Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 431 The child is born

Chapter 431 The child is born

At this time, Su Chengyun looked at the two eggs beside him and collapsed.

What about her children?
"Our child is inside!" As if seeing Su Chengyun's collapse, Mo Qiling gently wiped off the sweat from Su Chengyun's forehead with a handkerchief, staring intently at Su Chengyun's face with pity in his eyes , "Susu, you have worked hard!"

"Mo Qiling, tell me first, is our child born?" I thought I would see the two little ones, but who knew...

"Susu, you only care about the child, not me!" Mo Qiling said.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling strangely when he heard the words, and looked at Mo Qiling's face with hesitation, "Are you Mo Qiling, or Mo Mo?" Only Mo Mo can act like a baby, Mo Qiling will not.

"Hehe, did Su Su forget? Mo Mo and I have merged together!" Mo Qiling gently stroked Su Chengyun's long hair and said with a smile.

Su Chengyun's eyes lit up, so Mo Mo's character still exists, and Mo Mo has not completely disappeared!

"Okay, Susu, you're tired, take a rest first!" Mo Qiling helped Su Chengyun cover the beast blanket.

"Mo Qiling, our child..."

"Hush, Su Su, leave the rest to me!" Mo Qiling kissed Su Chengyun's head lightly.

Su Chengyun nodded, watching Mo Qiling carry the two eggs onto the monster skin blanket that he had already prepared.

"Susu, rest quickly!" Mo Qiling yelled, and began to put both hands on the egg.

Su Chengyun saw a little bit of golden light passing from Mo Qiling's hand into the egg.

"Mo Qiling, what are you doing?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

"Hatch!" Mo Qiling only replied two words, but Su Chengyun was stunned.

Hatching, isn't that hatching eggs?


Su Chengyun laughed unkindly, but thinking that Mo Qiling hatched their child, she suppressed her laughter, and felt her eyelids sink after a while.

When Su Chengyun woke up again, she heard a few "clicks", as if she had a feeling in her heart, she opened her eyes suddenly.

"Susu, our child is coming out!" Mo Qiling hurriedly said after noticing the movement on Su Chengyun's side.

Su Chengyun looked and saw that there were cracks on the two eggs, and she immediately thought of the "click" sound just now.

Su Chengyun was struggling to get up, Mo Qiling hurriedly said: "Don't get up, you are still very weak!"

"Our baby is coming out, how could I miss it!" Su Chengyun insisted on getting up.

Mo Qiling had no choice but to come forward: "I'll help you!"

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded, Mo Qiling's big hands were warm and strong, just supporting her, she felt very at ease.

Slowly walked to the two eggs, only to hear a few more "click" sounds.

Su Chengyun watched without blinking, not wanting to miss any details.

The rattling sound continued, and the cracks became more and more numerous.

Su Chengyun didn't dare to vent his anger, and watched nervously.

Mo Qiling was not very nervous: "Susu, don't be too nervous, the child can come out on his own!"

"En!" Su Chengyun nodded indiscriminately.

Mo Qiling was a little speechless, his eyes fixed on the two eggs.

As if feeling the threat of Mo Qiling, the two eggs changed again, and bright golden rays of light emerged from the cracks, setting off the golden light of the two eggs, and after a while, only two loud "" "Crack" sound, and the two eggs all shattered.

Su Chengyun was horrified to see two small figures in red bellybands stand up, and then he was ecstatic.


The two little figures cried out softly, and Su Chengyun's mother's love was all aroused.

"Children!" Su Chengyun was about to go forward to hug the two little people, but was held back by Mo Qiling.

"Hey, those two little guys are calm, you can't hold them now!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun became speechless, is she that weak?
"Father..." the two little men called out obediently when they heard Mo Qiling speak.

Mo Qiling's expression softened immediately, and with a sweep of his hand, the two little people had already arrived in his arms.

Su Chengyun is so angry!
"I want a hug too!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun only felt that he suddenly rose into the air, and it turned out that he was hugged by Mo Qiling.

"Mo Qiling..."

She wanted to hold the child, not for Mo Qiling to hold her!

Mo Qiling smiled at the corners of his eyes, and carried her and the two children to the monster leather blanket: "Susu, take a good rest!"

After speaking, she was put on it, and the two children were also put on it.

Su Chengyun smiled this time.

"Haha, mother's little babies!" Su Chengyun stroked this one and then that one, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

"Mom, we meet again!" The little girl said with a smile, her two dimples were very conspicuous.

"Sister, mother is tired, let mother rest first!" The little boy said directly, but Su Chengyun could hear the excitement in his tone, obviously very happy.

Su Chengyun rubbed the little girl's hair, and then the little boy's hair.

"Mother is not tired, mother sees that all your tiredness is gone!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Mother, you'd better rest, my brother and I will stay with you!" The little girl began to push Su Chengyun to lie down.

The child was still very strong, so Su Chengyun lay down helplessly, but she still didn't want to leave her two children.

I thought the baby would be born, but I didn't expect the two children to stand up on their own and speak clearly like a one-year-old child. They seem to be much smarter than ordinary children.

This should all be due to Mo Qiling, it would be strange if he hadn't inherited Mo Qiling.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling beside him.

"Susu, listen to the child and have a good rest!" Mo Qiling said.

"Mother, my brother and I will stay with you alone!" The little girl crawled over and lay on Su Chengyun's side after speaking. She still didn't forget to greet the little boy, "Brother!"

The little boy hesitated, then crawled to the other side and lay down.

"Hee hee, mother, let's rest together!" The little girl said with a smile.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun's heart was sweet, the two children loved her dearly.

"Susu, don't think about anything else, take care of your health first, and leave the rest to me!" Mo Qiling said.

"By the way, my parents and Fengjue?" Su Chengyun suddenly thought of seeing her parents and Fengjue coming when she fell into the sea, "There is also little Huoque!" where is it.

"Leave these to me!" Mo Qiling stopped Su Chengyun from continuing.

Su Chengyun nodded upon hearing the words. With Mo Qiling around, she seemed to have nothing to worry about.

Looking at the two small figures beside him, Su Chengyun suddenly felt that his life was complete. He had a man who loved him, and two lovely children, both of whom were caring.

There has never been a happier time than now.

(End of this chapter)

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