Chapter 421
Hai Tianlong thought of Su Chengyun in his heart, he was anxious and tired all this time, and now he really couldn't hold on anymore, and his head became muddled.

The door was slowly opened, and a figure walked in gently. He also heard a movement, and thought it was the sound of the wind blowing the door outside.

Seeing that Hai Tianlong kept his eyes closed as if he was asleep, Xue Hanqing was overjoyed, and blew in the direction of the light, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

Brother Hai, you are mine, and you will always be mine.

A trace of madness flashed across Xue Hanqing's face, and she began to take off her clothes one by one. When she had taken off nothing left, she started to walk towards Hai Tianlong, stretched out her hand, and pulled Hai Tianlong's clothes.

Hai Tianlong frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes. After vaguely seeing a woman in front of him in the dark, Hai Tianlong exclaimed in surprise: "Su Chengyun!"

Xue Hanqing was stunned, but then recovered, and said with a smile: "Brother Hai, it's me, Su Chengyun!"

Hai Tianlong stood up violently, and hugged the person in front of him in his arms: "Su Chengyun, don't run away anymore, don't make me worry anymore!"

"Brother Hai, I won't run away, and I won't worry you anymore. I will stay by your side forever, are you happy?" Xue Hanqing's voice was low and charming, and Hai Tianlong's heart skipped a beat.

"Su Chengyun..."

"Brother Hai, I am here. I am yours and will always be yours!" Xue Hanqing whispered again, and put his arms around Hai Tianlong's neck.

Hai Tianlong saw that the person he missed in his heart was in his arms, and the smoothness of his hands made people unable to put it down. His whole body was a little floating, so he lowered his head involuntarily and kissed her.

Xue Hanqing also kissed back fiercely, and kept tearing Hai Tianlong's clothes.

Hai Tianlong seemed to be stimulated, and kissed more passionately, but when a faint fragrance wafted over, Hai Tianlong's chaotic head suddenly became clear.

He violently pushed the woman in front of him away, shook his head, and asked, "Who are you? Why are you pretending to be Su Chengyun?"

Xue Hanqing did not expect such an accident, so he lowered his voice and said, "Brother Hai, I am Su Chengyun?"

"You are talking nonsense, Su Chengyun is pregnant with a child, and he will not use any scented things, and he will not take off his clothes and stand in front of me!" Hai Tianlong said angrily.

"Brother Hai?" Xue Hanqing was a little at a loss, took two steps back, and put his fingers on the clothes on the table unintentionally.

A cold light flashed in Xue Hanqing's eyes, he took out a paper bag from his clothes, and before Hai Tianlong fully recovered, he spilled all the medicine powder in the paper bag.

After Hai Tianlong noticed Xue Hanqing's behavior, all those medicinal powders had been sprinkled on him.

Hai Tianlong suddenly felt dizzy, and his body seemed a little out of control. The woman standing in front seemed to be a delicious snack, which attracted him to taste it.

"Brother Hai..." Xue Hanqing called softly, Hai Tianlong couldn't help but move forward, but stopped just after he started, with a painful look on his face.

Seeing this, Xue Hanqing's face was gloomy for a while, but he recovered quickly, and moved towards Hai Tianlong, calling softly while touching: "Brother Hai...Brother Hai..."

Hai Tianlong shook his head, struggle appeared in his eyes.

And Xue Hanqing's hand has already touched Hai Tianlong's front.

"No... get away..." Hai Tianlong pushed Xue Hanqing to the ground this time.

"Brother Hai..." Xue Hanqing frowned.

Taking advantage of the moment of clarity, Hai Tianlong took out his dagger and stabbed at his arm. The sharp pain made his head clearer.

Hai Tianlong flicked his finger slightly, and a luminous pearl was embedded in the roof, and the light of the luminous pearl also illuminated the room clearly.

"Xue Hanqing, is that you?" Hai Tianlong saw the horror in the eyes of the woman on the ground.

"Brother Hai...I..." Xue Hanqing wanted to explain, but Hai Tianlong would not give her a chance, and shouted loudly, "Come on, throw this shameless woman out!"

"Ah, no, Brother Hai!" Xue Hanqing crawled to Hai Tianlong's feet and grabbed his trouser legs.

Hai Tianlong saw that his clothes were being grabbed, and felt disgusted. He lifted his foot and kicked, Xue Hanqing's snow-white body flew towards the door, and Xue Hanqing spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, the guards and Aunt Fat rushed over. Seeing Xue Hanqing's appearance, the guards all turned their heads, and Aunt Fat frowned.

Looking at the wound on Hai Tianlong's shoulder and the way the front of his clothes were torn apart, he would be too stupid to guess what happened.

"Master, I'm all to blame for not taking good care of Miss Xue!" Aunt Fat hurriedly pleaded guilty, and the guards also pleaded guilty.

"Didn't you hear me? Throw this disgusting woman out!" Hai Tianlong pointed at the guards.

The guards looked at each other, Xue Hanqing used to be the master's woman anyway, should they touch her?
The fat aunt saw the hesitation of the guards, and hurriedly shouted: "The master's order, don't do it!"

As if ordered, the guards immediately surrounded Xue Hanqing and lifted him up.

"Let go of me, Brother Hai, you can't treat me like this?" Xue Hanqing burst into tears.

"Get out, don't let me see you again!" Hai Tianlong shouted angrily.

Seeing Hai Tianlong's impatience, the guards didn't give Xue Hanqing another chance. One of the guards covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and several of them worked together to carry her out.

"Master, is your injury okay?" Fat Aunt asked worriedly looking at the blood on Hai Tianlong's shoulder.

"I'm fine?" Hai Tianlong felt dizzy after finishing speaking.

Not good, the medicinal properties that were forcibly suppressed just now have reappeared.

Hai Tianlong didn't care about anything else, he swept out and jumped directly into the cold sea water.

Fat Aunt was startled, and hurriedly followed to look, but in the vast white mist, where could she see the master in the sea, she shouted anxiously: "Master!"

"Fat Aunt, don't shout, I'll be fine after soaking for a while!" Hai Tianlong's voice came from the water, and Fat Aunt was slightly relieved.

She was silent for a moment, then turned around and went to tell Xiaoyu and the others to prepare things to keep out the cold, while she went into the room just now, put away all Xue Hanqing's things, and asked a guard to send them to the Xue family's fleet now. .

Xue Hanqing, Xue Hanqing, you don't want to be a good woman, but you want to design your master. This time, you've made your master completely bored, right?
It's really self-defeating!

The fat aunt shook her head, worrying about Xue Hanqing's IQ. She stayed in the compound honestly, and the master is not a person who does not forget old feelings, but there are so many right and wrong, the master let them go, and make trouble, It seems that Xue Hanqing is completely over.

(End of this chapter)

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