Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 455 Persuasion

Chapter 455 Persuasion
"Mo Qiling, there hasn't been a spirit god in Lanling Continent for a long time!" It's not easy to find six spirit god cultivators at once.

"I know this, but two candidates have been confirmed, one for Susu and one for Fengjue! If Susu finds the sacred tree of phoenix trees, there will be no problem for Susu to be promoted to the spirit god. Fengjue is now the emperor of the spirit, and he is only one level away from the spirit god. , it's better to improve!" Mo Qiling said.

"But, where is the Divine Phoenix Tree? Feng Jue has been promoted too fast before, and his vigilance is still a little unstable!" Su Chengyun had a clear understanding of the two of them.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Mo Qiling said.

When Mo Qiling said this, Su Chengyun knew that the Phoenix Sacred Tree and the wind were definitely not a problem.

"But, what about the other four spirit gods?" Even if she and Fengjue become spirit gods, it's still not good.

"Susu, since I can help you promote Feng Jue to Spiritual God, I can also help others to be promoted!" Mo Qiling's mouth curled up slightly, but he was only a Spiritual God, and the Spiritual God was a low-level existence in the upper realm , he can create a few with a little movement of his fingers.

"Oh, good!" Su Chengyun laughed.

When eating together later, before Su Chengyun mentioned it, Su Hongyi asked first: "Momo, Yun'er, what are your plans for the future?"

As soon as Su Hongyi finished his questioning, everyone looked at the two of them.

Feng Jue said directly: "Miss Su, Momo, don't you want to go back to Lanling Continent right away? Don't! We have gone through all kinds of hardships and haven't had a good taste of overseas scenery. How can we just go back like this? I don’t know when I’ll be here again!” Hmph, he doesn’t want to leave, after leaving, Su Xiaomei belongs to Mo Mo alone, and now he is overseas, he can still stay with Su Xiaomei for a while.

"But we have been away from Lanling Continent for a long time!" Wen Xinlan hesitated and said.

"Hey, Aunt Su, are you worried about the Xingyue Palace? Don't worry, the Xingyue Palace has existed for so many years, so it's not that easy to cause trouble. Even if someone wants to take the opportunity to seize power, it's okay. When I go back, I'll just help you get it back! "Feng Jue said indifferently, saying that the warm blue is a joy.

"Feng Jue, are you just hoping that something will happen to my Xingyue Palace? Show off your might!" Wen Xinlan said with a smile, Feng Jue's current strength, no one in Xingyue Palace can really stop it .

"Hey, Aunt Su, you have an even more powerful son-in-law." Feng Jue reminded, "Aunt Su, we finally came overseas, and we may not come again in this life. We can't go back and tell others. Wandering around the fringe waters overseas, landed on two uninhabited islands and went back, how embarrassing!"

Wen Xinlan glanced at Feng Jue, then at Mo Qiling and Su Chengyun.

"Yun'er, what do you and Momo mean?"

"Mother, we were just about to tell you that Mo Qiling and I are going to stay overseas for a while longer!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, I knew you would choose this way!" Feng Jue laughed.

Su Hongyi frowned: "But the old man and the others are still waiting for news!" The old man must be very worried about them.

"Uncle Su, it's okay. I have a channel here to contact Lanling Continent, and I can just send a message back at that time!" Mr. Mingyi said.

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, you want to stay?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" Mr. Mingyi said with a smile.

"Haven't you already visited the overseas scenery, what are you doing here?" Feng said unceremoniously.

"Hehe, traveling alone is not as interesting as traveling with friends!" Mr. Mingyi replied.

"Hmph..." Feng Jue snorted coldly, Hai Tianlong's dog-skin plaster had just left, and Mr. Ming Yi had become a dog-skin plaster, thinking he didn't know that Mr. Ming Yi just wanted to get closer to Su Xiaomei!

Mr. Ming Yi smiled lightly.

Mo Qiling said: "Don't bother, if you want to send a message to Lanling Continent, I can help!"

"Ah, Mo Mo, can you send a message back?" Feng Jue asked in surprise.

Mo Qiling nodded.

"Haha, that's great, Mo Mo's move is much better than your channel, Mr. Ming Yi!" Feng Jue tried his best to belittle Mr. Ming Yi.

"No matter how poor my channel is, it's better than yours without channel!" Mr. Mingyi said flatly.

"Hey, Mr. Ming Yi, aren't you just relying on the channel that you have managed for a while? If I, Feng Jue, had come earlier, it would not only be the channel, even Hai Tianlong could conquer it!" Feng Jue said with a big grin.

"Just blow it!" Mr. Ming Yi didn't bother to pay attention to Feng Jue.

Su Hongyi was very excited: "Okay, I'll write a letter in a while!" The old man and elder brother would be very happy to know that Yun'er is safe as soon as possible.

Su Hongyi hurried to write a letter after taking two mouthfuls of rice, and the others also speeded up their meal and finished eating quickly.

"Su Xiaomei, to be honest, what do you and Mo Mo want to do overseas? Clean up Hai Tianlong? Then I will do my part!" Feng Jue vowed.

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words, why does Feng Jue love to fight so much.

"Feng Jue, don't think about it!" Su Chengyun said.

Feng Jue looked at Mo Qiling next to him and said: "Mo Mo, you also want to deal with that guy Hai Tianlong, right? He brought Su Xiaomei here captive, it can't be forgotten!"

Seeing that Feng Jue went to agitate Mo Qiling again, Su Chengyun shook his head helplessly.

Su Chengyun had already communicated with Mo Qiling about Hai Tianlong's matter. Although Hai Tianlong brought her here, he treated her well along the way, and he also helped Feng Jue and the others in the end. I'm not ready to compare.

Having Hai Tianlong rule overseas is better than others, at least Hai Tianlong will support them.

Mo Qiling has also promised Su Chengyun to let this matter go, but he also stated that if Hai Tianlong does something out of the ordinary, he will settle the old and new scores together.

This is Mo Qiling's biggest concession.

"Mo Mo, did you hear what I said?" Feng Jue couldn't help but ask Mo Qiling, seeing that Mo Qiling's face didn't change at all.

Mo Qiling glanced at Feng Jue lightly, and said, "That's the end of this matter!"

"Ah... Mo Mo!" Feng Jue wanted to persuade him again, but Su Chengyun said with a smile, "Feng Jue, do you want to clean up Hai Tianlong, or to be promoted to a spiritual god?"

"Ah, Su Xiaomei, what does this mean?" Feng asked incomprehensibly.

"Literally!" Su Chengyun replied with a smile, and was about to walk towards Su Hongyi's tent after speaking.

Feng Jue was aroused and chased after him: "Miss Su, what do you mean? Tell me quickly!"

"Hehe, Fengjue, I said it literally!"

"Ah... Miss Su, how can you do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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