Chapter 416
I only heard a few more "dong dong" sounds from the courtyard, accompanied by the sound of swords and swords intersecting.

Aunt Fat and the others heard it too.

"You guys look after Miss Su, I'll go and have a look!" Aunt Fat said to Xiaoyu Xiaoye and walked out.

But the situation in the courtyard made her open her mouth in surprise.

Su Chengyun looked through the gap in the door, and saw a few men in black fighting with the guards arranged by Hai Tianlong, and some people fell down from time to time.

"Ah..." I saw a man in black barging in, almost knocking down the fat aunt at the door.

"Who are you?" Aunt Fat screamed and asked, while Xiaoyu and Xiaoye tremblingly stood in front of Su Chengyun, stretching out their arms as if to cover her.

"Hey, Aunt Fat!" The man in black sneered, and struck out with a palm. Aunt Fat hurriedly fought back, but unfortunately she was not the man in black's opponent, so she fell down in response.

"Aunt Fat!" Xiaoyu and Xiaoye screamed.

"Hey, it's your turn!" The man in black stepped forward and struck out with two palms. Xiaoyu and Xiaoye were knocked to the ground before they even fought back. Fortunately, they were just unconscious like Aunt Fat.

"Su Chengyun, come with me!" the man in black said.

Su Chengyun frowned: "Let me go with you, but tell me who you are?" Su Chengyun was absolutely sure that this person was not Lin Xing.

"Hmph, you don't have to drink a toast!" Seeing that Su Chengyun was not trembling with fright, the man in black asked him confidently, and immediately became impatient, and wanted to go forward to arrest Su Chengyun.

But suddenly a sword light flashed in the air, and the man in black hurriedly retreated.

Two men in black stepped in from outside, confronting the previous man in black.

"Hey, Su Chengyun, I didn't expect Hai Tianlong to attach so much importance to you, and sent the second of the twelve generals around him to protect you!" the man in black said bitterly.

"Hmph, since you know our identities, you can catch us without a fight!" shouted the two men in black.

"If you want me to catch you without a fight, it's delusion!" The man in black sneered, and shot at the two of them.

Those two are indeed Hai Tianlong's Twelve Generals, their kung fu is very good, the man in black didn't last long before he was taken down by them, the man in black wanted to escape, but the two kept him, he didn't run away become.

"It's you!"

"Are you someone next to the young master?"

The man in black's face was stripped off, and everyone could see his face clearly.

It turned out to be from Haitianwei?

Su Chengyun raised the corners of his eyes, but Hai Tianwei took her away in a chaotic way.

It seems that Hai Tianwei wanted to use her as a weight to fight Hai Tianlong, but Hai Tianwei obviously misjudged the importance Hai Tianlong attached to her, and did not expect that there would be such powerful two people beside her.

"Hmph, we will hand you over to the master!" The two struck out their palms, and the man in black fell to the ground in an instant, and one of them stepped forward and tied up the man in black.

"Miss Su, don't worry, with us here, no one can hurt you!"

haha, really?

Su Chengyun shook her head, because out of the corner of her eye she saw another black shadow quietly appearing behind the two of them.

"Who?" The two seemed alert and asked.

But Heiying didn't answer, but directly pulled out a bamboo tube in his hand, and a strange fragrance wafted in. The two wanted to expel it, but they felt that they had no energy and fell down softly.

Su Chengyun also took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the stool, and lay weakly on the table.

Hei Ying stepped forward and kicked the two people on the ground, then walked in front of Su Chengyun with a sneer.

"Su Chengyun, you will fall into my hands in the end!"

When Hai Tianlong, who was in charge of putting out the fire, heard that Su Chengyun's small courtyard was being attacked, he immediately became angry, handed over the matter to his subordinates, flew up, and headed towards the small courtyard.

"No, it's late!"

Hai Tianlong's heart skipped a beat when he saw the fallen people in the small courtyard, and hurriedly ran towards Su Chengyun's room.

Originally there was still hope, but after seeing the figure lying on the ground in the room, Hai Tianlong could no longer suppress the roar in his heart.

"Who is it? Who is it?" Hai Tianlong roared, and a stream of cold water poured on the face of the second general.

The second general woke up in a daze, and was startled when he saw Hai Tianlong's gloomy face.

"Master, this subordinate has neglected his duty, and Miss Su was kidnapped!" The two immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"Who is it? Who is it?" Hai Tianlong asked angrily.

"The subordinate didn't see clearly and was overwhelmed by the medicine!" said the first general.

"Master, it's Lin Xing!" The other said excitedly, "Master, I've seen those eyes before, they are Lin Xing, they are Lin Xing!"

"Lin Xing..." Hai Tianlong clenched his fist and slammed it on the table beside him, and sawdust flew all at once.

Hai Tianlong didn't care about anything anymore, and when he moved, he had disappeared into the room.

Hai Tianlong searched all the way, ran all the way, and finally came to a hidden place by the sea. He searched around for a while, and finally found a green grass on the shore that looked like it had been trampled down.

It's here!
Hai Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a small boat appeared in the sea, and he jumped onto the boat.

The boat moved forward with the wind, and after traveling for about three miles, finally saw a small boat sailing in front of it from a distance.

The corners of Hai Tianlong's mouth curled up slightly, and he controlled the boat to speed up.

Lin Xing seemed to have noticed the movement behind him, turned his head to look over, and after seeing clearly that it was Hai Tianlong, he snorted coldly, glanced at Su Chengyun who was sleeping on the boat, moved his fingers slightly, and accelerated the speed of the boat.

Seeing Lin Xing speeding up, Hai Tianlong couldn't help speeding up the boat. His boat is the best boat overseas, not comparable to Lin Xing's, but Lin Xing's control is better, and the two are evenly matched.

The two boats passed one after the other like flying arrows, but the boat behind was approaching the boat in front at an inconspicuous speed.

Although Lin Xing had better control, he was very distracted, and was slowly overtaken by Hai Tianlong.

"Lin Xing, return Su Chengyun to me!" Hai Tianlong shouted loudly.

"Hmph, Su Chengyun is in my hands, you think I will return it!" Lin Xing snorted coldly.

"Lin Xing, if you let Su Chengyun go now, I don't have to hold you accountable, but if you persist in your obsession, I will definitely make you lose your foothold overseas!" Hai Tianlong threatened coldly.

"Haha, haha, I, Lin Xing, will cherish your small overseas, even if you give it to me, I don't want it! I want Su Chengyun and Hai Tianlong now, give it up!" Lin Xing laughed replied.

"Lin Xing, let me give up, don't even think about it!" Hai Tianlong shouted, speeding up again.

"It's really a dog's skin plaster!" Lin Xing cursed inwardly, and a ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

He stopped moving forward, but controlled the boat and rushed towards Hai Tianlong.

Hai Tianlong saw that Lin Xing not only didn't run away, but rushed towards him quickly, his expression suddenly turned cold!
(End of this chapter)

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