Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 420 Tracking

Chapter 420 Tracking
"Report, I found Lin Xing's trace, he is going to a small island in front!" A guard came forward to report.

Hai Tianlong thought for a while and said, "Find someone to follow!"

"Brother Tianlong, do you suspect that Su Chengyun is on that small island?" Xue Hanbing asked.

"Lin Xing is also looking for Su Chengyun, he has the same goal as me!" Hai Tianlong didn't intend to explain in depth, but only made a vague sentence.

After Hai Tianlong finished speaking, he still felt uneasy, so he jumped on the boat and rushed there himself.

"Brother Tianlong, I'll go with you!" Xue Hanbing shouted.

"Bing'er, stay on the big boat!" Hai Tianlong drove the boat away after finishing speaking.

"Brother Tianlong..." Xue Hanbing murmured.

"Hey, Master hasn't eaten anything!" Fat Aunt asked Xiaoyu Xiaoye to take away the cold food.

Xue Hanbing became even more silent when he heard the words.

"Brother Tianlong, you must find Su Chengyun!"

"Bing'er, Su Chengyun is just a woman from Lanling Continent, is it worth your worrying about her?" Xue Hanqing said unhurriedly, with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

Xue Hanbing glared at Xue Hanqing after hearing the words: "Sister, if the family didn't let me take you to try your luck, you thought you could see Brother Tianlong, do you know that Brother Tianlong might hear what you said just now, Brother Tianlong might Throw it into the water and feed the fish!" Xue Hanbing's eyes were a little cold, this sister always had the idea of ​​returning to Brother Tianlong when she returned home, and even made a big fuss with the family because of this, this time she originally wanted to To help Brother Tianlong, who knew that the family insisted on letting her take her sister with her, the family's intention was obvious, they were giving her sister a chance, and hoped that her sister would return to Brother Tianlong again.

But my sister is really a little confused now. If something happens to Su Chengyun, Brother Tianlong will be in a hurry. She is still talking sarcasticly there. This boat is full of Brother Tianlong's eyeliner, and my sister's every move cannot be heard by Brother Tianlong. It's strange to my ears, this sister was very smart before, why is she so out of tune now.

Xue Hanqing narrowed his eyes: "Bing'er, don't you want to help? You don't need to go back to the ship to command?"

"What about you?" Xue Han asked coldly.

Xue Hanqing was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Of course I am here to wait for Brother Hai, Binger, don't you know the purpose of the family asking me to come?" Xue Hanqing raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Sister, I advise you to go back to our Xue family's boat. No one can save you if you anger Brother Tianlong this time!" Xue Hanbing said.

"Sister knows it well, I have been in love with Brother Hai for several years, how can I not understand his character!" Xue Hanqing waved his hand and said, "Bing'er, you should hurry up and do your work!"

Xue Hanbing glanced at Xue Hanqing again, and left with a sneer.

What else could she do with her older sister bent on killing herself.Hadn't she done enough before?

Xue Hanqing looked at Xue Hanbing's back, touched the traditional Chinese medicine bag in his sleeve, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Hai Tianlong's woman can only be her, Su Chengyun, Lu Rushuang, etc., let them all die!

When Hai Tianlong chased to the small island, a guard immediately stepped forward: "Master Bing, Miss Su stayed here before, and Lin Xing has already gone after him!"

Hai Tianlong shook hands upon hearing this, turned around and boarded the boat.

"Little Huoque, are you okay?" Su Chengyun asked worriedly.

"Master, I'm fine. I've recovered a lot after resting for half an hour just now!" Little Huoque said, "But master, I'm afraid I won't last long!"

Su Chengyun was also a little anxious when she heard the words, those people were chasing after her, and she and Little Huoque had to rest for a while every time they fled, and they would be caught up sooner or later.

"Master, I'm tired, and they are probably going to be tired too. Master, I will protect you!" Little Huoque seemed to feel Su Chengyun's anxiety, and hurriedly said.

"Hehe, it's not that bad! Little Huoque, do you see that side?" Su Chengyun pointed to a dark place in the distance.

"Hey, it's getting dark soon, and it will be hard for them to look for us at night!" Little Huoque said.

"No, there will be thick fog there at night, Little Flamingo, let's go there!" Su Chengyun said.

"Ah...Master, will there really be thick fog?" Little Firefinch asked suspiciously.

"Of course there will be, I will not be wrong!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Then master, sit down!" The little fire bird sped up and headed towards the dark place.

On the boat, Hai Tianlong also frowned and looked at the dark sky, feeling faintly anxious.

Soon, the sky darkened, and white mist began to rise from the sea. As time went on, the white mist became thicker.

Hai Tianlong's face was dark, and searching for a ship in the dense fog was like searching for the moon in a sea, it was rare, and he could avoid it with a little attention.

Hai Tianlong had no choice but to return to the big ship.

"Brother Hai, you're back. I've prepared dinner for you myself. You can eat as much as you want!" Xue Hanqing approached courteously and said.

Hai Tianlong was already in a bad mood, but now seeing Xue Hanqing, he was in a bad mood.

"Where's Bing'er?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"Bing'er returned to the boat and directed people to look for Su Chengyun!" Xue Hanqing said.

"Since Bing'er is gone, what are you still doing here?" Hai Tianlong squinted and asked impatiently.

"Brother Hai, I want to wait for you to come back!" Xue Hanqing whispered while pulling the corner of her clothes.

"Xue Hanqing, I have nothing to do with you anymore, you don't have to do this anymore!" Hai Tianlong walked inside after speaking.

"Brother Hai..." Xue Hanqing was about to follow, but Hai Tianlong glared at him fiercely, "Xue Hanqing, you've never finished, hurry back to your Xue family's own boat!"

"Brother Hai, it's so foggy outside now that I can't find Xue's boat, so just let me stay overnight, and I will definitely leave tomorrow morning!" Xue Hanqing said.

Hai Tianlong shook his sleeves when he heard the words: "It's up to you! Don't come near here!"

"I know, I know!" Xue Hanqing hurriedly responded.

Hai Tianlong returned to the room tired and depressed. Seeing that the food had been placed on the table, he took a few bites at random and asked Fat Aunt to leave!
"Master, you should rest for a while, right now the heavy fog can't find Miss Su, you can only go after you have rested and the fog clears!" Fat Aunt persuaded.

Hai Tianlong nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Well, I'll take a rest first!"

After hearing this, the fat aunt retreated happily, and withdrew the people around her, so as not to disturb Hai Tianlong's rest.

But at midnight, a figure took advantage of the white mist and quietly approached Hai Tianlong's door. She looked through the gap, and saw Hai Tianlong leaning on the chair with his eyes closed and resting tiredly under the dim light.

The figure couldn't help being slightly happy, took out a bamboo tube, and blew it at the medicine bag in his hand, and the powder was blown in.

(End of this chapter)

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