Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 414 Dangerous

Chapter 414 Dangerous
"Su Chengyun, I re-checked Lin Xing's information and found a lot of abnormalities!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Oh, let's hear it!" Su Chengyun said while swallowing a mouthful of porridge, she was indeed hungry.

Seeing this, Hai Tianlong said, "Let's eat first, and I'll tell you after I'm done!" Hai Tianlong also picked up a crystal bag and ate it.

After eating this meal for a quarter of an hour, after the fat aunt and the others cleared the table and served water, Hai Tianlong said: "Su Chengyun, you are right, Lin Xing is very mysterious! The island has been investigated. When Lin Xing was very young, his parents encountered a storm when they went to sea, but they never went back. Lin Xing began to be very lonely for a while. Although he was lonely at that time, he still met the people on the island. I will nod, but I don't know when it started. Everyone gradually discovered that Lin Xing's behavior became secretive. He didn't like living in the previous home. He often went to live in the cave deep in the island. When he saw the islanders, The eyes have also become sharp, not as timid as before!"

"Hai Tianlong, I remember you said that Lin Xing picked up a secret book to cultivate to this point?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Well, that's what he said. At first I thought it was because he was cultivating that the people on the island saw some changes in him. However, my people found out an important piece of information during this investigation. Lin Xing never went to Pay homage to his parents at the grave!" Hai Tianlong said.

"This is really abnormal!" Su Chengyun nodded.

"That's right, Lin Xing used to be a good boy. He went to his parents' grave to cry twice every three days, but he never went there again. If his parents' grave hadn't been taken care of by people on the island, it might have been flooded by weeds Already!" Hai Tianlong said, "Su Chengyun, I suspect that this Lin Xing is not the Lin Xing on the island!" Hai Tianlong finally stated his inference.

"Hai Tianlong, you can't judge him because of such a thing, can you?" Su Chengyun said, "Maybe it's because Lin Xing has become indifferent to family affection after practicing!"

"Hmph, it's okay if you are indifferent, but it's not normal if you see the girl who used to help him fall into the water and remain indifferent!" Hai Tianlong said, "I'm [-]% sure that Lin Xing is fake!"

Su Chengyun sighed, Hai Tianlong's energy was really too great, he deduced that Lin Xing was fake in just one night.

Yes, this Lin Xing is fake, but the body is real.

However, Su Chengyun couldn't tell Hai Tianlong about the upper realm.

"Su Chengyun, I suspect that Lin Xing has other purposes for infiltrating our Haiyun Sect!" Hai Tianlong said, "Su Chengyun, before I went to Lanling Continent, Lin Xing disappeared for a while. Said he lived in the mountains, but my people found out that he had gone to sea.”

"Hehe, you live overseas, so it's not normal to go to sea!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"No... not normal! I synthesized a lot of information, and finally pointed to one point, Lin Xing went to your Lanling Continent!" Hai Tianlong said in a deep voice.

Su Chengyun's eyes opened. Although she had already guessed that Lin Xing might have been to Lanling Continent, but now that Hai Tianlong analyzed it like this, it would be different.

It is probably the first time overseas that he was able to avoid the sight of Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong and go to the Lanling Continent alone.

"Su Chengyun, don't you tell me what Lin Xing wants to do now?" Hai Tianlong stared at Su Chengyun and said, "Su Chengyun, Lin Xing is very dangerous, very dangerous, and I'm not sure I can keep him !"

"Hai Tianlong, Lin Xing wants to take me away. As for the purpose, it's hard to say!" Su Chengyun thought for a while.

Hai Tianlong frowned when he heard the words, thought for a moment and said: "Su Chengyun, I will arrange more people around you, and you should not go out often in the future. Now Lin Xing is hiding in the dark, it is difficult to deal with!"

Su Chengyun nodded.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements! Let the fat aunts stay with you in the future, and you will never leave anyone around you!" Hai Tianlong confessed.

"En!" Su Chengyun nodded.

Only then did Hai Tianlong walk out satisfied.

The days that followed were calm and tense. Fat Aunt and the others might have been severely beaten by Hai Tianlong, and they didn't dare to be careless in serving Su Chengyun, let alone let her leave her side.

That night, after Su Chengyun touched Xiaoyu's hole, he woke up the fat aunt.

"Fat aunt, get me a boat, it must be strong and can withstand wind and waves!" Su Chengyun said.

"Yes!" Fat Aunt replied.

Two days later, the fat aunt completed Su Chengyun's confession. She took Su Chengyun to avoid the guards and others, and came to a small courtyard, and took a boat staying inside into the ring.

"I entrusted my son to bring this boat, so don't worry about the master checking!" The fat aunt said, Su Chengyun felt relieved, put away the boat, and walked back slowly.

Under the cover of the night, the two returned to the room.

Su Chengyun was very happy to get the boat, so he would not be afraid of drifting on the sea.

And counting the time, it's time to implement the plan.

"Master, do you want to use me?" Little Firefinch asked excitedly.

"Well, the little fire bird wants to help me lure Hai Tianlong away!" Su Chengyun said, tapping the little fire bird on the head.

"Well, don't worry, master, I can definitely do it!" The little firefinch flapped its wings and said that it was great.

Su Chengyun said: "Okay, little Huoque, you should recharge your batteries first, and act in the evening!" Su Chengyun directly set the time for action.

"Well, but master, what do you do if I'm not by your side?" Little Huoque asked worriedly.

"Hehe, little Huoque, have you forgotten that I have improved a lot recently?" Su Chengyun asked back.

"However, the master is pregnant with a child now, and he can't fight with other people. It would be bad if the two little masters are hurt!" Little Huoque was still worried about Su Chengyun's side.

"Don't worry, as long as these two little guys are not born, Hai Tianlong will never let me have trouble!" Su Chengyun said with great confidence.

Hai Tianlong will protect her and her children until they realize their value!
"Master, you better not believe everything in Hai Tianlong!" Little Huoque reminded.

"Little Huoque, don't worry, your master is not stupid, he will take care of everything here, so tomorrow night it will be up to you to work hard." Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Well, master, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!" Little Huoque said proudly.

This little tsundere, Su Chengyun smiled and signaled the little Huoque to rest.

After Little Huoque left, Su Chengyun saw that it was still late, so he fell asleep again.

In her dream, she dreamed of Mo Qiling, who was still so handsome and gentle, which eased her longing.

I really miss Mo Qiling!

(End of this chapter)

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