Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 446 You are courting death

Chapter 446 You are courting death
"Feng Jue, be careful!" Hai Tianlong naturally felt that Lin Xing's attack power was stronger than ever before, so he quickly reminded.

Feng Jue stared blankly, without retreating, he continued to rush towards Lin Xing.

"Hey, you're asking for trouble!" Lin Xing sneered, and the cyan light in his hand poured out, as if locked onto Feng Jue, and headed towards Feng Jue's body.

Feng Jue could only feel a mountain-like force rushing towards him, no matter how he tried to dodge, he couldn't dodge it.

"Pfft..." Feng Jue spat out a mouthful of blood, which floated into the air, turned into blood mist, and finally mixed into the sea.

"Feng Jue, can you take the next shot, I wonder if you can take the second one?" Lin Xing said coldly, the blue light in his hand condensed again to attack Feng Jue.

Feng Jue was prepared this time, but he still didn't escape the ray of light, and was hit again soon, but he endured the pain of viscera shaking, and before Lin Xing attacked again, he quickly rushed towards Lin Xing Past: "Lin Xing, go to hell!"

"Feng Jue, be careful!" Hai Tianlong hurriedly shouted, but Feng Jue would not listen to him, and continued to rush towards Lin Xing. Hai Tianlong wanted to step forward to help, but the men in black quickly surrounded him, and he could not protect himself.

"Overreach!" Seeing Feng Jue's madness, Lin Xing sneered coldly, "Feng Jue, let me take you down with my own hands!" Just as he was about to hit Feng Jue again, suddenly the air beside him fluctuated.

"court death!"

An extremely cold male voice sounded, and then a big hand appeared first, slapping Lin Xing quickly, Lin Xing was shocked, and hurriedly released the blue light on his hand to block it, but the big hand didn't seem to be afraid. After grasping it, the blue light turned into spiritual energy and dissipated in the air, and the big hand kept hitting Lin Xing again. Lin Xing blocked it twice, scrapped two shields, and was still shot flying far away.

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden situation, Hai Tianlong took the opportunity to escape from the siege of the man in black, but when he wanted to bring Little Huoque out, the man in black had already regained his senses and became alert.

Hai Tianlong had no choice but to distance himself from the man in black.

Soon, from the source of the air fluctuation just now, a handsome man and a beautiful man and woman appeared out of thin air.

"Su Xiaomei..." Feng Jue exclaimed in surprise.

That's right, it was Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling who came out who knew that Feng Jue's situation was not good.

Su Chengyun saw Feng Jue whose clothes were stained red with blood, and exclaimed, "Feng are you?"

"Su Xiaomei, I'm fine, I won't die! It's not that easy for Lin Xing to kill me!" Feng Jue wanted to laugh at first, but the injury was serious, and his laughter turned into coughing.

"Feng Jue, take it easy!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

"Hey, Mo Mo is here too!" Feng Jue looked at Mo Qiling beside Su Chengyun.

Mo Qiling only nodded slightly, and glanced at Hai Tianlong.

The blue eyes are extremely cold, like the glaciers that have not melted for hundreds of millions of years, carrying the extremely coldness, in one glance, it is like ten thousand ice arrows piercing the heart.

Hai Tianlong felt that his mind was about to be frozen by the coldness in Mo Qilin's eyes, he shook his head vigorously to dispel the chill.

He was shocked.

Such a powerful man, his gestures are extremely noble, and his actions are decisive and ruthless.

If this kind of person is an enemy, it will be a nightmare for your life.

Could this be Su Chengyun's man?No wonder Su Chengyun looked down on him, he was indeed inferior to the man in front of him.

"Su Xiaomei, Little Huoque has been arrested!" Feng Jue reminded.

Su Chengyun was concerned about Feng Jue's injury, only now did he realize the situation of little Huoque, that little guy was looking at her resentfully from the net.

"Mo Qiling, save the little Huoque first!" Su Chengyun tugged at the corner of Mo Qiling's clothes.

Mo Qiling nodded, and when he moved, everyone saw only a patch of red drifting by.

However, all the men in black around the little fire bird surrounded him and put the little fire bird behind, typically wanting to save the bird, pass their level first.

"Hey, Mo Qiling, you finally appeared!" Lin Xing, who was shot flying in the distance, flew back again, looking at Mo Qiling with raised eyebrows.

Mo Qiling turned his head and looked at Lin Xing slightly frowning.

"Lin Xing, how is the Dark Demon Queen?" Mo Qiling asked.

"Hmph, Mo Qiling, how can it be better if you don't kill my king?" Lin Xing snorted coldly, "Mo Qiling, I came to take your life at the order of my king!"

"It seems that after I left the upper realm, the Dark Demon Queen has no ability to rule the entire upper realm!" Mo Qiling said coldly.

"Mo Qiling, don't be complacent, as long as you die, I see how loyal those who are loyal to you will be!" Lin Xing said.

"Lin Xing, that Dark Demon Queen of yours has no ability to sit in a stable position, but she blames Mo Mo for the reason, it's too shameless!" Feng Jue said.

"Feng Jue, you are defeated!" Lin Xing glared at Feng Jue.

"Haha, we haven't reached the last moment, how do you know that I will be your defeater, not you are my defeater!" Feng Jue laughed, he didn't believe that he was going to fight with Lin Xingdu, Mo Whether Mo will help him or not, and Su Xiaomei will help him too.

"Hmph!" Lin Xing snorted coldly, ignored Feng Jue, and looked at Mo Qiling again, "Mo Qiling, you came just in time, I was about to use them to threaten you to come out. Saved me a lot of work!"

"Let the little fire bird go!" Mo Qiling didn't care about Lin Xing's words, he saw Su Chengyun looking at the little fire bird with distressed eyes, so he naturally rescued the little fire bird first.

"Hey, let me let it go, I'll let it go after you die!" Lin Xing said.

Hearing this, Mo Qiling looked at Lin Xing coldly, with frost on his face that could not melt: "You are courting death!"

After Mo Qiling finished speaking, everyone saw a piece of red clothes drifting by, and the men in black in front of the little fire bird flew out one after another. In front of Su Chengyun.

Mo Qiling's figure flashed out, his right hand moved slightly, a burst of red light overflowed, the net wrapped around the little firefinch began to slowly melt, and soon a big hole appeared, and the little firefinch flew out .

"Little Fire Sparrow..." Su Chengyun called happily.

"Master..." Little Huoque was also very happy to see Su Chengyun.

And Wen Xinlan on the boat even shed tears: "Yun'er... is back, and Mo Mo is back too!"

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Su Hongyi's voice was also full of excitement.

Mr. Ming Yi looked at Su Chengyun's figure, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Lin Xing was the most frightened person, he didn't expect that Mo Qiling would easily rescue Little Huoque from them, and it was so fast that people couldn't react.

(End of this chapter)

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