.

The fat aunt heard the words and started talking without thinking, as if a machine was repeating some information.

After the fat aunt finished speaking, Su Chengyun asked several more questions before stopping.

"Okay, go to sleep!" Su Chengyun said.

"Yes!" The fat aunt ordered, and quickly lay down and closed her eyes.

Su Chengyun walked towards the inside lightly, but he was not thinking in his heart.

Aunt Fat is Hai Tianlong's most capable assistant, and the information she provided cannot be false, so Hai Tianlong's influence is quite strong.

Hey, it seems to be a very troublesome thing to escape.

Originally, he thought that he would be safe for the time being by fleeing into the sea, but now after listening to the fat aunt about Hai Tianlong's strength, he realized that even in the sea, Hai Tianlong still has a way to find her out.

No, I have to think of a way in these two days.

Su Chengyun tossed and turned, and finally fell asleep.

On the second day, the fat aunt almost fell to the ground after getting up: "It's strange, what's wrong with me, why does my head feel heavy?" The fat aunt held her head in doubt.

Su Chengyun said: "Fat Aunt, it may be because you are not used to sleeping on a small couch. If so, you don't want to come tonight. If you give Fat Aunt a headache every day, it is my fault!" Su Chengyun Yun said so, but she didn't think so in her heart. She knew better than anyone why Aunt Fat had a headache. It was because the medicine she gave Aunt Fat on that small island had taken effect. Obtaining information unknowingly is also the reason for that medicine.

Although there are simpler medicines, Hai Tianlong is a master of medicine. If Su Chengyun wants to give medicine to the people around him, he must be very particular about the medicine he uses.

And the medicine that Fat Aunt took will not show up after taking it, even if Hai Tianlong takes the pulse, he will not find it.And the medicine has to be ambushed in the body for about two months before it can take effect, because the power of the medicine slowly penetrates and finally merges with the body, so even if Hai Tianlong feels the pulse of Fat Aunt now, if he didn't know the existence of the medicine in advance, it would be very difficult. It's hard to notice.

Although doing this is a bit unreasonable to Fat Aunt, but now she is just fish on the chopping board, so what are you still worried about so much?
"Miss Su, I'll get used to it soon. Maybe it's because the couch is too small. I'll find someone to change to a bigger couch!" Aunt Fat hurriedly said.

"As you please!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hehe, Miss Su, I'll go see if their breakfast is ready!" Fat Aunt finished speaking and went out with a smile.

Su Chengyun smiled and shook his head.

During breakfast, Su Chengyun unexpectedly saw Hai Tianlong sitting there, waiting for her to eat.

"Hey, why are you here?" Hai Tianlong accompanied her to have breakfast, which was really unusual.

Hai Tianlong glanced at Su Chengyun, waved his hand, and let everyone back out.

"Su Chengyun, Lin Xing has run away!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Oh, I already guessed that he won't obediently let you catch him!" Su Chengyun said without any surprise.

"Su Chengyun, how much do you know about Lin Xing?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Hehe, Hai Tianlong, Lin Xing is from overseas, don't you find it ridiculous to ask me a person who has just been here not long ago?" Su Chengyun looked at Hai Tianlong and shook his head with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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