Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 419 Escape!

Chapter 419 Escape!
Su Chengyun, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly felt a jump in his heart, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

She frowned slightly, stood up and walked out. That feeling was a sign of danger. She didn't dare to stay on this island anymore, so she took out the boat she got from the fat aunt and entered the vast sea.

Fortunately, her cultivation base is very high now, and she can control the boat to move forward.

Just over an hour after Su Chengyun left the island, a man in black boarded the island and looked around.

"Huh..." The man in black let out a slight snort, and the place where he was located was the cave where Su Chengyun stayed before.

"Hey, Su Chengyun, I know you're not dead!" The man in black walked out of the cave, Lin Xing's sinister face was illuminated by the dark moonlight.

Not long after Lin Xing left, Hai Tianlong's people also found this small island.

Hai Tianlong learned that there might be news about Su Chengyun, and immediately chased him in a boat.

Su Chengyun drove the boat forward, but the sense of danger in her heart became more and more serious. Later, she finally saw a boat approaching her at a high speed, and a man in black stood on it.

"Su Chengyun, don't even try to run away!" Lin Xing shouted from a distance.

Seeing this, Su Chengyun sneered, his spiritual power was running, and the boat under him started to move forward at high speed like an arrow off the string.

Seeing this, Lin Xing frowned, and urged the boat to move forward.

"Master, Lin Xing is here!" Little Huoque said.

"Little Huoque, how is your recovery?" Su Chengyun asked while controlling the boat.

"It's almost recovered!" Little Huoque replied, "Master, let me take you away!"

Su Chengyun thought for a while and said, "Wait a little longer!"

After the boat sailed for another quarter of an hour, Su Chengyun finally saw a small island in front of him, and Lin Xing was still chasing him from a distance. However, Lin Xing seemed to have expended a lot of energy fighting Hai Tianlong, and now he My boat can only reach that point, and it won't be much faster.

Behind Lin Xing, Su Chengyun saw another small boat chasing him with sharp eyes.

"Little Huoque, let's leave in a moment, listen to my order!" Su Chengyun sneered.

"Yes, master!" Little Firefinch responded.

Su Chengyun controlled the boat and headed towards the small island, and quickly went around the small island and entered the rear of the small island. When Lin Xing couldn't see it, he said: "Little Huoque, now!"

There was a wave of fluctuations, Su Chengyun retracted his fingers, the boat disappeared, and Su Chengyun's figure also disappeared.

"Little Huoque, let's go!" Su Chengyun glanced at Lin Xing who was about to chase and a small boat behind, and said to Little Huoque expressionlessly.

With a flap of its wings, the little firefinch flew away from the sky in an upright manner.

But Lin Xing went around the island but couldn't find Su Chengyun's figure, so he couldn't help feeling deeply puzzled.

"Lin Xing, where is Su Chengyun?" Hai Tianlong's boat also arrived, and he asked angrily.

"Hmph, how do I know?" Lin Xing replied.

"Why don't you know? Haven't you been chasing Su Chengyun? Can she still escape from under your nose?" Hai Tianlong doesn't believe that Lin Xing doesn't know.

"Haha, last time, Su Chengyun just ran away from under the noses of the two of us, so why is it so strange that he ran away again?" Lin Xing laughed.

Hai Tianlong's eyes were slightly cold, and he glanced at Lin Xing: "Lin Xing, if you let me know that you are lying, I will not let you go!" Hai Tianlong jumped up after speaking, and searched for the island.

Lin Xing's eyes flickered, and he also jumped onto the island. Could it be that Su Chengyun could still fly? He couldn't let Hai Tianlong take the lead.

But the two searched for a long time, but still did not see Su Chengyun's figure.

Hai Tianlong's face was a little gloomy, and Lin Xing's face was also very ugly.

"Lin Xing, you really didn't hide Su Chengyun?" Can a living person disappear out of thin air?Hai Tianlong looked at Lin Xing in disbelief.

"Hmph, if I hid, I would have run away long ago, waiting for you to question me!" Lin Xing choked.

Hai Tianlong kept thinking when he heard the words, where did Su Chengyun go?
It disappears mysteriously every time.

"Huh..." Lin Xing let out a sigh, and looked into the distance, only to see ships appearing in the distance.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong, so what if you dispatched so many people, you still can't find Su Chengyun?" Lin Xing laughed wildly and jumped into his boat.

"Where to go?" Hai Tianlong jumped up and attacked Lin Xing.

Lin Xing fought back with his palm, and retreated to the distance with the help of Hai Tianlong's palm.

"Hai Tianlong, I will find Su Chengyun before you!" Lin Xing said with a big smile.

"You are delusional, only I can find Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong roared angrily, but Lin Xing's boat had already drifted away.


After a while, all the boats arrived, and the people on board saluted Hai Tianlong.

"Leave some people to search nearby, and leave some people to search far away!" Hai Tianlong ordered coldly.

Soon the boat dispersed.

"Master, you've been busy all night, let's order!" Hai Tianlong returned to the big boat, Fat Aunt stepped forward and said cautiously, there were several dishes and delicious rice on the tray held by Xiaoyu and Xiaoye.

"Take it off, I'm not in the mood to eat!" Hai Tianlong waved his hand.

"Master, you have to eat something even if you're not in the mood. Only after you've eaten will you have the strength to go find Miss Su!" Aunt Fat said.

Hai Tianlong glanced at Aunt Fat upon hearing this, and said nothing.

Seeing this, the fat aunt immediately ordered Xiaoyu and Xiaoye to put the food on the table, and took them down.

Hai Tianlong was thinking about Su Chengyun, thinking that she might not even be able to eat a mouthful of hot rice, no matter what, he put down the chopsticks he picked up.

"Master, Eldest Miss Xue and Second Miss Xue are here!" Aunt Fat reported outside.

"Xue Hanqing, Bing'er?" Hai Tianlong frowned, "What are they doing here?"

"Master, news of Miss Su's disappearance has been reported, and the young ladies of the Xue family are here to help!" Aunt Fat revealed their intentions.

Hai Tianlong thought about going out.

"Brother Tianlong, what happened to Su Chengyun? How could he be robbed?" Xue Hanbing asked anxiously when he saw Hai Tianlong.

Seeing the anxiety in Xue Hanbing's eyes, Hai Tianlong couldn't help but calm down: "Bing'er, Su Chengyun will be fine!"

"Well, brother Tianlong said that Su Chengyun will have no accidents, but what is going on with Su Chengyun now?" Xue Hanbing asked.

Hai Tianlong opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, he couldn't say that Su Chengyun escaped by himself.

Seeing that Hai Tianlong was silent, Xue Hanqing asked softly, "Brother Hai, is the person who kidnapped Miss Su too troublesome?"

Hai Tianlong glanced at Xue Hanqing, seeing her calm look, said: "That's right, that person is really troublesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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