Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 469 Skeleton Pool

Chapter 469 Skeleton Pool

Early the next morning, looking at all the people gathered on the deck, Su Chengyun laughed.

Su Hongyi and Feng Jue really convinced all the guards that they are now members of the Su family.

"Mo Mo, Su Xiaomei, let's go, I can't wait!" Feng Jue exclaimed excitedly.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling nodded and said, "Wait a moment!" After speaking, he jumped into the sea.

Everyone waited patiently. About half an hour later, the calm sea suddenly rolled over, and the movement became bigger and bigger. A faint blue vortex began to form, spinning faster and faster.

"Could this be the entrance to Shuiyun Immortal Palace?" Feng Jue opened his mouth wide in surprise.

A red figure jumped out of the sea, and Mo Qiling was suspended in front of the vortex.

Su Chengyun flew up and came to Mo Qiling's side.

"Enter from here?" Su Chengyun asked.

Mo Qiling nodded: "Wait a moment, the entrance is still unstable!"

Time passed by little by little, and Mo Qiling finally raised his eyelids: "It's done!"

Feng Jue naturally heard it too, and waved: "Everyone get ready!"

The boat approached, and Feng Jue took the lead to jump into the vortex one by one. After collecting the boat, Mo Qiling finally walked in with Su Chengyun.

Just after they all walked in, the whirlpool slowly disappeared.

Su Chengyun felt dizzy, and a voice sounded next to his ear: "Stick to the Lingtai!"

Su Chengyun felt at ease when he heard Mo Qiling's voice.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt my body lose weight for a while, and a solid arm was shaking to protect her tightly.

When the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, Su Chengyun heard the sound of whooping next to him.

"Father and mother, are you all right?" Su Chengyun couldn't help feeling nervous when he saw all the people who entered in front fell to the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay, Yun'er don't worry!" Su Hongyi hurriedly waved his hand.

Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling stepped forward to help them up.

"Hey, Feng Jue, why did you fall too?" Seeing Feng Jue standing up alone, Su Chengyun couldn't help asking strangely, with Feng Jue's strength, he shouldn't have fallen.

"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I've been underestimated!" Feng Jue said angrily.

Su Chengyun burst out laughing.

"Miss Su, you are laughing at me!" Feng never followed.

Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "I didn't laugh at you, go and see other people!"

Although everyone fell a bit, fortunately they were not heavy, and after a little rest, everything would be fine.

"Where is this?" Su Chengyun saw that everyone was fine, so he had time to observe the surrounding environment.

I saw that the place was dark and dim, with a damp smell mixed in, and there was a pool not far away, exuding a decaying atmosphere.

"Oh my god, what is this place?" Feng Jue naturally also noticed the abnormality here and exclaimed.

"Many people died here before!" Mo Qiling said, staring at the huge pool in front of him.

Su Chengyun always felt that the environment here was familiar, especially the pool. She racked her brains to think about it, and finally remembered it.

"It's an underground dungeon!" Su Chengyun opened his eyes suddenly.

"Underground prison?" Feng Jue asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the environment here is very similar to the underground dungeon where the Lu family imprisoned me!" Su Chengyun said.

"What? The Lu family arrested you and went to the underground water prison?" Wen Xinlan said distressedly, the Lu family really did everything they could to lock Yun'er into the underground water prison.

"Mother, it's okay, I escaped after not being locked up for long!" Su Chengyun hurriedly comforted.

Xin Xinlan breathed a sigh of relief, and her hatred for the Lu family grew even stronger.

"Su Xiaomei, are you sure? This is really an underground dungeon?" Feng Jue asked.

"Maybe!" She wasn't [-]% sure either.

"It should be! Our family's underground dungeon is also similar to the one here, but the area is much smaller!" Mr. Mingyi said.

Feng Jue froze when he heard the words: "If this is an underground dungeon, it can't be the Shuiyun Immortal Palace. The Shuiyun Immortal Palace looks very tall, how can there be an underground dungeon so hidden!"

Mo Qiling said: "No, the people who died here are not simple people, they can be said to be strong!"

As soon as Mo Qiling finished speaking, there was a creaking sound in the huge pool.

"What sound?" Feng Jue roared.

"Everyone be careful!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

Everyone is on alert.

After a while, the pool began to boil, and skeletons appeared one by one, so many that they filled the entire pool!

"Damn, what is this?" Feng Jue exclaimed.

Those skeletons seemed to have heard Feng Jue's words, and the black glints in the eyes that were empty before lit up, and they started to walk around.

"No, they are going to attack!" Mr. Mingyi said.

The skeletons left the pool one by one and walked towards them.

Su Chengyun raised his head slightly: "Can you see what kind of strength it is?"

Mo Qiling nodded: "Most of the spirit sects, five spirit emperors!"

"Damn, five spirit emperors?" Feng Jue swallowed his saliva. He had finally advanced to the rank of spirit emperor. Don't let people live.

"Their cultivation bases were higher before they died, this is their strength after being dispersed by time!" Mo Qiling said.

"The five spirit emperors were not spirit gods before they died?" Feng Jue exclaimed in shock.

"Not bad!" Mo Qiling nodded.

"Don't care about their cultivation, let's see if they can leave here first!" Su Chengyun said, the other party has a lot of people, so if you can leave, let's go first!

Mo Qiling denied it directly: "It is inseparable, all the skeletons must be destroyed before the door can be opened!"

"Hey, how do you know?" Su Chengyun asked strangely.

"Just now I caught a trace of divine thought!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun looked at the skeleton who was approaching immediately, and said: "In that case, let's fight!"

"Yes, I still don't believe that I can't beat them!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun looked at Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi.

"Yun'er, don't worry about us, we can do it!" Su Hongyi lit up the weapon in his hand.

Su Chengyun was still a little worried, and said to Mo Qiling, "Mo Qiling, those five spirit emperors called me He Fengjue, so you don't need to do anything, just watch over our people!"

Mo Qiling saw what Su Chengyun meant and nodded.

"Su Xiaomei, shall we deal with the five spirit emperors?" Feng Jue pointed at himself.

"Hehe, Fengjue, it's rare to have an opponent of the same level to practice, don't miss it!" Su Chengyun laughed and rushed towards a spirit emperor skeleton.

Feng Jue yelled: "Miss Su, wait for me!" and chased after her.

"We're also starting to fight, let me see if you've all made progress!" Su Hongyi roared, and all the guards rushed out with him.

(End of this chapter)

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