Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 453 Godfather?don't want

Chapter 453 Godfather?don't want

"Mo Qiling, what happened just now?" Su Chengyun asked seeing that Su Hongyi and Wenxinlan were fine.

Mo Qiling didn't hide anything, and said: "Susu, you guessed it right, she is indeed the Dark Demon Queen. If she can't get off her body, she split a part of her mind to deal with me!"

Su Chengyun became anxious when he heard that, and checked around Mo Qiling: "Then are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

Mo Qiling held Su Chengyun's hand: "It's okay, it's just a remnant, I haven't paid attention to it yet!"

Hearing what Mo Qiling said, Su Chengyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mo Mo, what kind of queen will come back after she says so!" Feng Jue said.

"Don't worry, she won't be able to come for a while. I seriously hurt her remnants. Whether those remnants can go back is a problem. She needs to cultivate for a while!" Mo Qiling said.

"Haha, Mo Mo, you are so mighty! The Queen is not a good person at first glance. When she comes again, I, Feng Jue, will come to meet her too!" Feng Jue said with a laugh.

"Feng Jue, don't blow it, I guess you won't be able to lift your head up under the coercion of others!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

"Young master Mingyi, just tear down my platform!" Feng Jue rolled his eyes, "Hmph, maybe when that queen comes next time, I, Feng Jue, have already cultivated to the level of a spiritual god, and I have a showdown with her." The strength of victory and defeat!"

Regarding Feng Jue's words, Mr. Ming Yi just smiled and shook his head.

"Well, Yun'er, is the child awake yet?" Wen Xinlan could not help reminding in a low voice when she saw that several people were discussing that the Dark Demon Queen was very addictive, but she wanted to see the two children soon.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun finally came to his senses, forgot about it, and quickly sank his mind into the Divine Phoenix Orb.

After seeing Mo Qiling this time, she was able to enter and exit the Divine Phoenix Orb freely, and she could also control the Divine Phoenix Orb, but the authority was not as much as that of Mo Qiling.

Regarding this point, Su Chengyun was very slanderous, obviously she is the current owner of the Divine Phoenix Orb, but the Divine Phoenix Orb seems to like Mo Qiling more.

Su Chengyun sighed, seeing the two children waking up and playing by themselves, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and said to the children: "Ling'er, Fan'er, your grandparents want to see you!"

"Mom, my brother and I are going to see grandpa and grandma, we miss grandpa and grandma too!" Mo Qingling raised a delicate smile, eyes slightly curved, looking extremely cute.

Su Chengyun smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll bring you out!"

The air around Su Chengyun fluctuated, and soon two small figures appeared.

"Wow, it's so cute!" Feng Jue was the first to call out, and rushed to the front of the two children.

"Hey, I'm your godfather!" Feng Jue said brazenly.

"Godfather? No, you are an uncle, Uncle Fengjue!" Mo Qingling said directly.

Mo Qingfan didn't even lift his eyes.

"Ah, don't you want me to be your godfather?" Feng Jue looked at Mo Qingling suspiciously.

"If you don't want it, you don't want it!" Mo Qingling shook her head like a rattle.

At this time, Wen Xinlan finally recovered from the shock brought by the two children's appearance, and stepped forward to hug the two children in a few steps.

"My good grandson, my good granddaughter!" She finally saw the two children. She thought they were two infants at first, but who knew that the two children could stand up and talk, so she was so surprised.

Su Hongyi also slowly moved over excitedly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Aunt Su, haven't I become a godfather yet?" Feng Bufeng urged from the side without dissatisfaction.

Wen Xinlan waved her hand directly: "Feng Jue, let's talk about your matter later, let me take a good look at the two children first!"

"Grandma, grandpa!" Mo Qingling called out with a smile, the dimples at the corners of her mouth were particularly conspicuous.

"Grandma, grandpa!" Mo Qingfan's cold voice sounded.

"Haha, good boy, you actually recognize grandpa and grandma?" The smile in the corner of Wenxin Lan's eyes grew stronger.

"Ling'er recognizes grandpa and grandma!" Mo Qingling said with a smile.

"Hehe, good boy, good boy!"

But Su Chengyun laughed. When she was in Nancang City, Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi were both there. No wonder the two children are no strangers to them.

"Let me see the two children!" Su Hongyi couldn't help shouting when he saw Wen Xinlan hugging the two children and never letting go.

Wen Xinlan hurriedly picked up the two children and brought them to Su Hongyi: "Look, how clever Yun'er's two children are!"

Su Hongyi looked at the two children, his eyes were full of satisfaction, and he nodded with a smile on his lips.

"Su Xiaomei, I want to be the child's godfather!" Feng Jue slipped to Su Chengyun's side and said unwillingly.

"Hehe, Feng Jue, you also saw that Ling'er disagreed, what can I do?" Su Chengyun shrugged.

"Miss Su?" Feng Jue called out pitifully.

But seeing the red clothes next to him, he looked at Mo Qiling again, and said flatteringly: "Mo Mo, tell the two children that you want me to be their godfather?"

"You discuss it with the children!" Mo Qiling said directly.

" are really a husband and wife!" Feng Jue shouted dissatisfiedly pointing at the two of them.

"Feng Jue, you don't have the ability to win over the two children yourself, why bother with Cheng Yun?" Mr. Ming Yi said from the side.

"Hmph, sarcastic words!" Feng Jue curled his lips, he wanted to be the godfather of the two children before he saw them, but seeing the cuteness of the two children now, his mind became more firm in his mind.

No, he must be the godfather of the two children!

Feng Jue clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind, then turned around and walked towards the two children.

"Aunt Su, you are tired of holding the baby, let me come!" Feng Jue stretched out his hand, but Wen Xinlan didn't appreciate it.

"Feng Jue, how can I be tired from hugging my grandson and granddaughter? If you are bored, go talk to Mr. Mingyi and the others!" Wenxin Lantou said without turning around.

"That's right, Feng Jue, if you don't want to chat, go to the kitchen and tell the kitchen to cook more dishes today!" Su Hongyi also received it.

Feng Jue immediately felt as if a thousand horses had stepped on his heart, riddled with holes.

How nice Su Shu and Aunt Su were to him before, but now when she saw the two children, she dismissed him as an older child, woo, he just wanted to show his presence in front of the two children!But why do I feel like I have no sense of existence at all?

"Su Xiaomei..." Feng Jue looked even more pitifully at Su Chengyun as if asking for help.

Su Chengyun couldn't help laughing, stepped forward, and said to Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi, "Father and mother, everyone is tired, let's find a place to rest first!"

"Yes, yes, find a place to rest!" Feng Jue hastily echoed.

Su Hongyi thought for a while and said, "Okay, then find a nearby uninhabited island to settle down! It's not suitable for us to meet people from overseas!"

(End of this chapter)

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