Chapter 478
But the big hand was raised high, and pressed down again, the weapons of the two men in black were shot apart inch by inch, and the two of them were also crushed and fell into the sea with two plops.

"Who, who is it?" The two shouted loudly after flying up.

"Hey, people from the upper realm!" There was a soft cry in the air, and then the big hand disappeared, and a figure in red appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this man, Hai Tianlong and Xue Hanbing were surprised, while the man in black was shocked.

"Respect... Venerable..."

"It seems that he is really a person from the upper realm?" Su Chengyun also flashed out, and said with a smile.

"Huh, Su Chengyun?" Xue Hanbing spoke first.

Su Chengyun smiled and looked at Xue Hanbing: "Hi, long time no see!"

Xue Hanbing was surprised and said: "Su Chengyun, brother Tianlong was seriously injured!"

Su Chengyun looked at Hai Tianlong, and saw that he was faintly unable to hold on, but he still held Xue Hanbing firmly in the air, nodded involuntarily, took out a bottle of medicine pill from the ring and threw it over.

Hai Tianlong caught it, swallowed it, and said: "Su Chengyun, thank you!"

After Hai Tianlong took the elixir, there is no need to worry about him, Su Chengyun looked towards the man in black.

"Mo Qiling, are they really from the upper realm?" Su Chengyun asked.

Mo Qiling nodded.

Su Chengyun looked at the three men in black: "Are you guys with Lin Xing?"

When the three men in black heard Lin Xing's words, there was a hint of hatred in their eyes: "It was you, you killed Lin Xing?"

"I killed Lin Xing!" Mo Qiling said.

"Ah..." The three were dumbfounded.

"What did the Dark Demon Queen ask you to do?" Mo Qiling asked.

The three men in black fell silent.

"Did you ask you to kill me?" Mo Qiling asked.

"My lord, it's none of our business, we only listen to Ling Lin Xing!" the three said.

"So, you slipped through the net. Why didn't Lin Xing call you in the last operation? How many people do you have?" Su Chengyun couldn't help asking.

"It's gone, it's gone, there are only three of us left, last time Lin Xing skipped us because of our low cultivation level!" the three said.

"Then why are you chasing and killing Hai Tianlong and Xue Hanbing now?" Su Chengyun would not be fooled so easily, and continued to ask.

"We...we, we thought Lin Xing was killed by him, so we chased him down!" A man in black said.

"Will we believe such clumsy lies you tell?" The corners of Su Chengyun's mouth curled up slightly, in order to avenge Lin Xing, are they that kind of people?

"Say, why exactly?" Mo Qiling's eyes became extremely cold.

"We are here to avenge Lin Xing!" the three men in black insisted.

Su Chengyun said: "Mo Qiling, it seems that they owe a lesson!"

"Don't worry, Susu, I'll let them speak up!" After Mo Qiling finished speaking, he moved and drifted towards the three of them.

There was a crackling sound, and after a while, the three were beaten to death.

"Don't tell me?" Su Chengyun asked.


"Susu, don't bother, I can search their memories!" Mo Qiling said, and then he put his hands on the heads of the two men in black.

After waiting for a while, Mo Qiling said strangely: "Susu, they think that Lin Xing is gone, and the Dark Demon Queen is beyond her reach, and she wants to destroy Hai Tianlong and take Haiyunzong as her own, and then they will live here happily ever after. happy!"

"Pfft..." Su Chengyun couldn't help laughing, "I thought that after they took over Haiyunzong, they would use all of Haiyunzong's strength to continue Lin Xing's unfinished business, haha, it's so funny, if Will the Dark Demon Queen vomit blood angrily knowing that the person she has worked so hard to choose has been assimilated like this?" Su Chengyun absolutely believed that these three people were assimilated by the original owner of the body, absolutely so!

Seeing Su Chengyun's overjoyed expression, Mo Qiling shook his head slightly, and turned his gaze to the three of them.

"My lord, please forgive us, we will never trouble you in the future!" The three pleaded.

Mo Qiling said: "People from the upper realm should not exist in the lower realm. You are too powerful and will threaten the lower realm! So..." Mo Qiling moved slightly, and saw a stream of light passing by, and the three of them All of them lost their breath and fell into the sea.

Su Chengyun smiled at Mo Qiling, those three people were only influenced by the thoughts of the original owner, if one day their thoughts got the upper hand, they would definitely come to trouble Mo Qiling, they can't leave such troubles behind .

After finishing off the man in black, Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling looked at Hai Tianlong and the other two.

"Xue Hanbing, are you here to find your biological parents?" Su Chengyun asked.

"Ah... how do you know?" Xue Hanbing's eyes were full of doubts.

Su Chengyun smiled: "Hehe, because I have already met your parents!"

"Ah..." Xue Hanbing was stunned for a moment, and then asked hesitantly, "Are they... are they okay?"

Su Chengyun nodded: "They are very good, and they also gave birth to a cute younger brother for you, who is ten years old now!"

Xue Hanbing laughed when he heard the words: "That's good!" Having a younger brother by his side, his parents should feel somewhat comforted these years.

"By the way, Su Chengyun, why are you here?" Hai Tianlong asked.

Su Chengyun looked at Hai Tianlong: "Hai Tianlong, let me ask you a question, what is your relationship with Fairy Shuiyun?"

"Shuiyun Fairy?" Hai Tianlong was startled, and then said, "Shuiyun Fairy is my ancestor!"

"Fairy Shuiyun's surname is Hai?" Su Chengyun became even more surprised.

"Su Chengyun, Fairy Shuiyun's surname is Hai, Hai Haiyun, everyone overseas knows it!" Xue Hanbing said from the side.

Su Chengyun let out a sigh of relief when he heard the words, no wonder no one told her, so they all knew.

"Okay, let's go back first, Xue Hanbing, your parents are on the island not far ahead!" Su Chengyun pointed to the front.

They led the way, Hai Tianlong followed with Xue Hanbing, and soon came to the island.

Feng Jue had seen a few people a long time ago, flew over, and shouted at Hai Tianlong involuntarily: "Hai Tianlong, why did you come here? You are really a piece of dog skin plaster. Wherever we go, you will follow!"

Su Chengyun supported his forehead and said: "Feng Jue, you misunderstood, they are here to find Xue Hanbing's parents!"

"Huh, Xue Hanbing's parents? Who are they?" Feng Jue asked ignorantly.

"That's not coming!" Su Chengyun glanced at Feng Jue and said not far behind.

I saw that Xue Mingxiu brought all the people from the island over there. Su Chengyun stayed here for a month and knew that if there were guests from afar, the whole island would come here to welcome them.

However, Xue Mingxiu and his wife, who were walking, felt a trace of inexplicable emotion in their hearts, and there was an indescribable tension in their hearts.

After walking in, both of them were surprised when they saw a strange girl.

(End of this chapter)

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