Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 417 Missing

Chapter 417 Missing
Seeing that the two boats were approaching, Lin Xing kicked his feet, jumped up, and attacked Hai Tianlong with a sneer.

Seeing this, Hai Tianlong snorted coldly, flew up, and charged forward.

The two started a big battle on the sea.

"Master, they are fighting, what should we do?" Little Flamingo asked.

Su Chengyun replied: "Little Huoque, let's wait and see what happens, and find a chance to take me away invisibility!"

"Well, master, I understand!" Little Fire Sparrow replied.

Both Lin Xing and Hai Tianlong are strong, their battles spread far and wide, but both of them are worried about Su Chengyun, no one dares to attack Su Chengyun, but neither dare to stay too far away, Because he was worried that the other party would take the opportunity to take Su Chengyun away.

Therefore, both of them fought nearby, even though they both deliberately avoided Su Chengyun's side, accidents still happened during the battle.

I saw the two palms facing each other in the air, and the powerful impact swept the sea water under their feet to both sides, and the boat that Su Chengyun was on was also affected and turned over all of a sudden.

"Su Chengyun..."

"Su Chengyun..."

Both Hai Tianlong and Lin Xing were shocked by the sudden change, and then they reacted and shouted at the same time.

But there was no reply from Su Chengyun for a long time, the two of them stopped at the same time and walked towards the boat.

The boat turned over, and there was no shadow of Su Chengyun.

Hai Tianlong glared at Lin Xing angrily, and jumped into the sea with a plop to search for it.

Not to be outdone, Lin Xing also jumped down with a plop.

But the two searched for a long time but couldn't find Su Chengyun, so they jumped out of the sea one by one.

"Lin Xing, if something happens to Su Chengyun, I, Hai Tianlong, will not let you go!" Hai Tianlong said angrily.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong, don't forget that you were responsible for this result. If you hadn't chased after me, would Su Chengyun fall into the water?" Lin Xing said coldly.

"If you hadn't robbed Su Chengyun, such a thing would never have happened!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, are you only allowed to rob Su Chengyun from Lanling Continent, and I am not allowed to rob her from you?" Lin Xing laughed.

"Hmph, Lin Xing, don't make too much of an argument. If Su Chengyun is found, it's fine. If I can't find it, I will liquidate your previous incident of setting fire to Haiyunzong!" Hai Tianlong said, staring at Lin Xing.

"Wait, I didn't do it to set fire to your Hai Yunzong! Hmph, I won't take the blame for this!" Lin Xing said with his head held high.

"Not you?" Hai Tianlong's eyes shrank.

"Hmph, I'm not even going to deny that!" Lin Xing said.

The doubts in Hai Tianlong's eyes became even worse when he heard the words, but soon became cold again.

"Lin Xing, no matter whether you did it or not, I will not take Su Chengyun away and cause Su Chengyun to disappear!" Hai Tianlong took out an object from the ring and threw it into the air after finishing speaking. As soon as it came out, fireworks bloomed immediately, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"Hai Tianlong, you actually mobilized the elite of Haiyunzong?" Lin Xing opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Hmph, Lin Xing, if you touch Su Chengyun, I will never end with you!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Hey, Su Chengyun is just missing, not dead! I, Lin Xing, won't play with you anymore!" Lin Xing sneered after speaking and controlled the boat to leave quickly.

Without Su Chengyun, what else would he use to get Mo Qiling out? Let's go to Su Chengyun first.

Hai Tianlong originally wanted to stop Lin Xing, but when he thought of Su Chengyun, he stopped.

Haiyunzong's efficiency was still very fast, and several large ships came over after a while.

Hai Tianlong looked at them majestically, and said coldly: "Search for me, even if we turn this sea over, we must find Su Chengyun!"

Small boats rowed out one by one, practitioners jumped into the sea one by one, and the vigorous search for people began.

On the other side, Lin Xing was not too far away, and was also anxiously looking for it.

Above the sky, Su Chengyun sat on the back of the enlarged little fire bird and watched the busy scene at sea.

"Master, they all thought you fell into the sea!" Little Firefinch said excitedly.

"They will react soon!" Su Chengyun was not so optimistic.

"Master, even if they react, I'm not afraid, and I, I can be invisible, and I can help the master to be invisible!" Little Huoque said proudly.

"Hehe, little Huoque, everything in the world can overcome everything. It's not that you can be invincible if you can be invisible. How do you know that they don't have the magic weapon to see through your invisibility!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Master..." Little Huoque let out a resentful cry. Invisibility is its new skill, so the master can't make it too proud.

"Okay, let's not stay here anymore, you won't be able to last long if you take me into hiding, let's find a hidden place to hide first!" Su Chengyun said.

"Okay, leave it to me!" The Little Flamingo's instigator's wings flew towards the front at high speed.

Lin Xing, who was below, raised his head suspiciously and looked up to the sky. Seeing that everything in the sky was as usual, he shook his head and began to search again.

Little Flamingo flew with all his strength, and finally found a hidden island before the invisibility effect disappeared.

"Master, I just checked this small island, and there is no danger, why not rest here now!" Little Huoque said.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Okay, let's rest here now, but you have to recover quickly, little Huoque, this place is too close to Hai Tianlong and the others, they will come here at any time!"

With Hai Tianlong's strength, if he guessed that she escaped by himself, he would definitely mobilize his forces to arrest her.

They are familiar with the situation in the sea area, and although there are many small islands here, they can always be searched here one by one, so it is not safe here, very unsafe.

"Master, the red flame stone is used up, I need to take the pill to recover quickly!" Little Huoque hurriedly said.

Su Chengyun's hand moved slightly, and a bottle of elixir flew over. The little fire bird happily caught it, poured it into his mouth, and then it turned into a small fire bird pattern and printed it on Su Chengyun's arm.

"Master, I'm about to start recovering, you have to be careful!" Little Fire Sparrow said.

Su Chengyun nodded: "I will be careful, you can recover at ease!"


Little Huoque entered recovery, while Su Chengyun found a hidden cave and went into the cave to rest.

The night passed quickly, and after a night of searching, Hai Tianlong's men did not find any clues.

Hai Tianlong listened to his subordinate's report with a gloomy face, biting his lips.

"Report, master, the young master is here!" A guard reported.

Hai Tianlong's eyes froze when he heard this word, but he never forgot, if Hai Tianwei hadn't thought of robbing Su Chengyun first, how could his people easily let Lin Xing succeed.

"Let him come here!" He wanted to hear what this good brother had to say.

(End of this chapter)

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