Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 452 Guarantee

Chapter 452 Guarantee
"Oh my god, what happened?" Emperor Feng Jue Ling's cultivation naturally felt this powerful aura.

Several people looked into the distance, and saw that the sky in the distance suddenly became dark and oppressive, and the wind was strong, and the sea water seemed to be affected by the wind and set off huge waves, sweeping towards this side quickly.

"No, the wind is gone, let's protect the boat!" Su Chengyun shouted.

"Okay, Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue moved, and he was already at the stern of the boat.

"Master Ming Yi, please protect the people on board!" Su Chengyun said to Mr. Ming Yi next to him.

"Chengyun, leave it to me!" Hearing this, Mr. Mingyi immediately summoned everyone to the cabin, and he stood majestically at the hatch, ready to go.

Seeing that the boat started to shake, and the huge waves were already very close, Feng Jue shouted: "Miss Su, it's time for us to exert our strength!"

"Okay!" Su Chengyun replied, his spiritual power was running, and he was wrapping towards the boat without even falling to the bottom of the boat. At the same time, Feng Jue's spiritual power also began to wrap away from the back and forward. The positions where they meet, the entire ship is under the control of the two.

The wind and waves swept over, and the ship shook violently, but with the escort of Su Chengyun and Feng Jue, although the ship shook violently, it would not be blown apart by the strong storm.

The dark sky also oppressed, and the whole world seemed to be much darker all of a sudden.

"Oh my god, what the hell kind of weather is this?" Feng Bu yelled in dissatisfaction.

Su Chengyun was always worried, this abnormality didn't seem to be formed naturally, but more like it was caused by a powerful person.

Mo Qiling...

Su Chengyun was even more worried. She had a strong premonition that it was probably related to Mo Qiling.

Could it be that the Dark Demon Queen made a move, what happened to Mo Qiling?

Although Su Chengyun believed that Mo Qiling must be confident in doing this, but the Dark Demon Queen was not easy to provoke, and if Mo Qiling didn't stand in front of her well, she would keep worrying.

"Master, let me go and have a look!" Little Huoque pleaded in the Phoenix Divine Orb.

Su Chengyun directly refused: "Little Huoque, take good care of your injury."

"Master, my injury has recovered a lot!" Little Huoque said.

"Then practice hard, the Divine Phoenix Orb will improve your cultivation, don't waste it!" Su Chengyun still disagrees with the little Huoque to take risks. If the Dark Demon Queen really took action, the little Huoque just added to the chaos in the past. The battle in the upper realm is not something that the next generation of them can participate in. Although the little fire bird has evolved into a phoenix, it has just evolved and is still very weak after all.

The boat, like a rootless duckweed, is constantly swaying in the storm, like a tenacious Xiaoqiang.

I don't know how long this moment lasted, and even Su Chengyun felt that his spiritual power was consumed so much, suddenly a female voice came from the dark sky: "I will come back again! "The voice gradually drifted away.

Su Chengyun narrowed his eyes slightly, it was indeed artificial.

With the disappearance of the female voice, Su Chengyun could clearly feel that the power of the storm had started to slow down, and the sky was not so gloomy anymore.

As if aware of it, Su Chengyun raised his eyes and looked into the distance, only to see a red dress slowly appearing in the darkness.

Mo Qiling...

Su Chengyun's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Mo Qiling seemed to have heard Su Chengyun's call, looking this way, two pairs of eyes collided through the storm.

Seeing the scene on Su Chengyun's side, Mo Qiling frowned slightly, waved his wide sleeves, and the storm and darkness around him began to dissipate.

Wherever the red clothes pass, the wind is bright and the sky is bright.

Soon, Mo Qiling came here, with a wave of his sleeve, all the storms and darkness were expelled, disappeared, and Mo Qiling's figure landed on the deck.

"Mo Qiling?" Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling with a smile, looked at him for a moment and asked, "Are you okay?"

Mo Qiling shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Hey, Momo, if you don't come back, I won't be able to hold on anymore!" Feng Jue ran over carelessly, panting and said, the spiritual power he had consumed in the previous battle with Lin Xing hadn't recovered yet, this time He used up all the remaining spiritual power, and if Mo Qiling didn't come back in time, he would almost be unable to withstand it.

"Feng Jue, take this first!" Seeing this, Su Chengyun hurriedly threw a pill.

"Hey, I know Su Xiaomei is the best!" Feng Jue swallowed the elixir, looked at Mo Qiling, "Hey, Mo Mo, what happened just now? And who is that female voice?"

"Is that the Dark Demon Queen?" Su Chengyun also asked immediately.

"Feng Jue, Yun'er, Mo Mo must have worked hard, let Mo Mo rest for a while before asking!" Wen Xinlan walked over with Su Hongyi supported.

"That's right, let Mo Mo rest first!" Su Hongyi also said.

"I'm not tired!" Mo Qiling said, then looked at Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi, slightly performed a junior salute, and called softly, "Father, mother!"

Su Hongyi and Wen Xinlan were taken aback for a moment, and then they happily responded, "Hey!"

Of course they knew about Mo Mo's identity. This son-in-law's status was too high, and they thought they were the only ones who respected him, but they didn't expect this son-in-law to call their parents.

"Yun'er, treat Momo well in the future!" Su Hongyi told Su Chengyun even more so.

Seeing Su Hongyi who was obviously excited, Su Chengyun was a little speechless.

"Father, your injury is still not healed, rest more!" Su Chengyun said, and stepped forward to help Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi sit on a stool.

"Hey, Yun'er, I found you, and Mo Mo is back, Daddy is happy!" Su Hongyi said with a smile.

He owed this daughter too much, and now he felt relieved to see her happy.

"Just be happy, Daddy, if you're happy, your injury will heal quickly!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Su Hongyi looked at Mo Qiling: "Mo Mo, you won't be leaving this time, will you?"

Mo Qiling naturally knew that Su Hongyi was talking about the three years of his previous absence, and said: "If I don't leave, even if I leave, I will bring Susu with me!"

"Hehe, is that right? You're not here. Although Yun'er doesn't say anything, I can see that she misses you! From now on, I will take Yun'er with me wherever I go. Whether it's bitter or tiring, since she followed you, she will Take it yourself!" Su Hongyi said.

"Okay, I will!" Mo Qiling replied.

"Hey, don't worry about this, Mo Mo has his own considerations, he will make his own decisions!" Wen Xinlan shook her head and said.

The current Mo Mo is not the previous Mo Mo, at first glance, he is the kind of person who is superior and used to giving orders.

"Father and mother, you don't need to tell me, I will treat Su Su well in the future!" How could Mo Qiling not understand the worries of Su Hongyi and Wenxinlan, so he promised to be good.

"Okay, okay!" Su Hongyi said two good words in succession.

(End of this chapter)

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