Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 477 Jade Pendant Warning

Chapter 477 Jade Pendant Warning
The sacred tree is indeed a sacred tree. Su Chengyun only practiced for a month before he was promoted and became a new spiritual god.

"Su Xiaomei, why are you faster than me?" Feng Jue said with his lips pursed in disbelief, obviously he was the first to reach the Ling Emperor, and he was the first to be promoted.

"Hehe, I have the blood of the Phoenix in my body. The divine power of the Phoenix exuded by this sacred tree is a great supplement to me. Of course, cultivation is not the same!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

Feng Jue became even more resentful when he heard the words: "Why don't I have the blood of the Phoenix? Su Xiaomei, let's not talk about you, let's just look at the eldest brother of the Su family. Now he is also the Ling Emperor. Why do you attack me like this?"

"Since you know you've been hit, why don't you hurry up and practice! Don't think that I don't know that your realm has been stabilized long ago, and I'm just waiting for an opportunity to advance!" Su Chengyun raised his eyes and smiled. Guide the people here to practice, and know everyone's situation like the back of their hands!
"Hey, Su Xiaomei, I'll go to practice right away. I, Feng Jue, must be the one who will reach the spiritual god in the next moment!" Feng Jue firmly walked to the sacred tree step by step and began to practice.

Su Chengyun turned around and looked at Mo Qiling behind him, and said, "Hey, after practicing for a month, I can finally relax a bit!" This month, she worked hard to advance to the rank of Spiritual God, and she kept pressing down on her heart. What about the root string?

"Susu, let's go!" Mo Qiling said.

"En, good!" The two walked outside, and Su Chengyun smiled slightly when they passed by the practitioners on the island.

Little Firefinch gave each household a feather, Su Chengyun, a mortal who could not cultivate, gave each a bottle of life-prolonging elixir, those who could cultivate were asked to practice beside the sacred tree, and the people on the island treated them Thank you very much.

"Girl, there is a bamboo forest in the east of the island, it's very beautiful!" the middle-aged man said enthusiastically.

Su Chengyun stopped slightly, looked at the middle-aged man and the familiar woman beside him, and asked tentatively, "Your original name was Xue Mingxiu?"

The middle-aged man was slightly stunned, and said in surprise: "How does the girl know?" This group of people has never been asked their names and backgrounds.

Su Chengyun laughed and confirmed again: "But you are from the Xue family on Haiyun Island?"

"Ah..." This time it wasn't just the middle-aged man, the woman beside him also exclaimed.


"Don't be afraid, we passed by Haiyun Island once, and we just heard about you!" Su Chengyun said, looking at a boy beside him, "Is this your son?"

"Yes, it's my son, he's ten years old!" the middle-aged man said.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Cultivate hard, there may be surprises waiting for you!" After speaking, he took Mo Qiling and left, leaving Xue Mingxiu's family in a daze.

"Why didn't Susu tell them about Xue Hanbing?" Mo Qiling asked after walking away.

"Hehe, tell them, how can they still be in the mood to practice, besides, with Hai Tianlong's help, Xue Hanbing will be able to find here sooner or later, don't be in a hurry!" Su Chengyun explained.

Mo Qiling nodded, and the two came to the bamboo forest that Xue Mingxiu mentioned.

The quiet bamboo forest is really beautiful and quiet, like a paradise.

"Mo Qiling, when everything is over, how about we find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to live in seclusion?" Su Chengyun said longingly.

Mo Qiling responded without thinking: "Okay!"

"Are you willing to be a venerable?" Su Chengyun raised his eyes.

"I'm not going to be a venerable anymore, but I'm also a venerable of the Phoenix clan." Mo Qiling said.

So strong, so confident!

Su Chengyun laughed.

"Susu, when the matter is over and Fan'er has grown up, let him become a venerable. I will accompany you to travel the upper world, and we will stop when we are tired!" Mo Qiling said.

"En! Good!" Su Chengyun nodded repeatedly.

With Mo Qiling by her side, where can she go?
"Also, Susu, I've already contacted the old department!" Mo Qiling said suddenly.

"Ah..." Su Chengyun was really surprised this time, "We got in touch?"

Mo Qiling nodded: "With the divine power of the Phoenix here, and the divine orb of the Phoenix, I have already contacted them. I have already informed them of their upcoming return, and let them make preparations in advance!"

"It seems that we are going to give birth to spirit gods as soon as possible. Only by gathering all six spirit gods can the passage between the two worlds be repaired!" Su Chengyun frowned.

"There's no rush, take your time!" Mo Qiling said slowly.

"En!" Su Chengyun smiled and nodded, but suddenly, there was a booming sound in his head.

This is?

Su Chengyun hurriedly opened the ring and took out a jade pendant from it.

At this time, the jade pendant was glowing red.

After getting the jade pendant, a map immediately appeared in his mind, with the bright red dot clearly visible on it.

"What's wrong?" Mo Qiling asked puzzled.

"Do you still remember Fairy Shuiyun's conditions? Her descendants have appeared and are now in danger!" Su Chengyun said.

After carefully identifying the map, I found the direction corresponding to the red dot.

"Mo Qiling, I promise Fairy Shuiyun to help her descendants survive this catastrophe!"

"Susu, I'll go with you!"


The two flew up and headed towards the sea.

Half an hour later, the two saw several figures appearing in the distance.

And the direction of the red dot in the brain corresponds to one of them.

"Hey, why is it Hai Tianlong?" Su Chengyun was very surprised when he saw the person clearly.

There was also a hint of surprise in Mo Qiling's eyes.

At this time, Hai Tianlong was supporting Xue Hanbing to stand in the air, fighting against the three men in black with one hand, while the wreckage of the broken ship was under their feet.

Hai Tianlong was obviously seriously injured, and his attack was weak. Seeing that he was struck by a man in black, another man in black stabbed him with a sword. If he was stabbed, Hai Tianlong would definitely die.

"Save people!" Su Chengyun yelled anxiously.

Mo Qiling only left one sentence: "Su Su, don't worry!" The figure had disappeared.

Hai Tianlong looked at the sword close at hand, wanted to fight back but was powerless.

"Brother Tianlong, I'm the one who killed you!" Xue Hanbing's tears flowed down.

"Bing'er doesn't cry, brother Tianlong is very happy to die with you!" Hai Tianlong comforted.

Xue Hanbing cried even harder.

"Hey, go to hell!" The man in black smiled slyly and was about to stab him.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his wrist, and he could no longer hold the sword in his hand. The long sword fell down and sank into the sea.

"Who, who is it?" the man in black shouted.

But Hai Tianlong and Xue Hanbing were pleasantly surprised.

"Whoever is sneaky, come out!" the man in black shouted again.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a big hand suddenly appearing in the air, patting him fiercely, and pressing down with overwhelming momentum.

"Pfft..." The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood under the strong pressure.

Seeing this, the other two men in black rushed towards the big hand.

(End of this chapter)

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