Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 472 Water Cloud Fairy's Request

Chapter 472 Water Cloud Fairy's Request

"Mo Qiling, let's continue, maybe we can meet Feng Jue ahead!" Su Chengyun said.

The two continued to walk forward.

Walking through one after another, each room can gain something.

Just as he walked out of the last room, Su Chengyun found that they had returned to that hall again.

"Hey, Mo Qiling, why do I feel like I haven't visited the entire Shuiyun Immortal Palace yet?" Su Chengyun asked doubtfully, she had a strong feeling that just now was just a part of the walk.

"It seems that the mechanism appeared in this hall!" Mo Qiling looked around and said.

"Then let's look for it!" Su Chengyun said.If it weren't for the many abilities of Mo Qiling being suppressed in the lower realm, why would they bother to search for them so hard.

Su Chengyun searched bit by bit. After searching three or four times, he didn't find any problems, and Mo Qiling found nothing.

"I don't know what happened to Feng Jue? Just now we walked all the way and didn't see him!" Su Chengyun said.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Mo Qiling comforted.

"Tell me, is it possible for him to be transported to the rooms we walked through before?" Su Chengyun suddenly thought of this possibility.

Mo Qiling said: "Susu is resting here for a while, I'll go and have a look!"

"Mo Qiling, be careful!" Su Chengyun hurriedly said.

Mo Qiling walked towards the side hall without looking back.

After Su Chengyun checked Wen Xinlan and Su Hongyi's situation, he began to look around aimlessly in boredom, and his eyes fell on the statue inadvertently.

Su Chengyun stood up abruptly, then she remembered that the statue had pursed its lips before, but now its lips were slightly curled up.

Statue laughing?

How is this going?So weird!

Just as Su Chengyun kept guessing in his mind, a burst of silver bell-like laughter rang in his ears.

"Who?" Su Chengyun yelled in fright, his eyes swept around, but he didn't find any woman.

But the laughter continued, and became more and more distinct.

Su Chengyun finally fixed his eyes on the statue, and the statue's mouth opened a little.

Hey, the statue is really laughing!
Su Chengyun felt that he was in chaos in the wind.

Looking at it carefully, I feel that the face of the statue is more delicate, closer to the face of a human being, and even the eyes, besides being agile, seem to have a hint of a smile on them.

What was she looking at just now?
Su Chengyun hurriedly wanted to move her eyes away, but the statue's eyes seemed to be sticky, and she couldn't move her eyes even if she wanted to.

Su Chengyun was very anxious. He applied his spiritual power to his eyes and was about to use his strength. The statue seemed to sense her movement and exerted his strength first. The eyes of the statue flashed white light. Su Chengyun became dizzy and then I don't know anything anymore.

When regaining consciousness again, Su Chengyun felt that he had arrived in an empty space, but there was nothing in the space.

"Where is this?" Su Chengyun was puzzled, where did the statue take her?

While he was wondering, the surrounding air suddenly fluctuated, and Su Chengyun saw a woman who was similar to the statue but a hundred times more beautiful flashed out of the air.

"Who are you?" Su Chengyun frowned and asked.

The woman smiled slightly: "You have come to my territory, do you still need to ask who I am?"

" are Fairy Shuiyun!" Su Chengyun exclaimed.

"Hey, you call me Shuiyun Fairy, do you know about the upper realm? Only people in the upper realm will call me Shuiyun Fairy, and everyone in the lower realm will call me Shuiyun Cultivator!" Surprise flashed in the woman's eyes.

"Well, I know a little bit about the upper realm!" Su Chengyun said truthfully, and then asked, "Where is this place?"

"This is the statue space I created with magic power!" the woman said.

"Is that the statue in Shuiyun Fairy Palace?" Su Chengyun asked.

The woman nodded with a smile: "That's right! You can come in to show that you and I are destined. This is just a trace of spiritual thoughts left by me. It's almost consumed. Let me make a long story short!"

"Shuiyun Fairy, please tell me!" Now that you have entered their Shuiyun Fairy Palace, let's listen to what they have to say!

"When I ascended, I predicted that my descendants would have a calamity, so I left the Shuiyun Immortal Palace to help my descendants overcome this calamity!" Fairy Shuiyun said.

Su Chengyun sighed after hearing the words: "Unfortunately, your descendants did not find the Shuiyun Immortal Palace, and we gave it to them first!"

"No, Shuiyun Immortal Palace is given to you as a gift, you can help my descendants overcome the tribulation!" Fairy Shuiyun laughed.


"My feeling is not wrong, even if you can't help, there are people around you who can!" Fairy Shuiyun said.

"I..." Su Chengyun hesitated, they have other things overseas, and they don't want to cause more troubles.

"I have put a lot of combat skills and techniques in this Shuiyun Immortal Palace, as well as a lot of medicine pills and weapons. If you promise, all of them will be yours!" Shuiyun Fairy said.

Su Chengyun thought about it this time, the things left by Fairy Shuiyun will definitely not be inferior products, the Su family is now in a period of development, and these are the most needed.

"But I don't know who your descendant is, and I don't know when he will be in trouble, how can I help?" Su Chengyun said that, it was considered agreed.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this. I'll give you a jade pendant. If disaster happens to my descendants, this jade pendant will warn you." Fairy Shuiyun threw a jade pendant over, and Su Chengyun took it.

"If the distance is long, I won't be able to save them in time!" Su Chengyun said.

"Hehe, don't worry about this. Since I chose you, you will be nearby when natural disasters happen. As long as you have the heart, you can definitely arrive!" Shuiyun Fairy said, "Actually, I wanted to send Shuiyun Xian The palace is reserved for overseas people, but the result of divination is that only you can save my descendants, so..."

So, cheap her?
"My spiritual will will disappear. There are things I donated to future generations in this ring. Please pass it on for me. There are also three treasures I have left in this space. You can use them!"

Fairy Shuiyun waved her hand, and three things floated over and landed in front of Su Chengyun.

And Fairy Shuiyun seemed to have run out of energy, and her figure became dim.

"Yun Immortal Clothes, which can resist the attack of the peak spirit god for three times, Wannian Qingling Liquid, if taken by the spirit god, it can directly advance to the first rank, Mountain and River Fan, a sub-artifact!"

After Fairy Shuiyun explained these three things, the energy in her body was close to nothing!
Su Chengyun hurriedly said: "Fairy Shuiyun, don't worry, since I promised you, I will try my best to save your descendants!"

"That's good!" Fairy Shuiyun smiled beautifully, her whole body fluctuated, and finally condensed into a ball of light, which fell into Su Chengyun's head.

Su Chengyun's head was dizzy, and then he found that there was a lot of information in his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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