Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 456 Letter from Overseas

Chapter 456 Letter from Overseas
Lanling Continent, Floating Cloud City!

In the lobby of the Su family, Mr. Su and Su Junyu are sitting opposite each other!

"Jun Yu, yes, yes, our Su family's potions and pills are becoming more and more famous!" Mr. Su praised with a smile.

"Grandpa, it's because of you and dad's good management. If my sister is here, she will definitely do a better job than me!" Su Junyu sighed. He couldn't keep up with his sister's attainments in refining potions and pills.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to Yun'er and the others? Did your second uncle go overseas and find your sister?" Old Master Su's expression also became depressed.

"Calculating the time, it's time to go overseas. Grandpa, don't you worry about the elder brother? The elder brother is of the Phoenix blood. If something happens, my family will know about it. Now that they haven't sent any news, the elder brother and the others must be It's safe!" Su Junyu advised.

"I hope!" Old Master Su looked outside the door and said, "Jun Yang, isn't your father being too strict with our family?"

"Grandpa, if my family didn't do too much, why would my father treat my family like that? Now that my second uncle and younger sister are not here, nor is my elder brother. If our Su family wants to develop, we must not be under the shackles of our family. Our family can't see the situation clearly. Come to trouble us again and again, who will we deal with if we don't deal with them?" Su Junyu didn't think there was anything wrong with what her father did.

"But, they are from the same family after all?" Mr. Su frowned.

"Grandpa, they only want to use our Su family at all, they don't think about treating us as family members. Our family is already broken from the root. Dad has shocked our family. It is really for our own good to reform our family from the root!" Su Junyu said earnestly, if they hadn't cared about the love of the same clan, how could they have allowed the family to make progress if they endured it.Another family would have wiped out the main family long ago, so they just subdued the main family, and it is very kind of them to spend all their energy to reform them.

"Hey, I don't care about you, you can do whatever you want!" Old Man Su sighed.

"Grandpa, you are staying at the Su family, hehe, leave the rest to me and dad!" Su Junyu said with a smile.

"Hehe, Jun Yu has grown up!" Mr. Su stroked his beard and laughed.

"Hey, the eldest brother is not here, so I naturally have to stand up and provoke the whole family!" Su Junyu said with a grin.

"It seems that we really spoiled you too much before!" Mr. Su shook his head.

"Grandpa..." Su Junyu was about to act coquettishly, but saw the air in the hall fluctuate.

"Grandpa, be careful!" Su Junyu yelled and stood in front of Mr. Su, but only a letter fell from the wave just now.

"Hey, Grandpa, it's a letter!" Su Junyu said suspiciously.

Mr. Su looked at it, opened his eyes suddenly, and stepped forward to pick up the letter.

"Grandpa, beware of fraud!" Su Junyu shouted.

"Jun Yu, it's your second uncle's handwriting, it must be your second uncle's letter!" Mr. Su said excitedly.

"Second uncle..."

Su Chengyun and the others began to stay on the small island to rest and wait for Su Hongyi to recover almost before starting their journey.

Their first stop was the island where Hai Yunzong was located.

"Chengyun, isn't it good for us to go directly to Haitianlong's territory?" Mr. Mingyi said, there is a lot of hatred for the people in Lanling Continent under the instigation of caring people.

"Young Master Mingyi, what are you afraid of? If Hai Tianlong can't even handle such a trivial matter, how can he lead Haiyunzong!" Feng said indifferently, "Even if the people there are dissatisfied with us, I see who dares to stand up Let me kill chickens and monkeys." Feng Jue said with murderous intent.

"Yun'er, I also don't think it's good to go to Hai Tianlong's territory!" Wen Xinlan still has knots with Hai Tianlong.

"Mother, most of the overseas areas are the territory of Haiyunzong and Qingyunzong. Overseas, it is impossible not to enter their territory. Besides, there are many things on the ship that need to be replenished. I am afraid that other small islands cannot be refilled at once. Make it up!" Su Chengyun explained.

Wen Xinlan thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, but we are only going to play and replenish supplies, not to cause trouble!"

"Mother, don't worry, we won't cause trouble at will!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said with a smile, besides, they are not the kind of people who like to cause trouble!

"That's right, Aunt Su, we don't bother to pay attention to them if they don't come to provoke us, but if they dare to make trouble, we are not easy to bully!" Feng Jue said, "Besides, Aunt Su, just With those people, I, Feng Jue, can handle it all by myself!" Feng Jue said, patting himself on the shoulder.

This Fengjue, with a high cultivation level, has already become even more insane with his already crazy personality!
Amidst everyone's laughter, the boat slowly drove out.

"Brother Tianlong, I heard that Su Chengyun's boat is coming towards us!" Xue Hanbing looked at Hai Tianlong who was rubbing his forehead with his eyes closed, hesitated for a moment, and still told the latest news about Taoism.

Hai Tianlong paused his hand and slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Tianlong, do you want to meet him?" Xue Hanbing asked.

Hai Tianlong was silent for a long time, then sighed and said: "No need, Bing'er, you can go to Lu Rushuang, if Lu Rushuang wants to leave, let her go to Su Chengyun and the others, if she doesn't want to leave, let her stay here Let Hai Yunzong be an ordinary disciple!"

"Ah..." Xue Hanbing was surprised, did brother Tianlong give up on Lu Rushuang?

"Go, just tell her that!" Hai Tianlong waved his hand.

Xue Hanbing nodded and walked out.

After a while, Hai Tianlong beckoned, and a man in black appeared in the dark: "Master, what are your orders?"

"Send out the hidden guards, if someone wants to trouble Su Chengyun and the others, you can solve it in advance, no matter who that person is!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Yes, master!" The man in black replied and was about to leave.

Hai Tianlong hurriedly said: "You just deal with the people in the dark, and don't worry about the people in the light!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Go!" Hai Tianlong waved his hand, and the figure of the man in black disappeared immediately.

When Lu Rushuang received Xue Hanbing's message, she was slightly taken aback, and then nodded after a long time.

"Haha, I didn't expect overseas to be quite prosperous! Just look at the boats staying at the pier!" Feng Jue said with a laugh.

"Yun'er, will someone destroy our boat if it stays at the pier?" Wen Xinlan was worried about this.

"Mother, you don't have to worry about such a small matter, Mo Qiling will take care of the boat!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, they still need to rely on this boat to return to Lanling Continent, so naturally they won't let it cause trouble, but Mo Qiling's Najie has a larger space, and it can accommodate hundreds of large ships.

"That's good, that's good!" Wen Xinlan laughed. Although you can buy a boat from overseas, who knows if the overseas people will tamper with it. What if something goes wrong in the middle of the boat trip?Still use your own boat to rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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