Chapter 448
"Susu, Lin Xing can't stay!" Mo Qiling said firmly.

"But, Mo Mo..." Feng Jue frowned.

Su Chengyun stopped Feng Jue from continuing, and said to Mo Qiling: "Mo Qiling, you can do what you want, no matter what you do, I will support it!"

Hearing this, Mo Qiling glanced at Su Chengyun, then nodded.

"Mo Qiling, what are you going to do?" Lin Xing was really scared this time.

"Send you on your way!" Mo Qiling said coldly, then pinched Lin Xing's neck and flew forward to the vast sea in the distance. His speed was very fast, and he disappeared after a while.

"Su Xiaomei..." Feng Jue said worriedly, "Momo won't be in any danger, right?"

Su Chengyun looked at Feng Jue, and swept over him: "I don't know if Mo Qiling is in danger, but I know that if you don't treat him, you will die from bleeding!"

Feng Jue naturally knew his physical condition, and immediately put his hand on his forehead after Su Chengyun pointed it out, "Su Xiaomei, when you say that, I feel dizzy, so dizzy, no, I'm going to fall!"

"Stop doing this, come here soon!" Su Chengyun didn't believe that the wind would be so weak, he threw a small bottle over, shook his head and flew towards the big ship.

"Hey hey, hey hey!" Feng Jue caught the hey hey twice, threw the pill in the vial into his mouth, and hurriedly followed.

Seeing Su Hongyi and Wenxin Lan who were smiling and waiting for her on the deck, Su Chengyun's eyes were a little red. Parents and the others came to overseas from Lanling Continent all the way.

"Father and mother, your daughter is unfilial, which makes you worry!" Su Chengyun knelt down on the deck all at once.

"Yun'er, what are you doing, get up!" Wen Xinlan hurriedly helped Su Chengyun, Su Hongyi wanted to help at first, but the injuries on his body are still serious, and it hurts even to move.

"Father, don't move, I'll take a look for you!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said when he saw that Su Hongyi was seriously injured.

"En, Yun'er, hurry up and show your father!" Wen Xinlan also said.

Su Chengyun helped Su Hongyi check it, and saw that although the injury was serious, it was not a fatal injury, so he finally felt relieved, took out the elixir and bandaging items from the ring, and dealt with them one by one.

"Father, you'll be raising this for a while!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, I know about my father's injury. I can see Yun'er, even if my father dies immediately, I can feel at ease!" Su Hongyi said.

"What did daddy say? Dad wants to see his daughter happy in the future!" Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped Su Hongyi from continuing.

"That's right, what nonsense are you talking about? My daughter is back, and you're still talking nonsense!" Wen Xinlan was also a little displeased.

"Hehe, I owe you, I owe you!" Su Hongyi hurriedly laughed, but this smile touched the wound and turned into a cough.

"Father, save your energy and talk when you feel better!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

"That's right, listen to my daughter and let her show Feng Jue, Feng Jue is the child who has worked the most and has been injured the most!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Yes, yes, daughter, go and show Feng Jue!" Su Hongyi also urged.

"Uncle Su, Aunt Su, don't worry about me, Miss Su just gave me a pill, I'm already much better!" Feng Jue laughed.

"Even if you take the elixir, you still need to take care of your injuries!" Su Hongyi looked at Su Chengyun,
"Father, don't worry about it, I will help Fengjue deal with it!" Su Chengyun hurriedly promised.

Su Chengyun hurriedly took the dried powder and strangled the wound to treat the wound. If Su Hongyi kept nagging, she would probably have to bandage him again.

"Hey, Miss Su..."

While watching Su Chengyun bandage his wound, Feng Jue smirked and called Su Xiaomei.

"Why are you so stupid?" Su Chengyun finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Su Xiaomei, it's great to see you again!" Feng Jue said with a smirk.

Su Chengyun also laughed when he heard the words, and said gratefully: "Feng Jue, thank you for coming with my parents!"

"Su Xiaomei, even if Su Shu and Aunt Su don't come, I will come!" Feng Jue said seriously.

"Feng Jue, I don't even know how to thank you!" Su Chengyun rubbed his forehead.

"Hehe, Miss Su, how about a promise with your body?" Feng Jue asked with a smile.

"Say something you know is impossible?" Su Chengyun shook his head and laughed knowing that Feng Jue was joking.

"Hey, why is it impossible, you don't want Momo anymore, how about me?" Feng Jue said.

"Go and convince Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun directly pushed the question to Mo Qiling.

When Feng Jue heard the words, his heart beat immediately: "Then... then forget it!"

This Mo Mo is not the previous Mo Mo, his aura is so scary, if he mentions a word, he will probably be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!

"Su Xiaomei, I want to be the child's godfather!" Feng Jue mentioned again.

"Okay, as long as the children have no objection, I have no objection!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm so good, how can the children object?" Feng Jue laughed, even if the children objected, it was fine, he would use his personality charm to conquer them.

"Okay, it's been dealt with!" Su Chengyun began to pack his things.

" will be so soon!" Feng Jue curled his lips, he also wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Su Xiaomei.

"I'm going to help my mother and Mr. Mingyi treat the wound!" Su Chengyun took things to find Wen Xinlan and Mr. Mingyi.

"Chengyun, help Aunt Su deal with it first! I have minor injuries here!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"That's right, Su Xiaomei, you help Aunt Su take care of it, and Mr. Mingyi will leave it to me. I can take care of such a small injury!" Feng Jue hurriedly said, not forgetting to pinch Mr. Mingyi, and said in a low voice , "Master Ming Yi, you haven't suffered much injuries in the first place, don't bother Su Xiaomei, if you want to take the opportunity to get close to Su Xiaomei, I, Feng Jue, will be the first to refuse!"

Mr. Ming Yi raised his eyebrows, "Feng Jue, you just occupied Chengyun for so long, why didn't you give me a chance!" Mr. Ming Yi wanted to beat up the villain beside him.

"Hey, you can't make Su Xiaomei too hard! Besides, there are still many people injured on the boat, and we have to go and have a look at it later!" Feng Jue said.

Mr. Ming Yi became even more annoyed, Feng Jue absolutely didn't want him to be alone with Cheng Yun.

"Yun'er, I think you should treat Mr. Mingyi's injuries first!" Wen Xinlan said, no matter what, Mr. Mingyi was injured because of her daughter.

"No need, Aunt Su, really no need, I'm going to treat Mr. Mingyi's injury!" Feng Jue said while dragging Mr. Mingyi away.

Mr. Ming Yi just wanted to say something but couldn't say it, he could only stare at Feng Jue angrily.

"Are they all right?" Wen Xinlan looked at the two and frowned and asked.

"Mother, it's okay, I'll treat you first, and I'll go see them later!" Su Chengyun knew Feng Jue's thoughts without thinking about it, it was so childish.

(End of this chapter)

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