Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 447 Killing

Chapter 447 Killing
"Impossible, impossible! Mo Qiling, how could you have such a strong skill, you were injured by my lord, shouldn't you recover so quickly?" Lin Xing's eyes were full of doubts.

But Mo Qiling narrowed his eyes coldly. He really wouldn't have such strength before, but with Susu's Phoenix Divine Orb, it's not surprising that he can display such strength.

"Mo Qiling, how did you do it?" Lin Xing asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Why should I tell you, Lin Xing, you hurt Susu and Susu's friends and family, you should settle the account!" After Mo Qiling finished speaking, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, pointing directly at Lin Xing and the black man beside him. clothes people.

"Hmph, Mo Qiling, no matter how strong you are, in the lower realm, you are restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, and you are no better than us. I don't believe it, so many of us can't deal with you alone!" Lin Lin Star said mockingly.

"Lin Xing, did you forget that we won't succeed? I, Feng Jue, will definitely help Momo!" Feng Jue yelled.

"Haha, even with you, we can't beat us, you are destined to lose!" Lin Xing said.

"Fart!" Feng Jue was furious and was about to rush over.

Mo Qiling stopped him: "Feng Jue, leave it to me!"

"Momo..." Feng said in disapproval.

"It's okay, I can handle it!" Mo Qiling said.

"Feng Jue, give it to Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun waved at the side, Feng Jue immediately left Mo Qiling behind, and walked towards Su Chengyun with a smile.

"Hmph, it's really overwhelming to think of dealing with us alone! Mo Qiling, today I will complete the queen's instructions and destroy you!" Lin Xing snorted coldly, "Let's go together and kill Mo Qiling Ling, I will go to the queen to ask for credit for you!"

The men in black seemed to be stimulated, and rushed towards Mo Qiling in a swarm.

When Mo Qiling said, a burst of red drifted past, only heard a few "bang bang bang", before everyone could see what happened, all the men in black who rushed past flew upside down, and A mouthful of blood spewed out in the air.

Lin Xing's eyes froze: "Mo Qiling, I'll meet you!"

Lin Xing rushed towards Mo Qiling, but Mo Qiling just took a cold look and ignored them, but chased after the men in black just now, only to hear "bang bang bang" again. The man in black, who was still alive, was attacked repeatedly by Mo Qiling's pursuit, and his life was cut off one after another.

"Mo Qiling..." Lin Xing was furious when he saw this, but his speed was obviously behind Mo Qiling, so he could only watch helplessly as Mo Qiling wiped out his subordinates one by one.

"Mo Qiling, stop it!"

Lin Xing managed to catch up with Mo Qiling, but saw the last man in black falling into the sea without a sound.

"So strong!" Su Hongyi gasped, those men in black who forced them to retreat just now were all defeated by Mo Qiling's blow, and they were defeated so easily.

"Hehe, Mo Mo is venting his anger on us. He could kill so many people at once, but let Lin Xing watch those people die one by one. Isn't this the same as what we suffered just now? Momo wants Lin Xing to have a taste of this too!" Wen Xinlan said with a smile.Just now they watched their own people being defeated by Lin Xing's people one by one but were powerless, and now Lin Xing is also watching his own people being wiped out, presumably he is just as powerless as them.The newsletter came really fast.

Yes, it really deserves it!

Wen Xinlan felt extremely happy in her heart, but Mr. Ming Yi frowned slightly, and then sighed deeply in her heart.

That man, he was hard to catch.

"Mo Qiling, I'm going to kill you!" Lin Xing was furious. His queen sent him to the lower world after so much painstaking efforts. He never thought that he would be killed by Mo Qiling so easily. How would he explain to the queen? ?
Mo Qiling completely ignored Lin Xing's words, and said flatly: "Lin Xing, now it's your turn!"

"Hmph, Mo Qiling, I want to see how strong you are!" Lin Xing rushed towards Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling floated in the air, standing still, seeing that Lin Xing's sword was about to stab his body, Mo Qiling raised his head slightly, looked at Lin Xing, his icy eyes seemed to stab out like sharp knives, Lin Xing His figure paused.

"The innate skill of the Phoenix family, restraint!" Lin Xing opened his eyes wide in horror, and stuttered, " can you use the skills of the Phoenix family in the lower realm?" This is not restricted by the rules of heaven and earth Can't use it?
"The rules of heaven and earth are useless to me!" Mo Qiling said coldly, and then pinched Lin Xing's neck with one hand.

Lin Xing couldn't move his body, but he could still use his mouth. He shouted: "Mo Qiling, you can't hit me! The queen won't let you go!"

"You can ask him to come to me! I'll be waiting for you!" Mo Qiling said, and after speaking, his slender jade-like hands grabbed Lin Xing's neck.

"Mo Qiling, you think that this will make me submit? Tell you, I have a restriction set by the queen on me. If you do something, the queen will immediately lock your position!"

"So, you haven't reported Mo Qiling's location yet?" Su Chengyun floated over at some point and asked.

Lin Xing glanced at Su Chengyun, and said: "Hmph, I have already reported, but I didn't report the specific location. If you touch me, the queen will know immediately!" Lin Xing threatened sarcastically.

"Mo Qiling?" Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling.

"Su Xiaomei, so what if the queen comes? Just kill her too!" Feng Jue said carelessly.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "Feng Jue, things are not that simple."

"Huh, is there anything else?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling said: "The main body of the Dark Demon Queen can't come down, even if it does come down, it's just a lingering remembrance!"

"That's what I'm worried about. What's the use of killing her remnants? It also exposed our location for nothing!" Su Chengyun sighed.

"But you can't let Lin Xing go crazy again!" Feng Jue stepped forward and kicked Lin Xing fiercely after hearing the words.

"Haha, do you know how powerful the queen is? Even if the queen has a trace of remnants, it is easy to kill you! I advise you to let me go as soon as possible, otherwise I don't mind letting the queen's remnants strike early, and the result will not be me I can control it!" Lin Xing laughed wildly.

"Lin Xing, you bastard!" Feng Jue became even more annoyed when he heard this, and punched Lin Xing on the body.

Lin Xing was in pain, and his teeth began to chatter.

"What should we do?" Su Chengyun asked Xiang Mo Qiling, Mo Qiling knew the affairs of the upper realm best, so it was definitely right for him to make up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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