Chapter 485
"Dark Demon Queen, you are courting death!" Mo Qiling shouted in a low voice.

"Haha, Mo Qiling, I can't do anything with you, so can I do anything with your woman?" The Dark Demon Queen stretched out a hand after speaking, pointing towards Su Chengyun, a black light overflowed from the fingertips.

Mo Qiling's eyes narrowed slightly, his slender hand grasped the void, and a big hand condensed with energy suddenly appeared in the air, pinching it towards the blue light, the blue light was crushed instantly.

"The Emperor's Hand?" The Dark Demon Queen's heavy voice sounded, but she quickly sneered again, "Mo Qiling, if you were in the upper realm, your Emperor's Hand could crush even the sky, but now in the lower realm your strength is limited. It's beyond the limit, and it can't be fully utilized at all! Haha, haha!"

"It's enough to deal with you!" Mo Qiling said coldly, not paying attention to the Dark Demon Queen's sarcasm at all.

"Mo Qiling, you are still so arrogant and arrogant, give me another move!" The Dark Demon Queen had a jasper-colored scepter in her hand, raised it high, and all the thunder and lightning in the black cloud were flying towards the scepter. Go, the scepter became thunderous, and it condensed towards the top of the scepter, and the huge energy could be felt from a distance.

"Accept the baptism of lightning from my Dark Demon Queen!" The Dark Demon Queen laughed loudly, pointing at the scepter, and beams of lightning came towards Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling's position.

Mo Qiling's eyes became very cold, very cold, with his arms crossed, a red shield appeared on his arms, and he jumped up.

The shield seemed to have a kind of attraction, and all the thunder and lightning that came down from the scepter all went towards the shield.

Under the pressure of thunder and lightning, Mo Qiling's rising speed was slightly stagnated, but he quickly picked up his speed again and rushed upwards again.


When it flew into the air, Mo Qiling yelled fiercely, and at the same time raised his left arm upwards, all the lightning that was still powerful just now was bounced back, and went straight towards the Dark Demon Queen.

The Dark Demon Queen probably didn't expect such a turn of events, she was slightly taken aback, but she quickly calmed down, with a swoop of the scepter, the thunder and lightning were scattered, some directly dissipated in the air, and some returned to the clouds .

She looked at Mo Qiling standing across the sky, and said with a sneer, "Mo Qiling, I didn't expect you to be able to unleash such a powerful attack in the lower realm. I still underestimate you!"

Mo Qiling didn't say anything, and pointed a fiery red long sword in his hand, pointing directly at the Dark Demon Queen: "Since you've come down, stay here!"

With fiery red flames on the long sword, it went straight towards the Dark Demon Queen. The Dark Demon Queen's eyes opened suddenly, and the scepter in her hand swung out.

With a bang, the attacks collided, and the Dark Demon Queen retreated a thousand meters, and the clouds were also lifted up a lot. Mo Qiling stood where he was, with cold eyes.

"Hmph, you actually hurt me again, I won't let you go!" the Dark Demon Queen roared angrily.

"You have no chance!" Mo Qiling said coldly.

"Hmph, it's not up to you, Mo Qiling, I'm the real queen, and no one can get past me!" The Dark Demon Queen flew back in the air, staring at Mo Qiling and said, "You didn't take advantage of the victory to chase after me just now, did you? Afraid that something will happen to her!" The Dark Demon Queen pointed to Su Chengyun, who was seriously practicing under the parasol tree, "Hmph, it's really a big heart to hit the Yuanyuan Realm in the lower realm!"

"Dark Demon Queen, in fact, I should thank you very much. If you hadn't come down to let the breath of the upper realm radiate, Susu would not be able to rush to Yuanyuan Realm!" Mo Qiling said.

"You... are you procrastinating on purpose?" The Dark Demon Queen finally came to her senses, and immediately became even more annoyed. Unexpectedly, Mo Qiling had already calculated her into it.

"Hmph, do you think I know your plan, and I will let you do it?" The Dark Demon Queen sneered and closed her passage with a wave of her scepter, "Haha, there is no breath of the upper world, I see your woman How to advance?"

"Unfortunately, it's too late!" Mo Qiling shook his head slightly, pinching the formula with his fingers.

The Dark Demon Queen only felt the air around her start to vibrate, and after a while, energy grids began to appear around her, surrounding her.

"This is..." The Dark Demon Queen was shocked.

"Scarlet refining and burning the sky net!" Mo Qiling said coldly.

" did you have this net?" The Dark Demon Queen asked in horror.

"This net has always been in my hands!" Mo Qiling said flatly.

"Impossible, why did I never know?" The Dark Demon Queen asked in disbelief.

"There are so many things you don't know? Don't think that you are really invincible just because you mutated into a black phoenix!" After Mo Qiling finished speaking, he began to shrink the Chilian Fentian Net.

"Mo Qiling, how dare you!" the Dark Demon Queen yelled.

"Last time I extinguished a trace of your divine sense, I didn't expect you to send a clone directly this time! Since you dare to send it, then I will accept it, and say hello to your main body for me!" Mo Qiling finished speaking, As soon as the formula was retracted, Chilian Fentianwang was retracted fiercely, wrapping the Dark Demon Queen.

"Break, break, break! Break it for me!" The voice of the Dark Demon Queen yelled angrily, but the net vibrated constantly, but the net remained fine.

"The Chilian Fentianwang is hard to escape even if your main body enters it, let alone a clone!" Mo Qiling said coldly.

"Mo Qiling, don't tell me you've already set up the Chilian Fentian Net and just waited for me to enter it?" the Dark Demon Queen asked unwillingly.

"That's right!" Mo Qiling said, then the corners of his lips curled up coldly, "Burn it for me!"

The scarlet flames were suddenly ignited in the Chilian Fentianwang, and the screams of the Dark Demon Queen began to resound.

"Ah... Mo Qiling, if you destroy my avatar today, I will definitely not let you go!" The Dark Demon Queen did not forget to threaten.

Mo Qiling did not make a sound coldly, but controlled the flame to continue burning, and soon the Dark Demon Queen's screams sounded again.

"It's so cruel!" Feng Jue curled his lips and said, "I already knew that Mo Mo would definitely have a way to deal with the Dark Demon Queen, but all of you are so worried!"

"Stop!" At this moment, there was a voice in the sky, and a woman's image exactly the same as that in Chilian Fentian's net appeared, and she shouted anxiously.

Mo Qiling looked at the woman: "Dark Demon Queen, you still showed up!"

"Mo Qiling, don't stop!" the woman shouted.

"When you sent your clone down, you should have known that I would not let her go!" Mo Qiling said.

"Mo Qiling, you are ruthless!" A ruthless look appeared on the woman's face, "Hmph, if you have the ability, you stay in the lower realm forever and don't come back, otherwise I will definitely make you worse than death!"

"You'd better not send people to the lower realm, I will let them all come and go!" Mo Qiling also replied coldly.

The woman took another look at the Dark Demon Queen whose screams had subsided in the net, glared at Mo Qiling bitterly, and disappeared.

"Hey, I thought that woman was going to stop her, but it turned out she was just shouting from the air!"

(End of this chapter)

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