Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 467 Didn't Remember

Chapter 467 Didn't Remember

"Su Xiaomei, how did I find that your aura is becoming more and more concentrated?" Feng Jue stared at Su Chengyun a month later and asked.

Su Chengyun glanced at Mo Qiling slightly, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's obvious, I've advanced!"

"Ah... Su Xiaomei, have you advanced to the rank of Spirit Emperor?" Feng Jue raised his voice sharply when he heard the words, and disbelief appeared in his eyes.

Even Su Hongyi, his wife and Mr. Mingyi who heard the voice and looked over were a little surprised.

"Really? Yun'er, have you become the Ling Emperor?" Wen Xinlan asked happily.

Su Chengyun nodded: "That's right!" After speaking, Su Chengyun stretched out his arms and released his aura, and immediately everyone on board felt an extremely oppressive aura that began to press down, overwhelming everyone. It was hard to breathe, but it was only for a moment that Su Chengyun restrained himself.

"Wow, it's really Lingdi's aura, stronger than mine!" Feng Jue cried out, and then said unconvinced, "Su Xiaomei, I managed to overtake you once, and you caught up so quickly, why don't you catch up with me so quickly?" Going back, can't you make me proud for a few more days?"

Su Chengyun laughed when he heard the words: "Hey, if you advance to the rank of Spiritual God, you will surpass me!"

"Su Xiaomei, are you sincere?" Using the spirit to stimulate him, is the spirit so easy to achieve?
"Yun'er, you're doing well, you're worthy of being my daughter!" Su Hongyi patted Su Chengyun on the shoulder. This daughter is so upbeat.

Su Chengyun looked at Su Hongyi, then at Wenxinlan, and said, "Father, mother, you are not weak now, when you have a chance in the future, I will help you improve your strength!"

Su Chengyun boasted without pressure. In her memory, there are many pills that can improve her strength. No matter how bad it is, there is still Mo Qiling. Mo Qiling must have a way.

Mr. Ming Yi was a little disappointed, Chengyun made progress again, he fell further and further, but soon Mr. Ming Yi's loneliness was expelled, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Su Xiaomei, I also found that you are getting more and more beautiful!" Feng Jue stared at Su Chengyun's face and said.

"Hey, Feng never said that I haven't noticed, Yun'er, you've really become beautiful!" Wen Xinlan looked at her daughter and said.

"Hehe, maybe it's the reason why I always hide in the house to practice recently!" Su Chengyun said hehe, she didn't have the courage to say that this is the result of double cultivation with Mo Qiling, the purer the Phoenix blood in her body, The better the self is transformed, of course the appearance is also one of the aspects.

Feng Jue rolled his eyes at Su Chengyun's explanation, the reason was too far-fetched.

Mo Qiling leaned on the pillars on the deck, and didn't care about the movement here, but only occasionally raised his eyes to look at Su Chengyun.

Suddenly, his eyes froze deeply.

Su Chengyun raised his eyes just in time to see Mo Qiling's expression, he was startled, and quickly dodged over.

"What's wrong?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Hey, what happened?" Feng Jue also ran over and asked.

"Protect the boat and the people on board!" Mo Qiling looked forward and said coldly.

Su Chengyun and Feng Jue were both shocked, it seems that it is not a trivial matter.

Without saying a word, Feng Jue loudly told everyone on board to be careful.

Su Chengyun was ready to guard the ship.

Soon, the space in front began to distort, and this distortion also twisted towards them, and as they approached, the lightning in the distorted space flickered, and a lot of thunder force poured out into the sea below, causing huge waves .

Seeing this, Su Chengyun hurriedly used his spiritual power to protect the whole boat, and their boat kept sinking and sinking in the huge waves.

And the space where the thunder light flickered was still expanding, covering their side in an instant.

Feng Jue also began to use his spiritual power to help protect the boat together, and thunder light kept hitting their boat, causing the boat to shake violently.

Mo Qiling looked coldly at the abnormal space in front of him.

"What the hell is this?" Feng Jue frowned and shouted.

"What's going on?" Su Chengyun also asked suspiciously.

Everyone looked at Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling didn't say anything, just clicked a few times in the void, and saw that the points seemed to be connected to form a figure.

And this space seemed to feel the invasion of external forces, and it was slowly shrinking, but although the area has shrunk, the power of thunder and lightning has become stronger. Even with Su Chengyun and Feng Jue guarding the boat together, it is still a little powerless.

"Persist a little longer!" Mo Qiling said, another figure was clicked by Void, and another figure appeared.

The two graphics echo each other, and the power of thunder and lightning is even more violent!
"Mo Mo, Su Xiaomei and I can't hold on anymore!" Feng Jue shouted, if Mo Qiling can't solve it, they can't protect the boat anymore, who knows what it is?It's that their spiritual emperor's cultivation base is locked to death, and they can't even escape.

"Lian!" Mo Qiling shouted, and saw the two figures quickly connected together and rotated.

Those lightning forces seemed to be drawn, rushing towards these two figures one after another.

The pressure on Su Chengyun and Feng Jue was greatly reduced.

As the power of lightning slowly submerged into the graphic, a new graphic emerged in the air.

"This is?" Su Chengyun looked at the big figure in surprise.

"Map!" Mo Qiling spit out two words softly.

"Hey, it's just a map for such a big battle!" Feng Jue curled his lips, dismissively.

"Could it be that this is the most mysterious map of Shuiyun Immortal Palace that has been circulated overseas?" Young Master Ming Yi guessed, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Shuiyun Immortal Palace?" Feng Jue's spirit immediately came, and his eyes lit up. They had recently traveled overseas, so they had heard of Shuiyun Immortal Palace.

"It can't be such a coincidence, people from overseas have been looking for Shuiyun Immortal Palace for tens of thousands of years, how could it be so easy for us to find it!" Wen Xinlan shook her head and said.

"Aunt Su, think about that weird space just now. Even Su Xiaomei and Lingdi's cultivation can't handle it, so the map it shows is naturally extraordinary. Maybe it's really Shuiyun Immortal Palace?" Feng Jue said happily.

"Look, the map is disappearing!" Su Hongyi exclaimed.

Everyone looked and saw that the map was dissipating at a visible speed, and the strange space just now was also slowly shrinking, and finally disappeared completely.

"It's gone!" Feng Jue murmured.

"The map is out, what else do you want?" Su Chengyun asked back.

"Hey, I clearly memorized the map just now, why do I have no memory at all now!" Mr. Ming Yi, who was always calm, had some horror in his eyes at this moment.

Su Chengyun and the others hurriedly checked the map in their minds.

"Hey, I don't remember it either!" Wen Xinlan said in surprise.

"I don't remember either!" Su Hongyi also said.

"Miss Su, what about you?" Feng Jue asked, judging by his expression, he knew it and didn't remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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