Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 432 Let Me Down

Chapter 432 Let Me Down
"Hmph, what exactly does Hai Tianlong want to do? Are you pissed off with us?" Feng Jue said angrily, his eyes swept across the big boat not far away and the man with his hands behind his back like a sharp knife. .

"He's not arguing with us, he's waiting for Chengyun's news!" Mr. Mingyi shook his head, Hai Tianlong won't leave until Chengyun's news.

"Hmph, dog-skin plaster!" Feng Jue snorted coldly, "I'll go see Brother Su!"

After Feng Jue finished speaking, he walked towards the cabin, leaving only Mr. Mingyi on the deck.

"How is the eldest brother of the Su family?" Feng Jue walked into a room and asked Su Hongyi and Wenxin Lan who were staying inside.

"I'm still sleeping, and I don't know when I'll wake up!" Wen Xinlan said worriedly.

"Hey, if Jun Yang hadn't used the Phoenix's bloodline to sense Yun'er's trace, we wouldn't have come here. It's really hard work for this kid!" Su Hongyi sighed, and a trace of distress flashed in his eyes, "If I had awakened earlier With the Phoenix bloodline, this kid doesn't need to expend so much effort!"

"Uncle Su, the eldest brother of the Su family has spent too much time and energy. Now he can only take good care of him and wait for his recovery. Let's not be too anxious!" Feng Jue persuaded.

"Okay, let's stop talking, I'll go make some soup for Junyang, and give this child a good nourishment. If my sister-in-law sees Junyang like this, I don't know how much she will feel distressed!" Wen Xinlan walked out with a heavy heart.

"Hey, let's go out too!" Su Hongyi glanced at the sleeping Su Junyang again, sighed and walked out.

"Brother Su Family, you must wake up early!" Feng Jue stepped forward and said something, then shook his head and left.

When Feng Jue came to the deck again, he saw Little Firefinch resting with his eyes closed.

"What happened to it?" Feng Jue asked Mr. Ming Yi.

"I don't know, it's just like this!" Mr. Mingyi shrugged.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei is no longer here, and her spiritual pet doesn't want to fly anymore!" Feng Jue thought of Su Chengyun, and his heart sank instantly.

"I don't know what happened to Yun'er?" Su Hongyi said anxiously, her daughter hasn't had a good life for a long time, and it's because they are incapable of being parents, and they can't protect their daughter from the wind and rain.

That ink...

I hope that Momo will live a good life with her daughter after she comes back this time, and don't leave again.

The deep anger formed a low air pressure on the deck, which weighed heavily on everyone's heart.

Hai Tianlong is not much better either.

"Brother Tianlong, I have to go back first, and I have to report to the family about my sister!" Xue Hanbing stepped forward and said to Hai Tianlong.

Hai Tianlong finally closed his eyes looking at Sponge, and looked at the woman in front of him. The innocent and charming girl seemed to have grown up overnight, and the previous smile was gone on her face, but her eyes became firmer. It looks more stable.

"Bing'er, forget about your sister!" Hai Tianlong said.

Xue Hanbing was silent for a while and nodded: "Brother Tianlong, I know that my sister deserves what she deserves. I will not be paranoid, and I will also persuade the family members not to let them be impulsive!" These words are very deep.

Hai Tianlong rubbed Xue Hanbing's head: "Binger, you have grown up!"

"Brother Tianlong, my sister is gone, I will take up my sister's position and let the world know that the Xue family still has me, the Second Miss Xue!"

"Okay, Bing'er, Brother Tianlong will support you, come to Brother Tianlong if you encounter any difficulties!"

"Thank you, Brother Tianlong!" Xue Hanbing hesitated for a moment, "Brother Tianlong, don't be too persistent about Su Chengyun's affairs. Now that her family has found her, it's time to let go of Brother Tianlong!"

"I know it well!" Hai Tianlong paused after hearing the words.

"Well, Brother Long Bing'er left first that day, you take care!" Xue Hanbing said reluctantly, leaving with heavier and heavier steps.

She can get out of the shadow of her sister's death, but she wonders if brother Tianlong can get out of the shadow of Su Chengyun.

According to what Lin Xing said, Su Chengyun's man came from the upper realm.Just look at Lin Xing to see how strong the people in the upper realm are.

And that man was able to make Lin Xing come to the lower realm to hunt him down, so he must be extremely strong. If he was an insignificant person, the people in the upper realm would not worry that he would go back for revenge.

She has seen clearly Brother Tianlong's love for Su Chengyun during this period of time, but it is destined to have no results.

And about her sister, she can guess how the family will react.The family definitely looked down on Su Chengyun and his group, but they didn't think about it, how easy it would be for Su Chengyun's parents to cross the vast sea from Lanling Continent, and that man named Feng Jue could compete with Lin Xing On par can be simple.

It seems that she has to spend a lot of effort to let the family suffer this loss.

But when Su Chengyun woke up quietly, he found that the two children were asleep. Looking at their cute sleeping faces, Su Chengyun's heart was full of joy.

"You're awake!" Mo Qiling said when he came to the side at some point.

"Shh... don't wake them up!" Su Chengyun made a silent movement.

Mo Qiling nodded, stretched out his hand, and picked up Su Chengyun.

"You... What are you doing?" Su Chengyun hurriedly grabbed Mo Qiling's neck.

"Susu doesn't want to wake up the children, let's talk at a distance!" Mo Qiling finished covering the two children with blankets, hugged Su Chengyun and sat down not far away.

"Put me down!" Su Chengyun said.

"Susu, let me give you a good hug!" Mo Qiling hugged Su Chengyun and did not let go.

Su Chengyun didn't move when he heard the words, he tightened his arms, and leaned his head towards Mo Qiling's shoulder, smelling the unique breath of Mo Qiling, Su Chengyun's heart was extremely stable.

I miss this hug so much!

"Susu, I've been away these three years, you've worked hard!" Mo Qiling helped Su Chengyun cover with a thin monster leather blanket.

"I don't work hard. When I think of you and our children, I don't feel hard!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, she was full of expectations for the two children.

"Thank you Susu for giving me such two lovely children!" Mo Qiling said.

"Hehe, it's your good genes!" Su Chengyun laughed, "By the way, I haven't fed the children since they were born. Are they hungry?"

"Not hungry, they've already eaten!" Mo Qiling said.

"Ah..." What did the two children eat, could it be... Su Chengyun looked in front of him.

"Susu, they eat their own eggshells, which are the most nutritious thing!" Mo Qiling pointed to the remaining eggshells and said.

"Eggshell?" Su Chengyun asked, the first time he saw Mo Qiling, the eggshell was also eaten by Mo Qiling.

As if guessing what Su Chengyun was thinking, Mo Qiling said: "Susu, the eggshells of our phoenix family are all excellent, and the newborn little phoenix will eat eggshells for the first few meals!"


(End of this chapter)

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