Chapter 484
Time passed by in a hurry, and finally the day Mo Qiling had chosen came.

Since I had communicated with the people on the island earlier this morning, the people on the island left the island one after another and waited on a nearby island.

The two children Ling'er and Fan'er were also taken away by Xin Xinlan and the others, leaving only Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling on the island.

Su Chengyun put his hand on the trunk of the parasol tree for a long time, and said, "Mo Qiling, let's start!"

Mo Qiling nodded: "Susu, you meditate under the tree!"

Su Chengyun sat cross-legged on the ground, ready for everything.

Mo Qiling put his hand on the trunk of the sacred sycamore tree, his slender hands slowly glowed red, and the sacred tree of sycamore also faintly glowed red, echoing it.

Mo Qiling began to recite obscure and difficult old sayings, and half an hour later, the whole sacred parasol tree began to glow red, and the radiance was radiant, like a beautiful red luminous body.


Mo Qiling let out a low cry, and pinched the magic formula slightly with his fingers, only to see the red light in the sacred tree began to gather, pouring towards Su Chengyun's head.

"Susu, refining!" Mo Qiling reminded.

Su Chengyun heard the words and hurriedly refined the essence of the phoenix's divine power.

The essence of the phoenix's divine power was indeed more domineering and powerful than what she usually absorbed. If it wasn't for Mo Qiling's pressure, she wouldn't be able to refine these energies.

But the more challenging, the stronger Su Chengyun's unyielding heart.

Bit by bit, bit by bit, Su Chengyun endured the heart-wrenching pain of being transformed, and the surrounding spiritual energy also rushed to this side, and the entire island gathered into an ocean of spiritual energy, which was so rich that it seemed to be a sea of ​​spiritual energy from overseas. All the spiritual energy was drawn here.

After an unknown amount of time, the bottleneck at the peak of the spirit god finally loosened.

The initial stage of the Holy Heaven Realm!
After breaking through the bottleneck, Su Chengyun felt that refining was much easier than before, so he worked harder to refine.

The middle stage of the Holy Heaven Realm, the late stage of the Holy Heaven Realm, and the completion of the Holy Heaven Realm.

It was another big realm promotion, and the promotion was stuck just now.

Mo Qiling once said that it is possible for her to rush to Guiyuanjing, and she will definitely do it.

Su Chengyun gritted his teeth and began to hit the bottleneck continuously, his mind comprehended the changes of the laws of heaven and earth like an inexhaustible machine.

Mo Qiling looked at Su Chengyun's promotion from the side, and for some reason, his gaze was slightly condensed in the direction of the sky.

"Susu, guard the primordial spirit, and don't worry about anything else!" Mo Qiling confessed in a deep voice.

Su Chengyun nodded in his heart when he heard the words. Mo Qiling once told her that if there are monks in the lower realm who advance to the Holy Heaven Realm or Guiyuan Mirror, the upper realm will feel it, and the Dark Demon Queen has been paying attention to this place. It will detect abnormalities and may intervene!

With Mo Qiling like this now, it must be that the Dark Demon Queen is about to make a move. Although Su Chengyun was a little apprehensive, but now that she has reached this point, she is not allowed to back down. She can only help Mo Qiling by advancing as soon as possible.

Su Chengyun gritted his teeth when he thought of this, and dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to continue to advance without distraction.

And after a while, dark clouds began to cover the sky, and they pressed down towards the island, accompanied by thunder and lightning, a doomsday-like scene.

"Oh my god, what's going on?" The people on the small island in the distance were surprised when they saw it.

Su Chengyun didn't tell everyone these things, but only told Feng Jue and others.

"The Dark Demon Queen is so shameless that she actually blocked Su Xiaomei's advancement!" Feng Jue gritted his teeth.

"Now I can only look at Mo Mo, I hope Mo Mo can stop the Dark Demon Queen!" Mr. Ming Yi also worried.

"Hmph, the Dark Demon Queen wants to kill Mo Mo, but she hasn't succeeded for so many years. Will she be Mo Mo's opponent?" Feng Jue snorted coldly, he was very optimistic about Mo Mo, "Hey, it's a pity that Miss Su won't let us Go help, or I will make the Dark Lord look good!"

Mr. Ming Yi shook his head: "Feng Jue, don't even try to make trouble, just go and deliver food to the Dark Demon Queen with your combat power!"

"Hmph, if I can't do it, you can't do it!" Feng Jue glanced at Mr. Ming Yi, in terms of combat power, Mr. Ming Yi is really inferior to him now.

"Look at the little fire bird!" Xue Hanbing pointed to the little fire bird beside him, seeing its trembling body, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hey, don't worry about that bird, Su Xiaomei is making progress, it must have benefited as Su Xiaomei's spiritual pet, and it looks like a slapstick at first glance!" mad bird.

Feng Jue turned his gaze to the island, where the dark clouds were already heavy enough to drip water.

"Ah, it appeared!" Someone exclaimed.

In the heavy dark clouds, a pair of pure white hands pulled the dark clouds away as if they were tearing a piece of old cloth, and then a figure squeezed out from it.

The figure quickly revealed its face, icy face, delicate face, impeccably beautiful, but there was a gloomy aura all over its body, which could be felt even from a long distance away.

"Wow, that woman is so strong!" Feng Jue yelled, and the strong man could tell it at a glance.

"I don't know if Mo Mo can deal with it!" Mr. Ming Yi also felt a little uncertain.

"Don't worry, Su Chengyun is behind Mo Qiling, he won't back down!" Hai Tianlong said.

"You understand?" Feng Jue glanced over.

"Hmph, I believe it's you standing there, and you won't take a step back!" Hai Tianlong replied.

That's true!

Feng Jue curled his lips, ignored the people around him, and focused all his attention on the air.

"Mo Qiling, long time no see!" The woman's voice was pleasant and cold.

"Dark Demon Queen, there are some things that you cannot stop!" Mo Qiling said coldly.

"Haha, there is a saying that everything depends on human effort. Since I was able to force you to the lower realm back then, naturally I wouldn't let you return to the upper realm, including your friends and relatives in the lower realm!" The Dark Demon Queen laughed, but she quickly turned pale. After a pause, "Hey, no, that woman has your aura on her body, is she your woman?" The Dark Demon Queen stared at Su Chengyun.

"That's right, Susu is my woman, so if you dare to make a move today, I will destroy her!" Mo Qiling said coldly with his head raised, his eyes flashed with warning and danger.

"Hey, I didn't expect to catch a big fish today, Mo Qiling, you are a famous unfriendly woman in the upper realm, and you are tired of the queen pestering you. A woman from the lower world, have you fallen, or was it just an illusion?" the Dark Demon Queen asked curiously.

"Nothing to do with you!"

"Hmph, how come it has nothing to do with me? Everyone related to you, Mo Qiling, is related to me, and I will destroy them one by one, starting with your woman!" A cruel smile appeared on the face of the Dark Demon Queen. .

(End of this chapter)

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