Chapter 488
Just when Xue Mingxiu was lamenting that his daughter was sensible and motivated, Su Chengyun and his boat were stopped by one person.

"Hee hee, Mr. Ming Yi, I'm looking for you!" Feng Jue touched Mr. Ming Yi's shoulder.

Mr. Ming Yi smiled helplessly, looked at the decadent humanity not far away, and said, "Qing Yu'er, are you here to say goodbye?"

On the small boat, Qing Yuer looked at Mr. Ming Yi who was standing brightly on the big boat, her eyes suddenly flickered, and said: "Nan Mingyi, I want to go to Lanling Continent, I wonder if you can take me with you?"

Young Master Ming Yi's face turned serious when he heard this.

Feng Jue said from the side, "Young Master Ming Yi, I want to rely on you!"

Mr. Ming Yi sighed, and said: "Qing Yu'er, I'm sorry, this is not my boat, I have no right to call the shots!"

"Nan Mingyi, you can't be more flexible, you really don't miss any old love!" Qing Yu'er said.

Mr. Ming Yi frowned slightly when he heard the words, but Feng Jue said directly: "Qing Yu'er, what do you mean? You said it as if Mr. Ming Yi had always abandoned you. You have never liked other girls, so don't put gold on your face!" Mr. Ming Yi has always liked Su Xiaomei, so what's the matter with Qing Yuer?

"That's not what I meant!" Qing Yu'er hurriedly explained, "I just want Nan Mingyi to take me to Lanling Continent for the sake of taking him overseas!"

"It's even more boring to say that. Who doesn't know that you, Qing Yuer, fell in love with our Mr. Ming Yi and tried your best to invite Mr. Ming Yi to play overseas, but just happened to meet Mr. Ming Yi who wanted to go out for training, so you came overseas. , but Mr. Mingyi also helped you a lot after he came, and helped you obtain the status of the successor suzerain of Qingyunzong. Isn't this enough to pay your boat fare? You Qingyuer later lost the suzerain position , that's none of Mr. Mingyi's business!" Feng Jue said mockingly.

Qing Yu'er's expression turned ugly upon hearing this.

Feng Jue seemed to feel that it was not enough, and continued: "Qing Yu'er, your home and roots are overseas, what are you going to do in Lanling Continent? You are not familiar with Lanling Continent, do you want to follow Ming Yi all the time? Son, is this not good?"

"I just need to go to Lanling Continent!" Qing Yu'er said.

"Hey, no one will believe this. You have no relatives and no reason in the Lanling Continent, so you have to trouble Mr. Mingyi for everything! No, I think you saw that Mr. Mingyi became a spirit god, and you lost the title of suzerain position, so I want to rely on the big tree of Mr. Mingyi!" Feng Jue said.

Qing Yu'er bit her lip, said: "Feng Jue, I don't think so!"

"Hehe, do you think that much? You know best in your heart, Qing Yuer, this boat is not Mr. Mingyi's boat, so even if Mr. Mingyi agrees, you don't even think about getting on it! I, Feng, will never agree!" Feng Jueleng He said coldly, Qing Yuer is really disappointing more and more, seeing such a person dangling in front of his eyes, he will be upset, and who knows if Qing Yuer has other bad intentions.

"I... Nan Mingyi..." Qing Yuer looked at Young Master Ming Yi.

Mr. Ming Yi sighed and said: "Qing Yu'er, I think that friendship is enough, if you come to say goodbye to me, I will happily accept it, but if you have other unrealistic ideas, I Nanming Yi shouldn't either!"

"Nan Mingyi, you..."

"Qing Yu'er, what Feng Jue said is right, your home is in the Qingyun Sect, you should go back to the Qingyun Sect, it's always bad to leave your hometown alone!" Young Master Ming Yi persuaded again.

Qing Yu'er stared at Mr. Ming Yi in silence.

She, the past lord of Qingyun Sect, is having a hard time now, being ridiculed by many people, and her family members also complain that she didn't grasp the opportunity well.She really wants to change the status quo, she has power and naturally she doesn't want to be a humble servant, she is still nostalgic for the taste of power.

However, in Qingyun Sect, her foundation is too shallow, and she has not developed her own power at all. This time she lost her position as suzerain, and her followers also left her because of what she did before. Fortunately, they are wandering At that time, I heard the news that Su Chengyun and Mr. Mingyi were leaving, and Mr. Mingyi had been promoted to Spirit God.

Spirit God, that is the existence of the pinnacle, she has no reason not to grasp it.

With the help of Mr. Ming Yi, she will be promoted to the Spiritual God just around the corner. When she is promoted to the Spiritual God, what do you want, and what power do you want? Someone will give it to you.

However, he didn't expect Mr. Ming Yi to reject her so resolutely, and Feng Jue tried his best to mock her.

She endured these things, and endured them with all her strength.

When one day surpasses them, she will return all the humiliation she suffered today.

Su Chengyun and Mo Qiling had already noticed the flicker in Qing Yuer's eyes.

"Mo Qiling, do you think Qing Yu'er will give up easily?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"No!" Mo Qiling replied simply and clearly.

"However, it's annoying to be stopped by someone!" Su Chengyun said helplessly.

"Susu thinks she's annoying, so I'll deal with it!" Mo Qiling said directly.

"Hey, forget it, no matter what, Qing Yu'er and Young Master Ming Yi have friendship, we can't make things difficult for Young Master Ming Yi!" Su Chengyun said.

"En, good!" Mo Qiling nodded upon hearing this.

However, his fingers moved slightly, and an imperceptible light entered Qing Yu'er's body.

"Mo Qiling, you are so good or bad!" Su Chengyun naturally noticed Mo Qiling's small movements, and said with a smile.

"Her performance didn't please Susu, so she should be punished!" Mo Qiling said of course,

But Su Chengyun laughed, and said loudly to Qing Yuer: "Qing Yuer, our boat is too small to accommodate you, if you want to follow us to Lanling Continent, follow us!"

"Haha, that's a good idea!" Feng Jue laughed.

Qing Yu'er's face turned pale, it would be better not to agree, how could her boat withstand crossing the ocean.

"If you don't agree, you can directly refuse, there is no need to make such a difficult problem!" Qing Yu'er looked at the people on the boat and said with a cold face.

Su Chengyun smiled and said: "But I'm afraid you won't understand the rejection. Feng Jue and Mr. Ming Yi have rejected it from the very beginning!"

"Su Chengyun, you..." Qing Yuer stared at Su Chengyun.

"Qing Yu'er, it's still the same sentence, if you want to go to Lanling Continent, you can follow our boat, or you can find a way to go by yourself, but I won't let you board this boat!" Su Chengyun said firmly , there are two children on board, and people with ulterior motives must not be allowed to come aboard.

"Qing Yu'er, are you still thinking of embarrassing people overseas? Don't go back yet!" At the critical moment, Hai Tianlong also stood up and looked at Qing Yu'er displeased.

Qing Yu'er's face turned pale, and the driver of the boat left reluctantly.

"Mo Qiling, what method did you give her?" Su Chengyun asked curiously.

"The way to let her cultivation slowly dissipate!"

(End of this chapter)

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