Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 471 is gone

Chapter 471 is gone

Su Chengyun saw that the woman was really beautiful, not like a woman in the world.Especially those eyes, which seemed to have a lively breath like a living person.

"Susu, don't look into her eyes!" Mo Qiling stretched out his hand, and Su Chengyun looked away from the woman's face, only to realize that he was distracted for a moment just now, and then looked at other people, one by one. They all fell to the ground, even Feng Jue was hit, shaking and looking like he was about to fall.

Mo Qiling touched Feng Jue, and Feng Jue immediately woke up.

"What... what's going on here?" Feng Jue asked with lingering fear.

"Mo Qiling, what's going on?" Su Chengyun also wanted to know.

"The eyes of the statue have been specially treated. If you keep staring at it, you will get stuck in it!" Mo Qiling explained.

"Then what should they do?" Feng Jue pointed at Humanity who fell on the ground, and Su Chengyun went directly to check on Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi's situation.

Mo Qiling also stepped forward and said: "They are fine, they will automatically wake up in two hours!"

Naturally, Su Chengyun also found out that Wen Xinlan and the others had no major problems, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What the hell is this?" Feng Jue raised the statue angrily.

"Fengjue!" Mo Qiling hurriedly stopped, "Don't move around, something will happen!"

Su Chengyun also said: "Feng Jue, maybe this is the Shuiyun Fairy you've been talking about. If she knows that you kicked her, do you think she will forgive you?"

"Tch, Su Xiaomei, Fairy Shuiyun may have passed away a long time ago, how could she still crawl out to settle accounts with me!" Feng said indifferently.

Su Chengyun laughed: "Of course I won't crawl out to settle accounts with you, but Fairy Shuiyun can instantly kill you as long as she leaves behind a divine thought!"

"I'm so scared! Su Xiaomei, you have to protect me!" Feng Jue jumped to Su Chengyun's side and laughed.

Su Chengyun shrugged helplessly, and looked at Mo Qiling: "There is no danger here, should we continue or wait for them to wake up!"

Mo Qiling said: "I checked it just now, there is no other abnormality here, and there is no problem for us to leave temporarily!"

"Su Xiaomei, let's go to other places to see first, and when they wake up, maybe we can visit the entire Shuiyun Immortal Palace!" Feng Jue said excitedly.

The three of them walked forward together. There was really nothing else in this hall except this statue, so they went straight to the side hall.

"Wow, what a sharp sword!" In the center of the side hall, there was a sword with a cold light stuck upside down. Feng Jue was very happy when he saw it, and he was about to go forward to pull it out.

"Wait!" Mo Qiling yelled, walked forward slowly, observed for a while and said: "This sword is a sub-magic weapon, there are formations around it, you must break the formation before you can take the sword!"

"Ah..." Feng Jue was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's hard to find a good sword, but it's protected by a formation, how unlucky it is!"

"Hehe, it's good to just break the formation!" Su Chengyun said casually, she didn't think the formation was so difficult.

"Miss Su, it's so easy for you to say!" He doesn't know how to form a formation, if he knows, then he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Feng Jue, do you want this sword?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

Feng Jue's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he looked over: "Miss Su, can you break the formation?"

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded.

Feng Jue jumped up all of a sudden, flatteringly said: "Little sister Su, quickly break through!"

Su Chengyun stepped forward and began to break the formation. After a while, there was a crackling sound, and rays of light were released, and the formation was broken.

Feng Jue couldn't wait to step forward and took the sword in his hand, rubbed it carefully for a long time, then reluctantly handed it forward: "Su Xiaomei, take it!"

Seeing Feng Jue's determination and reluctance, Su Chengyun suddenly found it funny, and waved his hand: "Feng Jue, since you don't want to give up, just put it away yourself!"

"There is no reluctance, only a good sword is suitable for Su Xiaomei!" Feng Jue said.

"I already have a good sword in my hand, so you can hold this one yourself!" Su Chengyun said with a smile, she already had a shocking sword, and Mo Qiling said that when she arrived at Lingshen, she could help with it. Shocking Sword has been upgraded.

Seeing Su Chengyun's resolute rejection, Feng Jue finally laughed: "Miss Su, you've given up now, if you want it again, I won't give it to you!"

"Don't worry, I won't go back on my word!" Su Chengyun said.

Feng Jue then grinned and threw the sword into his holding ring. His adventure also brought him a holding ring with a lot of space.

"Haha, Su Xiaomei, Mo Mo, let's go to other places!" Feng Jue got the benefits, became more active, and started to walk inside first.

"Let's go too!" Su Chengyun took Mo Qiling's arm and followed.

In the next hall, there are a lot of herbs that have been picked, as well as some seeds and seedlings. Su Chengyun received them all in his ring without any politeness.

Going further inside, it turned out to be full of ores, many of which were extremely rare.

"Hey, Miss Su, have we entered the storage room of Shuiyun Immortal Palace? It's either medicinal herbs or ores, it's really rich!" Feng Jue tutted.

"Maybe!" Su Chengyun said, maybe the side they entered was full of such things.

"Let's go, let's go to the next room!" Feng Jue urged the two of them.

Feng Jue rushed straight into the next room.

"This is Fengjue!" This is too rushed.

Su Chengyun smiled at Mo Qiling, and the two walked in slowly.

"Hey, where is Feng Jue Ren?"

Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling didn't notice the figure who just came in.

Su Chengyun only felt that Mo Qiling was holding her hand tightly, and he heard him say: "There is something weird here, Su Su be careful!"

Su Chengyun gave a jolt, and hurriedly said: "Find Feng Jue first!" That guy will be safe.

Mo Qiling's eyes swept around, and Su Chengyun also looked at it seriously, but found that there was nothing in this small hall, only a round table in the middle, and a box on top of the round table was opened.

"Let's go and have a look!" Su Chengyun pointed to the round table and said.

Mo Qiling nodded, and the two walked forward.

"The box is empty, there was something inside!" Mo Qiling said.

"Did Feng Jue open it, and where did the contents go? Could Feng Jue's disappearance be related to the contents of the box?" Su Chengyun speculated.

Mo Qiling directly reached out to pick up the box and began to feel carefully.

"There is a breath of space, there should be a small teleportation thing inside, Fengjue has been teleported away!" Mo Qiling said.

"Teleportation? Where did the teleportation go?" Su Chengyun hurriedly asked, if it teleported into the sea, Feng Jue would be dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, the power of space is very weak, it should still be in Shuiyun Immortal Palace!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he is still in Shuiyun Fairy Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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