Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 468 Arrangement

Chapter 468 Arrangement
Su Chengyun shook his head: "I have a vague impression, but I want to remember it, but I find that what I remember is different every time!"

The map is blurred and constantly changing in my mind, which is no different from not remembering it.

Su Chengyun sighed.

"It's really evil!" Feng Jue cursed.

"It's okay. It's a very ethereal thing. It's our luck to get it. If we don't get it, it's not enough fate!" Wen Xinlan comforted her open-mindedly. Her daughter had many disasters before, and now she only wants her daughter to live happily. , everything else is external.

"There are restrictions on the map, and the spirits and gods can't spy on it!" Mo Qiling said at this time.

The eyes of Su Chengyun and the others lit up when they heard the words.

" remember?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

"Momo, do you really remember?" Feng Jue asked impatiently.

Mo Qiling nodded: "Not only do I remember, but I also know where it is?"

"Ah... Momo, take us there quickly, I want to see if it is the Shuiyun Immortal Palace!" Feng Jue hurriedly said.

Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun.

Su Chengyun said with a smile: "Since it is our chance, how bad it is to miss it!"

Feng Jue knew that once Su Xiaomei said this, Mo Mo would definitely take them there.

Sure enough, Mo Qiling nodded upon hearing the words: "Well, maybe there are treasures inside that will allow you to improve, so you should go there!"

The boat swayed towards the depths of the sea, and arrived at a place ten days later, Mo Qiling stopped the boat.

"It's here!"

"Hey, Mo Mo, here is the sea besides the sea, where is the Shuiyun Immortal Palace?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

"Feng Jue, I haven't seen it yet, don't take a bite of Shuiyun Immortal Palace, what if it isn't?" Su Chengyun couldn't help but pour cold water on Feng Jue, if there was nothing in it, it would be dangerous, or Get a vaccination first!

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, even if it's not the Shuiyun Immortal Palace, it's a place with treasures, I feel very good!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun just twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, thinking in his heart, did Feng Jue become addicted to adventures after having one big adventure?

Mo Qiling glanced around, and finally settled on a position. He looked at Su Chengyun: "Susu, should we go down and have a look first, or should we all go?"

"Momo, I'm going, I'm going!" Feng Jue yelled, firmly expressing that he must keep up with the pace.

"I want to see it too!" Mr. Ming Yi said.

Su Chengyun looked at his parents who were a little bit excited again, and couldn't help but support their foreheads. If they all go, what will happen to the people left on the boat?He doesn't worry about keeping them here, those people are not the opponents of some monsters.

Mr. Ming Yi seemed to see Su Chengyun's worry, and said: "Feng Jue, why don't you stay!"

"Why did I stay and not you?" Feng Jue was not happy when he heard this.

Mr. Ming Yi explained: "Feng Jue, I am lower than your cultivation level, I can't protect so many people on board!"

It turned out to be his caretaker!

Feng Jue waved his hand without even thinking about it: "Don't think about leaving me alone, since you are worried, just take them all over there!"

When the guards in the distance heard this, they knelt down: "We are willing to go on an adventure!"

Su Chengyun smiled when he heard the words, the guard only mentioned exploration, not treasure hunting, and he seemed to be very thoughtful.

However, today's incident reminded her that before the guards on the ship passed by, there were still more than 20 people left in the battle with Lin Xing, and all of them were not weak. These people more or less knew some of their secrets. It's really sad that they left.

Why don't you take this opportunity to take it all back.

Thinking of this, Su Chengyun looked over and said, "Everyone is tired, let's rest for a day!"

Seeing that Su Chengyun did not agree or object, those people became a little uneasy.

"Su Xiaomei, what charades are you playing?" Feng Jue asked in a low voice.

Su Chengyun whispered what he meant.

Wen Xinlan said: "Yun'er is right in thinking, it is indeed best to turn those people into your own people, although Yun'er and Feng Jue are strong and you are not afraid of anything, but you are not alone, there are family members and friends behind you, you can't Not thinking about them."

"I don't think it's difficult to recruit them. I have had contact with the remaining people, and they are not the kind of people who steal, rape and play tricks. After fighting Lin Xing and seeing Momo's strength, I think they all have a steelyard in their hearts, and they are willing to attach themselves." Su Hongyi said.

"Then dad, you can take this opportunity to recruit them, as long as you agree, you can agree to follow us, and you can also promise to help them improve their strength!" Su Chengyun said.

"Well, let me try!" Su Hongyi said.

"Uncle Su, I'll go with you!" Feng Jue said, thinking in his heart that he is a Spirit Emperor powerhouse no matter what, so he is suppressing him, afraid of those people's opposition?
Su Chengyun didn't care what the two of them did, and he and Mo Qiling returned to the room.

"Mo Qiling, is that really the Shuiyun Immortal Palace?" Su Chengyun asked curiously. Legend has it that there once was a powerful spirit god named Shuiyun overseas. Well, there is no hindrance in cultivation, and he was promoted to the rank of spirit god at a young age. At one time, he was suspected of having a treasure of the advanced rank, and ten spirit gods teamed up to snatch it, not only failed, but was also wiped out by Shui Yun in half.

After suffering from that loss, Shuiyun began to form forces overseas. With his strong strength, he dominated alone and overwhelmed all other overseas spirits and gods. Even so, Shuiyun was not a stingy person. It developed step by step and became the most glorious era in overseas history.

Later, Shuiyun flew up, leaving behind her Shuiyun Immortal Palace.

But so many years have passed, Shuiyun Immortal Palace only exists in legends, and no one has seen it.

If it is really Shuiyunxian Palace, then they will post it. Shuiyun was not only famous overseas, but also traveled around, even visited Lanling Continent. She has many collections and countless treasures. If Shuiyunxian The palace is left behind, and the things in it must be very rich.

"Susu, maybe it's really the Shuiyun Fairy Palace!" Mo Qiling said, "There used to be a Shuiyun Fairy in the last session, who was very famous, but then disappeared for some reason. I've never seen a Shuiyun Fairy before. The records in the palace may have really stayed in the lower realm!"

Hearing this, Su Chengyun's eyes became brighter, and he immediately kissed Mo Qiling on the cheek.

Mo Qiling's words were simply adding weight to the possibility of being Shuiyun Immortal Palace.

"Susu, things in the lower realm are nothing in the upper realm. I have a lot of things in my private treasury, and I will give them to you when the time comes!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun sensitively caught two words, and looked up: "Private treasury?"

(End of this chapter)

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