Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 451 Proud

Chapter 451 Proud
"Brother Tianlong, what I say is from the heart!"

"Bing'er, thank you for comforting me!"

Hai Tianlong glanced at Su Chengyun again, and said for a long time, "Binger, let's go back!"


"Go back and remove all obstacles, so that Su Chengyun and the others can travel overseas without hindrance!" Hai Tianlong said with firm eyes.

Xue Hanbing lowered his head slightly. Under the instigation of caring people, overseas people are very hostile to the people in Lanling Continent. Brother Tianlong is going to set things right.

"Brother Tianlong, Bing'er will support you no matter what you do!" Xue Hanbing said.

"En, Bing'er, let's go!" Hai Tianlong waved his hand, "Go back!"

The boat slowly headed towards Hai Yunzong's direction, Hai Tianlong turned his head and looked at Su Chengyun's side again, his eyes became firmer.

Su Chengyun, this is the only thing I can do for you now, and I will take care of it as soon as possible!

"Hmph, the dog skin plaster is finally gone, I'll save it!" Seeing Hai Tianlong's boat slowly leaving, Feng Jue curled his lips.

"Okay, it's good that he's gone!" Su Chengyun shook his head at Feng Jue's childishness.

Wen Xinlan came over at some point, took Su Chengyun's hand and said, "Yun'er, there were a lot of things just now, mother didn't ask me all this time!"

"Mother, what do you want to ask?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

"Yun'er, didn't you give birth? Where's the child?" There was anticipation and tension in Wenxin's blue eyes.

Su Chengyun patted her forehead. What happened just now happened one after another. She forgot to introduce the child to her family.

His mind penetrated into the Phoenix Divine Bead, the two children were still sleeping sweetly, Su Chengyun had no choice but to say: "Mother, the two children are sleeping now, when they wake up, I will bring them out to see you!"

"Oh, okay, let the two children go to bed first!" Although Wen Xinlan really wanted to see her grandson and granddaughter, she couldn't bear to disturb the two little ones.

"Hey, that kid Mo Mo doesn't know what's going on now?" Wen Xinlan began to worry about Mo Qiling again.

"Mother, he'll be fine!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, she knew how strong Mo Qiling was, unless the Dark Demon Queen came down in person, no one would be his opponent.

"That's right, Mo Mo is so strong, nothing will happen, Aunt Su, don't think too much about it!" Feng Jue also advised from the side.

"Okay, I won't think too much, I'll go see your Uncle Su!"

Xin Xinlan left, and only Su Chengyun, Feng Jue and Mr. Mingyi were left on the deck.

Little Firefinch was put into the Divine Phoenix Bead long after Su Chengyun healed its wounds. Inside, Little Flamefinch's injuries would heal faster.

"Feng Jue, Mr. Ming Yi, thank you very much this time!" Su Chengyun formally thanked the two of them.

"Su Xiaomei, do we still need to say thank you? If I do this again, I will be angry!" Feng Jue tried to keep a straight face.

Mr. Ming Yi smiled and said: "Chengyun, I didn't exert much force this time, it was all Fengjue's effort. If it wasn't for him to resist Lin Xing, we might have been arrested long ago!"

At this moment, Su Chengyun remembered Feng Jue's unusual combat power, looked at Feng Jue strangely, and kept sizing him up.

"Huh, Lingdi? Feng Jue, when did you become Lingdi?" Su Chengyun asked excitedly.

Ling Zhe, Lingshi, Lingshi, Lingwang, Lingzun, Lingzong, Lingsheng, Lingdi, Lingshen.

This is the cultivation level of the cultivators of the Lanling Continent.

She is now at the peak stage of Lingshen. I didn't expect that after a while, Feng Jue would suddenly rise to Lingdi, one step away from Lingshen. This is so surprising.

"Chengyun, Fengjue, this kid doesn't know what kind of luck he got, but he got an adventure!" Mr. Ming Yi shook his head and said.

"Fortunate encounter?" Su Chengyun was even more puzzled.

"Hey, that's my luck!" Feng Jue laughed and said cracklingly, "Miss Su, I collected a lot of information in order to find this overseas, and one piece of news caught my attention. I think the possibility is very high. , So I went, but who knew I was so happy, I didn’t want to go back the same way in a rage, I wanted to take a shortcut, but who knew that my estimate was wrong, and I strayed into a cave, where I got I have acquired a senior's inheritance, and it is because of this inheritance that I can quickly upgrade to Spirit Emperor!"

"It really is an adventure!" Su Chengyun smiled.

"However, Su Xiaomei, I feel that my cultivation has increased too fast and I am a little unstable, otherwise how could Lin Xing be my opponent!" Feng Jue said indignantly.

"Haha, that's natural. During these days, you should strengthen your cultivation and strive to be promoted to the peak spirit god of our Lanling Continent!" Su Chengyun patted Feng Jue on the shoulder.

"Su Xiaomei, it's easy for you to say. There have been no spiritual god cultivators in Lanling Continent for many years. It can be seen that it is very difficult to be promoted to a spiritual god!" Feng Jue shook his head.

"No!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, maybe it was like this before, but with Mo Qiling, things will definitely change, she firmly believes in this.

Mo Qiling had said that she would take her to the upper realm.

"I hope so!" Feng Jue said, "Su Xiaomei, what is your cultivation level now? Why can't my Lingdi's cultivation level see through you?" At this point, doubts flashed in Feng Jue's eyes, he was very sure that Su Xiaomei It's not a strong spirit, but he can't see through it, so it's a bit intriguing.

"Hehe, I'm at the peak of Lingsheng now, and I can be promoted to Lingdi soon to catch up with you, so Fengjue, you have to work hard!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, Su Xiaomei, are you a freak? Not only did her cultivation level not drop after she conceived a child, but she also increased several levels?" Feng Jue opened his mouth in surprise. They all knew what Su Xiaomei's cultivation level was before she conceived a child.

Mr. Mingyi was also obviously surprised.

"Hehe, who said that a woman's cultivation level will definitely drop when she has a child?" Su Chengyun asked back. Although that is the case in most cases, her situation is different. Who makes the child's father not an ordinary person, and the two children are not ordinary either. people.

"Su Xiaomei, you are amazing!" Feng Jue gave a thumbs up, then looked at Mr. Mingyi, and said provocatively, "Mr. Mingyi, I still remember that you were the only one in the selection meeting of Nancang College, and Su Xiaomei and I were no opponents. , hehe, now that Su Xiaomei and I have surpassed your cultivation level, you feel very unbalanced, right?"

Mr. Ming Yi smiled and said: "Hehe, Feng Jue, your improvement in cultivation is your own good fortune, Chengyun is my friend, I am happy for her improvement in cultivation!"

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, you say that, but you must be uncomfortable in your heart. You are used to being number one, and you must not be convinced if you are surpassed by me and Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue's eyes were extremely bright.

This Fengjue has started to shout again!

Su Chengyun supported his forehead, there was really nothing he could do about it.

"Fengjue..." Su Chengyun was about to speak, but suddenly felt a powerful aura appear.

(End of this chapter)

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