Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 418 Doubt

Chapter 418 Doubt
"Second brother, isn't it wrong for you to abuse the power of Hai Yunzong like this?" Hai Tianwei said directly after entering.

"Hmph, this is my business!" Hai Tianlong snorted coldly.

"Second brother, if you are the suzerain of Haiyun Sect now, I will never say a word, but now, you are not!" Hai Tianlong lowered his eyes and said, "Second brother, the power of Haiyun Sect is used The person who came to guard Haiyunzong is not looking for a woman, and she is also a woman from Lanling Continent, second brother, do you want people overseas to laugh at you and our Haiyunzong?" Hai Tianwei discussed said pointing at his fingers.

"Did they mean it, or did you mean it?" Hai Tianlong raised his eyes and asked.

"Second brother, is there a difference? For a Su Chengyun, Lin Xing set fire to so many important places in our Haiyun Sect. These are the influences brought by Su Chengyun. Now many people in the Haiyun Sect say you Bewitched by beauty and misfortune!" Hai Tianwei said.

Hai Tianlong stared at Hai Tianwei after hearing the words: "I think your contribution to the flames is indispensable here?"

"Hey, it's still my second brother who understands me!" Hai Tianwei didn't deny it either.

"Hmph, anyone who has an opinion can come to me, I don't mind letting them play with the fish in the sea!" Hai Tianlong said coldly, not taking Hai Tianwei's words into his heart at all.

"Second brother, is it worth it for a woman like Su Chengyun?" Hai Tianwei asked puzzled.This second brother has never been so reassuring towards other women before. That Su Chengyun is obviously someone else's woman, and the second brother regards her as a treasure, which is really unpredictable.

"Hmph, if it's not worth it, would you still let someone rob Su Chengyun?" Hai Tianlong was very angry when he thought of this. If it wasn't for Hai Tianwei, he might have gotten the news as early as the first time, and he would definitely be able to stop him. Lin Xing and Su Chengyun will not be missing either.

"Hey, I saw that the second brother valued Su Chengyun so much, so I wanted to test Su Chengyun's position in the second brother's heart. I didn't expect to be cut off by Lin Xing. Second brother, why did Lin Xing take Su Chengyun away? ?" Hai Tianwei asked curiously, "The second younger brother arrested Lin Xing last time, could it be that Lin Xing wanted to take Su Chengyun away?"

Hai Tianlong's eyes froze when he heard the words: "Lin matter what he is for, I will get Su Chengyun back!"

"Second brother, if Su Chengyun really fell into this vast ocean, you may not be able to find it if you try to find it!" Hai Tianwei shook his head and said.

"You are talking nonsense, Su Chengyun will be fine!" Hai Tianlong became excited, now who told him that Su Chengyun was going to be in trouble, he was in a hurry with someone.

"Second brother, don't forget that Su Chengyun is pregnant with a child. You should know better than me the chances of a woman with a child falling into the sea and surviving. It's been a night and I haven't seen Su Chengyun yet. The figure, I'm afraid it's more ominous!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Shut up!" Hai Tianlong shouted angrily.

"Second brother, it's useless for you to become angry!" Hai Tianlong said coolly, this second brother seemed to really care about Su Chengyun, seeing the painful look.

"No, it's not the first time Su Chengyun disappeared, nor was it the first time she fell into the water, she will be fine!" Hai Tianlong shouted.

After shouting, a light flashed in his mind suddenly.

Wait, did he overlook something?
"Come on, go and bring me Fat Aunt, Xiaoyu, Xiaoye, and the guards guarding Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong shouted.

Immediately there were guards to deliver the order.

Hai Tianlong looked at Hai Tianwei: "You still don't leave!"

"Hey, I'll go right away!" Hai Tianwei saw that Hai Tianlong issued the order to chase away guests, stood up slowly and walked out.

Soon, Fat Aunt and the others were brought over, and when they saw Hai Tianlong, they all lowered their heads and started pleading guilty.

Hai Tianlong ignored these, but asked directly: "What's unusual about Su Chengyun these few days?"

Fat Aunt, Xiaoyu and Xiaoye all shook their heads blankly.

"Master, Miss Su has been the same as usual for the past few days, nothing special." The three said.

The rest said the same.

"Think about it again, don't let go of any abnormalities!" Hai Tianlong said.

Aunt Fat and the others still shook their heads, but one of the guards said, "Master, I remembered. The night before yesterday, I vaguely saw Miss Su as if she had gone out. It's..." The guard glanced at Aunt Fat and said, "It's Fat Aunt. Aunt led the way!"

The fat aunt narrowed her eyes when she heard the words: "You are talking nonsense, why don't I remember this!"

"Fat Auntie, I was not on duty that night. I just chatted with a friend too late. When I came back, I saw two figures go out. It was you and Miss Su vaguely. I always thought I was wrong, but the master Asked just now, I am sure in my heart, it should be right!" The guard said.

"Master, I don't have it! I really don't remember this happening!" Fat Aunt hurriedly said.

Hai Tianlong didn't speak, but turned his attention to the second general, who was his most trusted person.

One of the two generals frowned: "Master, we all take turns guarding. When I was guarding last night, I happened to have a stomachache for a while, so I left for a while!"

"What time is that?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"It's not time!"

Hai Tianlong looked at the guard again.

The guard hurriedly said: "Master, the time when I saw the black shadow was about that time!"

"Master, I remembered, the dinner that night was prepared by Auntie Fat!" Said the general who had a stomach ache.

"Fat Aunt, what else do you have to say?" Hai Tianlong's eyes swept towards Fat Aunt sharply.

The fat aunt quickly kowtowed: "Master, I am loyal to you. I know Miss Su's importance, so why would I help her without telling the master? Master, you have to be discerning, I really didn't do this !" Fat aunt cried out for herself.

Hai Tianlong saw that Aunt Fat did not seem to be lying, and thought of Aunt Fat's loyalty in daily life, he also had doubts in his heart. Aunt Fat should not betray him, but it is impossible for his other subordinates to lie to him.

So what's going on?

Hai Tianlong frowned deeply, for a long time, he said: "Fat aunt, stretch out your hand!"

The fat aunt passed her hand tremblingly, and Hai Tianlong took the pulse for the fat aunt.

The more he felt his pulse, the closer his frown got, and the fat aunt was also feeling uneasy.

Hai Tianlong finally put down the fat aunt's wrist, gritted his teeth and said: "Su Chengyun!"

"Master?" Aunt Fat called out tentatively.

Hai Tianlong turned to Fat Aunt: "What they said is true, you were drugged by Su Chengyun!"

"Ah..." Fat Aunt exclaimed.

"Come on, call me back all the people who entered the water and let them search the surrounding small islands. Remember, don't let go of anything!" Hai Tianlong stood up violently and shouted towards the outside.

Immediately a guard responded and sent an order.

(End of this chapter)

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