Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 486 Worship

Chapter 486 Worship
In the end, the Black Demon Queen's clone was burnt to nothing, and the flames of the Chilian Fentianwang gradually dissipated, and Mo Qiling took it back with a wave of his hand.

The dark clouds in the sky were still so dense, Mo Qiling narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a wave of his sleeves, the dark clouds immediately dispersed, leaving nothing left!

"So strong!" Feng Jue said enviously, and then he smiled, "One day, I will be like Momo!"

The rest of the people on the small island also stared at the man in red standing in the air, and their hearts were filled with admiration.

The strong have been respected since ancient times.

Mo Qiling slowly fell back to the side of the sycamore tree, looking at Su Chengyun who was still working hard to advance, his face softened slightly.

After a long time, Mo Qiling's eyes narrowed slightly, he put his hand on the parasol tree, the red light appeared again, and the essence of the phoenix's divine power moved towards Su Chengyun at a faster speed, Su Chengyun only felt his own The body is bursting.

Hold on, hold on, hold on!
Finally, I don't know how long it took, only a "ding" sound came from inside the body, the barrier was broken, and Su Chengyun advanced to the Yuan Realm.

Break through, break through!
Su Chengyun felt ecstasy in her heart, but she didn't dare to slack off, the rare opportunity didn't allow her to slack off, so she continued to absorb the remaining essence of Phoenix divine power.

The sacred sycamore tree gradually dimmed, and its leaves gradually withered.

Mo Qiling's fingers moved slightly, drawing something from the sacred tree.

At the beginning of Guiyuan, and in the middle of Guiyuan, Su Chengyun could no longer rush up, absorbing the last trace of essence, and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Mo Qiling looking at her tenderly. Su Chengyun smiled slightly, shook his body, and exuded aura.

"Mo Qiling, I have advanced to the middle stage of Guiyuan!"

"Not bad!" Mo Qiling's eyes flashed with appreciation.

"Hey, the sacred sycamore tree..."

Su Chengyun looked at the withered and disfigured sycamore tree, and the joy of just being promoted faded away.

Mo Qiling took a step forward, attached the sacred sycamore tree with his palm, exerted a little force, and saw that the whole sacred sycamore tree turned into energy and dissipated on the island.


"Susu, look below!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun looked towards the ground, and saw a tiny branch of the sycamore tree protruding from the root of the sacred sycamore tree, which was so soft and weak that it looked pitiful.

"Mo Qiling, is this the sacred phoenix tree?" Su Chengyun asked in surprise.

Mo Qiling nodded, pointed his fingers, and a blue energy ball moved towards the sycamore tree branch. The sycamore tree branch happily absorbed the energy and soon became somewhat solid.

"The energy just now is the life force of the sycamore tree?" Su Chengyun asked.

"That's right, I kept it, this life force will make this sycamore branch grow up as soon as possible!" Mo Qiling said.

"That's great!" Su Chengyun said, although the sycamore tree is gone, it's good that it has its own continuation.

"Also, I sealed part of the essence of the phoenix's divine power in its roots, and these essences will protect and protect it from growing into a towering tree!" Mo Qiling said.

"Thank you, Mo Qiling!" Su Chengyun sincerely thanked him, if he hadn't taken her feelings into consideration, how could Mo Qiling do these things, everything was for her!
"Susu is not sincere in thanking you like this!" Mo Qiling shook his head, "The Phoenix Pearl is waiting for you tonight!"

"Well, parents must be very worried, I'll go and see them!" Su Chengyun flew up and headed towards the small island where Wen Xinlan and the others were located.

A smile overflowed from the corner of Mo Qiling's eyes, but he didn't follow her.

"Haha, Miss Su, have you succeeded in advancing?" Feng Jue was the first to rush forward when he saw Su Chengyun coming.

"Well, in the middle of Yuan Dynasty!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Ah, Su Xiaomei, you are really good, you have crossed a big realm!" Feng Jue's eyes widened when he heard this, this Su Xiaomei is really amazing, she can be promoted so much in the lower realm.

"Father and mother, Mr. Mingyi..." Su Chengyun greeted the people on the island.

"It's good that Yun'er is fine, it's good that it's fine, the Dark Demon Queen is really powerful, I was really afraid that she would affect you, but luckily Mo Mo took care of her!" Wen Xinlan said with lingering fear as she pulled Su Chengyun's hand.

Dark Queen?

At this moment, Su Chengyun remembered that he forgot to ask Mo Qiling who was making trouble, and when he heard everyone talking about it, he realized that the clone of the Dark Demon Queen had come down and was wiped out by Mo Qiling up.

"Mother, Daddy is the most powerful!" Ling'er said adoringly.

Su Chengyun picked up Ling'er and said, "Well, your father is the most powerful!"

"Mother, in the future, Fan'er will be as powerful as daddy, protecting mother and sister!" Fan'er hurriedly said.

Su Chengyun laughed: "Okay, then Fan'er has to work hard, your father has already started to practice diligently when he was your age!"

"Well, mother, I will start practicing from today!" Fan'er expressed his attitude.

Su Chengyun smiled gratifiedly. Mo Qiling originally wanted two children to cultivate, but was blocked by her. Phoenix's lifespan is very long, and children's childhood is very short, so short that it is only a blink of an eye. Time, so Su Chengyun does not want the two children to lose their innocence.

Mo Qiling considered that the two children had better talents, so he no longer urged the two children to practice, but let nature take its course.

Now Fan'er must have been stimulated, and with the determination to practice, Su Chengyun will naturally support him strongly.

"Su Xiaomei, by the way, should we leave here!" Feng Jue asked.

Su Chengyun nodded: "Well, wait for another three days, we will leave in three days!"

After Su Chengyun finished speaking, he looked at Hai Tianlong and said: "We are going to find the sixth cultivator who can be promoted to the spiritual god as soon as possible. Will you go with us, or wait for our news?"

Hai Tianlong thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Well, take advantage of these three days to arrange overseas affairs!" Su Chengyun said.

"I will arrange it!" Hai Tianlong nodded.

"Let's go, let's go back!" Su Chengyun greeted everyone to go back to the island together.

Hai Tianlong was about to leave here when he suddenly found that Xue Hanbing was silent and not moving.

"Bing'er, what's the matter?" Hai Tianlong asked suspiciously.

Xue Hanbing raised his head and bit his lips and said, "Brother Tianlong is leaving?"

Hai Tianlong said: "Well, the passage between the upper and lower realms has been closed for too long. As a member of the lower realm, I will spare no effort to help open the passage!"

"Then..." Xue Hanbing was silent for a moment, "Will Brother Tianlong come back?"

"Is Binger reluctant to leave Brother Tianlong?" Hai Tianlong said, "Binger can go with Brother Tianlong!"

"Brother Tianlong, I..."

"Bing'er is also reluctant to part with your parents, right?" Hai Tianlong asked.

"En!" Xue Hanbing nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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