Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 450 No regrets

Chapter 450 No regrets

"Su Chengyun, brother Tianlong only cares about you! These days, brother Tianlong has been waiting here just to see if you are safe!" Xue Hanbing couldn't help but said.

Although Brother Tianlong kidnapped Su Chengyun here, he has always been very kind to Su Chengyun and cared about him.

Su Chengyun looked at Xue Hanbing, shook his head and said: "Xue Hanbing, you are actually very kind, but many things are not as you imagined!" Xue Hanbing naturally thought that Hai Tianlong's kindness to her could offset all the harm, but the harm is The damage, even if he tried his best to make up for it later, the damage still exists. Moreover, Hai Tianlong's original purpose was to refine the elixir of life, which was refined with the blood of her child. How could she pretend that nothing happened? If she was weaker, Didn't Hai Tianlong succeed long ago.

It is the greatest kindness to Hai Tianlong that she does not pursue it now.

"Su...Su Chengyun..." Xue Hanbing didn't know what to say.She just felt that brother Tianlong was pitiful.

"Bing'er, stop talking, I owe Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong said, if he knew that things were going in this direction, he would never have kidnapped Su Chengyun to come here.However, there is nothing to regret now, Su Chengyun can stay by his side for such a long time, he should be content.

"No...Brother Tianlong, our Xue family owes Su Chengyun!" Xue Hanbing said anxiously, "Su Chengyun, it was my sister who pushed you into the sea. Don't blame Brother Tianlong! My sister is dead. I will make amends for your sister!" Xue Hanbing was about to kneel down after finishing speaking.

Su Chengyun frowned slightly, and with a wave of his sleeve, Xue Hanbing's kneeling body immediately stood up.

"Ah..." Xue Hanbing was surprised.

"Bing'er, it's none of your business!" Hai Tianlong shook his head, stepped forward and pulled Xue Hanbing behind him.

"Brother Tianlong..."

"Bing'er, be obedient!" Hai Tianlong said in a deep voice.

Xue Hanbing bit his lip and stopped talking.

Hai Tianlong's eyes turned to Su Chengyun, he was silent for a moment and said: "Su Chengyun, I never regret bringing you here!"

"Hai Tianlong, do you want to lose face? Do you know how much trouble you have caused Su Xiaomei and us?" Feng Jue was furious when he heard this.

Su Chengyun gently shook her head at Feng Jue: "Feng Jue, don't talk about it!" After she finished speaking to Feng Jue, she looked at Hai Tianlong and said, "Hai Tianlong, I don't want to pursue the past. Well water does not violate river water!"

"Su Chengyun, I don't want to pester you anymore, I just tell you that I will not regret bringing you by my side these days!" Hai Tianlong looked into Su Chengyun's eyes and said.

Su Chengyun's eyes flickered, and he said: "It's fine if you don't pester me, Hai Tianlong, you can manage your Haiyunzong well in the future, go back!"

"Don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will solve the overseas affairs. If you stay overseas, I will ensure your safety!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Cut, you can't even deal with Lin Xing, and you still want to ensure our safety, so talk big!" Hearing that Hai Tianlong no longer pestered Su Chengyun, Feng Jue's attitude eased.

"Feng Jue, Strictly speaking, Lin Xing does not belong to our overseas people. The people from the upper realm are too strong, and I am powerless! However, if the people from the upper realm can appear overseas, how do you know they are not in Lanzhou?" Spirit Continent arranges people?" Hai Tianlong asked back.

"Hmph, Hai Tianlong, you just need to take care of your overseas affairs. We will deal with the Lanling Continent, and the Lu family you cultivated. We will also deal with it later. Hai Tianlong, I advise you to stay with you in the future." One-third of an acre of land is better, so as not to overstretch the claws and get cut off!" Feng Jue said coolly.

"Feng Jue, if you have the ability, even if the Lu family takes it, I won't even blink my eyes! However, no one can tell what will happen in the future, let's wait and see!" Hai Tianlong said with his head held high. How to bully Su Chengyun, he has also collected a lot during these days.Dare to bully Su Chengyun, the Lu family is really courting death!

"Haha, Hai Tianlong, I thought you were a person with multiple friendships, so you gave up on your own people so easily, haha, what do you make those who work hard for you think?" Feng Jue sarcastically said to the people on board listen.

Hai Tianlong was unmoved: "Feng Jue, no matter what, the Lu family is from your Lanling Continent. Even if you take refuge in me, I won't take care of you. The people here are different. They are all from my sea. The people of Yunzong are the people I trust the most!" Hai Tianlong almost said that even if the Lu family came to join him, they were still outsiders, and the people of Haiyunzong were really their own people. Naturally, treating outsiders is different from treating our own people. Outsiders can easily Give up, but my own people will never.

Feng Jue squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to spit out two words: "You're ruthless!"

Hai Tianlong smiled and looked at Su Chengyun: "Su Chengyun, if you want to come to Haiyunzong in the future, you can come directly, the door of Haiyunzong will always be open for you!"

"Hai Tianlong, Su Xiaomei will not return to the place where she was imprisoned!" Feng Jue shouted.

Hai Tianlong didn't look at Feng Jue, but only looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun laughed: "Hai Tianlong, you also said it, who can say what will happen in the future! Well, let's do it like this! Feng Jue, let's go!"

"Okay!" Feng Jue smiled triumphantly at Hai Tianlong, and flew away with Su Chengyun.

And Hai Tianlong looked at Su Chengyun's back and stood still for a long time.

"Miss Su, what if Hai Tianlong still doesn't leave? I'll drive him away!" Feng Jue couldn't help but speak after looking at the deck for a few times.

"No, he will leave!" Su Chengyun said directly, Hai Tianlong, she still understands a little bit, he is a very rational person.

"Okay, I'll just wait, if I wait another half an hour, I'll really drive him away, Su Xiaomei, don't stop me when the time comes!" Feng Jue said.

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied.

"Brother Tianlong..." Seeing Hai Tianlong staring at the opposite boat for a long time, Xue Hanbing finally stepped forward and called out.

"Bing'er, there are countless women around me in my life, but there has never been a woman who can make me worry like Su Chengyun!" Hai Tianlong's voice was a little low, and he was a little bit lost.

"Brother Tianlong, you are excellent, but it's a pity that Su Chengyun has a strong person by his side, so she doesn't like you!" Xue Hanbing said.

"Hehe, Bing'er is right. There is a strong man from the upper realm beside Su Chengyun. That man is strong and powerful. I really can't compare with him!" Hai Tianlong laughed at himself.

"No, Brother Tianlong, in Bing'er's eyes, you are the best!" Xue Hanbing hurriedly said, although the man was very strong and attractive, but it was too cold, so cold that he felt like he would be frozen when he looked at it , such a high-ranking person, only Su Chengyun can bear it.

"Haha, only you, Bing'er, would think so!"

(End of this chapter)

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