Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 487 Waiting For You

Chapter 487 Waiting For You
Three days passed by in a hurry, Su Chengyun and the others bid farewell to the people on the island.

These days, the people on the island are also very grateful to Su Chengyun and the others, and they are also very reluctant to let Su Chengyun and the others leave.

"You will guard the overseas well in the future, don't resort to violence!" Hai Tianlong confessed to Hai Tianyu and Qing Yiling.

"Second brother, don't worry. In the past, it was because there was no hope of ascension, so everyone put their minds on intrigue. Now that you are about to repair the passages between the upper and lower worlds, I believe everyone will put their minds on cultivation in the future, and Not to chase those useless powers!" Hai Tianyu said with a smile.

"That's right, Hai Da Cultivator, what a Cultivator most wants to pursue is cultivation, and no one will slack off if he can be promoted!" Qing Yiling also said.

"It's good that you know it in your heart, and the overseas will be handed over to you. If you let me know that you have led the overseas to the abyss, I will come back to settle accounts with you even if I ascend!" Hai Tianlong warned.

"No, no, second brother, we will guard overseas!" Hai Tianyu hastily expressed his opinion.

"Also, I have already told them to withdraw the forces from the Lanling Continent. Don't plot against that side in the future. It's not feasible!" Hai Tianlong said. The idea of ​​the Spirit Continent, but now as long as the upper and lower realm channels are opened, these reliance will be vulnerable to the strong.He warned Hai Tianyu and Qing Yiling in this way for the sake of overseas, this time and that time.

"Understood!" The two replied.

"And most of my people will stay on this island!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Second brother, we are promoted so quickly on this island. I will send people to protect this place, and we will not move your people. Let them protect this island!" Hai Tianyu hurriedly said.

Hai Tianlong nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and the two naturally backed away with a wink.

"Bing'er..." Hai Tianlong waved to Xue Hanbing who kept his head down and said nothing.

Xue Hanbing slowly raised his head and walked forward, calling softly, "Brother Tianlong!"

"Bing'er, are you really not going with me?" Hai Tianlong asked.

Xue Hanbing shook his head: "Brother Tianlong, even if Binger doesn't go with you, she will miss you every day!"

Hai Tianlong looked at Xue Hanbing for a moment and said: "Since Bing'er has decided, Brother Tianlong will not force you. You and your parents have just met each other not long ago, so you should stay together as relatives!"

"Brother Tianlong..." Xue Hanbing hesitated to speak.

"Bing'er, stay with your parents well, don't forget to cultivate, brother Tianlong is waiting for you in the upper realm!" Hai Tianlong said while stroking Xue Hanbing's hair.

Xue Hanbing smiled and nodded immediately upon hearing the words: "Well, Brother Tianlong, Bing'er will go to the upper realm to find you!"

"My people are all staying here. I have already told them that they will do their best to help if there is anything wrong!" Hai Tianlong said.

"Brother Tianlong, thank you!" Xue Hanbing said happily. He didn't expect that Brother Tianlong had arranged so much for her.

"Cut, I didn't expect that guy Hai Tianlong to be the most affectionate!" Standing on the deck, the corner of Feng Jue's mouth curled up in disdain.

"Uncle Fengjue, are you jealous of Uncle Hai?" Linger asked curiously.

"I'm jealous of him?" Feng Jue pointed at his nose, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Hee hee, isn't Uncle Feng Jue jealous because no one loves him?" Ling'er said with a smile.

"Hmph, how can I be unloved? Linger, you are not good!" Feng Jue looked at Linger and said.

"Hee hee, Uncle Feng Jue, you just admit that no one loves you? Ling'er won't laugh at you!" Linger couldn't help but sympathize with Feng Jue's dead mouth.

"Okay, sister, don't tease Uncle Fengjue, be careful of Uncle Fengjue getting angry!" Fan'er persuaded from the side, but it sounded like adding fuel to the fire.

"You two, thanks to the fact that I still play with you every day, why don't you treat me like this?" Feng Jue pointed at the two children.

"Ah, Uncle Fengjue is really angry, brother, let's let the little Huoque take us away, Uncle Fengjue can't catch up with the little Huoque!" Ling'er said.

"Sister, have you forgotten that Daddy is still on the boat?" Fan'er said.

Ling'er giggled: "I forgot, as long as we yell that Uncle Feng Jue is bullying us, Daddy will come to help us!"

"" Feng Jue pointed at the two children and didn't know what to say. These two children look cute, but when you get to know them well, you will find that these two are sometimes like demons, clever and cheerful Come and love the whole person.

"Feng Jue, you are such an old man, what are you fussing about with two children!" At this moment, Su Hongyi, who loves his grandson and granddaughter, saw Feng Jue's fierce appearance, and stepped forward to slap his hand off.

"Grandpa!" The two children smiled and ran to Su Hongyi to show their hospitality.

"Feng Jue, it's not the first time you've suffered at the hands of the two children, why don't you have a long memory?" Mr. Mingyi's faint voice sounded from the side.

"Hmph, if you want to be treated like this, the two children don't care about you!" Feng Jue curled his lips, flicked his hair and walked to the other side of the deck.

Finally, the farewell was over, and the boat set off slowly.

Looking at the big ship that was getting farther and farther away, Xue Hanbing's face became sad, and his eyes also became sad.

Xue Mingxiu at the side shook his head when he saw it: "Bing'er, since you are reluctant, why don't you follow Hai Tianlong?"

"Father...I..." Xue Hanbing bit his lips and said, "Father, I don't want to be a burden to Brother Tianlong. Brother Tianlong has already reached the pinnacle of this world, and I'm still far behind."

"Silly girl, Hai Tianlong doesn't care about these things!" Xue Mingxiu said.

"But I care!" Xue Hanbing looked at the boat that had disappeared in the distance, "Father, ever since I met Brother Tianlong, Brother Tianlong has been protecting me, before, and later, he never gave me any help because of my sister and... adoptive parents. What you did was angered at me, but it hurt me even more."

"Daddy can see that Hai Tianlong actually has feelings for you!" Xue Mingxiu said.

"Hehe, because of this, it is even more impossible for me to dominate Brother Tianlong and drag him down at this time!" Xue Hanbing said with a smile, "Father, Brother Tianlong is a born strong man, and he is bound to ascend to the upper realm to show his talents. If it's not for Brother Tianlong's help, let alone go forward!"

"Bing'er..." Xue Mingxiu looked at his daughter with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

"Father, the most important thing is that if I am by Brother Tianlong's side, I can't help but enjoy his protection, and I will become more and more dependent on Brother Tianlong! Therefore, I decided to stay here, practice hard, and strive to become a Strong man, catch up with Brother Tianlong and walk side by side with him!" Xue Hanbing's eyes sparkled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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