Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 470 Shuiyun Immortal Palace

Chapter 470 Shuiyun Immortal Palace
The battle is in full swing!

Everyone is under a lot of pressure, but everyone regards this as a rare experience, and they are desperately honing their combat skills.

Mo Qiling guarded everyone and would only act when someone's life was in danger.

But more often, he stared at the pool.

Although Su Chengyun has just been promoted to the rank of Spirit Emperor, she does not lack fighting skills. With Mo Qiling's guidance before, it is more than enough for one person to fight against two Spirit Emperors. , but can still hold on.

Su Chengyun originally wanted Feng Jue to let a spirit emperor come over, but Feng never obeyed, and urged Su Chengyun to take care of himself.

Su Chengyun had no choice but to end his battle as soon as possible to help Fengjue.

Fighting, day and night!
Finally, the five spirit emperors were killed by the two together.

And there were not many skeletons left, so the two of them took action and quickly solved all the skeletons.

Everyone was exhausted and collapsed on the ground.

"It's so enjoyable!" Feng Jue yelled weakly.

"Oh my God, it's been a long time since such a high-intensity battle!" Wen Xinlan said roughly.

"Mom, you're injured, I'll help you bandage the wound!" Su Chengyun couldn't help saying when he saw the blood on Wen Xinlan's body.

"Yun'er, mother's injury is nothing, you should take a break, you are more tired than us from dealing with Emperor Ling!" Wen Xinlan said.

"Mom, I'm not tired!" Su Chengyun insisted on treating Wen Xinlan's wound.

But at this time, there was a new movement in the pool, and a huge skeleton emerged from it.

"Damn, is it endless?" Feng Jue scolded.

Su Chengyun saw the specialness of this skeleton at a glance. If the previous skeleton was a young man, then this is the king of skeletons.

"Stay away, leave it to me!" Mo Qiling flew up and greeted him.

Su Chengyun finally knew why Mo Qiling agreed so readily in the first place. It turned out that he already knew that there was a big guy behind him.

Su Chengyun and the others didn't dare to be careless, and retreated one after another.

And Mo Qiling and Skull fought.

All kinds of spiritual power are flying together, and the battle between spirits and gods is not something they can participate in at this level, and some low-strength ones can't even see the movements clearly.

"It's too strong!" Some guards let out a sigh of relief, no longer regretting following the Su family.

With such a son-in-law in the Su family, the future is boundless, and they will also get a lot of glory, but the premise is that they have the strength to get a lot of glory. It seems that they will have to practice more in the future, otherwise they will be left behind, what else to talk about future.

An hour later, the battle ended, and Mo Qiling won the battle, smashing the skeleton into powder.

At the same time, the water in the pool began to form a vortex and rotate continuously.

"What's going on here?" Feng Jue asked.

Mo Qiling said directly: "Start preparing, we are leaving here!"

"Well, everyone has recovered a bit, so it's no problem to leave!" Feng Jue said hastily.

Mo Qiling nodded, and slammed down with his right hand. A big hand with condensed flames pressed down on the water vortex. At the moment of impact, the blazing flame made a piercing sound, and the water vortex was crushed at a visible speed. evaporated by the flames.

At the bottom of the pool, a stone slab was opened, revealing an exit.

"Go!" Mo Qiling led the way, and everyone jumped down towards the exit.

There was a long passage ahead, and Mo Qiling reached out to stop everyone from going forward.

"There are organs, be careful!"

"Organ?" Feng Jue snorted coldly, no matter what it is, just break it!

Mo Qiling glanced at Feng Jue lightly: "Can you break the mechanism laid down by the spirit god?"

"Uh... isn't there still you?" Feng Jue reacted quickly enough, and quickly looked at Mo Mo in a courteous manner.

Mo Qiling ignored Feng Jue, but looked forward, his eyes glowing red.

"Follow me, don't go wrong, and don't touch things around!"

They walk very slowly, very slowly, because they have to take care of the people behind them, so the movements in front must be done very clearly.

Slowly walked through this tasting channel.

Mo Qiling said: "It's all right!"

Feng Jue frowned: "Mo Mo, is it that powerful?"

Mo Qiling didn't say anything. With a flick of his finger, a stone was thrown out. Where the stone passed, all kinds of spiritual energy flew randomly, and it seemed that the energy was still very strong.

Fear flashed in Feng Jue's eyes, that energy would hurt him even if he was not careful.

"Let's go!" Mo Qiling walked forward first.

Su Chengyun smiled at Feng Jue, and hurriedly followed.

"Feng Jue, don't cause trouble for Mo Mo and Cheng Yun here!" Mr. Ming Yi said faintly when passing by.

"Master Ming Yi, tell me clearly why I have caused trouble for Su Xiaomei and Mo Mo!" Feng Jue shouted and chased after him.

With Mo Qiling around, they walked smoothly along the way, even if they encountered troubles, they solved them one by one.

Just ten days later, when they walked out from an exit, they came to the front of a palace.

"Wow, what a beautiful palace!" Wen Xinlan laughed, while Su Chengyun's gaze swept to the fragrant herbs around them.

"Mo Qiling, there are so many herbs!" Su Chengyun pulled Mo Qiling's sleeve and said, narrowing his eyes happily.

"Wow, really, and the age is not low!" Feng Jue looked around when he heard the words, and when he saw the endless herbs, he was also happy for Su Chengyun. Su Chengyun is a pharmacist, a pharmacist But I like herbs the most.

"Su Xiaomei, I'll help you pick the herbs!" Feng Jue was excited to go pick the herbs.

Su Chengyun hurriedly stopped him: "Fengjue, don't worry, let's figure out this palace first!"

Feng Jue stopped when he heard the words, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll listen to Su Xiaomei!"

"This seems to be the back of the palace, let's go around to the front to have a look!" Su Hongyi said.

A group of people walked around the palace along the path, and after a while, they turned to the front of the palace. The bright characters on the plaque of the palace almost dazzled everyone's eyes.

"Shuiyun Immortal Palace! Haha, it really is Shuiyun Immortal Palace!" Feng Jue laughed crazily.

Su Chengyun and the others were very happy.

The Shuiyun Immortal Palace is what the overseas people have been looking for, but now they have found it first.

"Miss Su, let's go in and have a look!" Feng Jue said.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling, who nodded directly and walked towards the gate.

"Ah, Momo, isn't there any danger inside?" Feng Jue asked worriedly. He encountered many dangers along the way just now!

Mo Qiling said: "Don't worry, the danger is over!"

One hand pushed open the door and walked into the palace hall.

In the hall, a statue of a beautiful woman stands in the center, which is particularly conspicuous.

"What a beautiful woman!" Su Chengyun said.

(End of this chapter)

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