Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 495 2 choices

Chapter 495 Two Choices
After reminiscing with his friends, Su Chengyun was in a particularly good mood. Mo Qiling and the others hadn't finished their work yet, and Su Chengyun didn't want to leave, so he discussed with the Su family and everyone stayed.

The Huoyan Mountain was originally jointly owned by the major families in Floating Cloud City, but when Su Chengyun was overseas, he sent a letter to the Su family, asking them to take over the management of the Huoyan Mountain, although some families were unwilling at first. , there are still a few who rely on their power in Floating Cloud City to want the lion to speak loudly, but the Su family directly showed their cards and told them that they are discussing in good spirits, but they insist on holding on and waiting for Su Chengyun and the others came back to ask for it in person.

Seeing the seriousness of what the Su family said, those people were startled and suspicious, and finally reluctantly agreed, but many of them thought it depends on the situation. If what the Su family said was true, they would naturally behave themselves, but what the Su family said was false , then they...

Once the Su family gained control of the Flame Mountain, they began to carry out external renovations. Many rooms and beautiful courtyards were created in the building.

The other forces watched coldly, to see what the Su family was up to.

The return of Su Chengyun and the others completely gave those families who had different intentions a rest. The five spirit gods would not dare to provoke them even if they had 1 guts. Went out.

Therefore, no one from the Su family went back tonight, but lived in the courtyard built by the Su family.

There were so many people today, Su Chengyun didn't let the two children show up, so she took time to play with the two children for a long time at night, and then had a good night's sleep.

On the second day, after Su Chengyun handed over the two children to Wenxin Lan, he was going to see how Mo Qiling and the others were doing, but as soon as he left the courtyard, he saw dozens of figures approaching. He was in a good mood in the morning. Everything was completely destroyed, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hey, it's from my family!" Su Junyu followed up at some point, and said from the side.

Su Chengyun nodded, waiting for the group of people to come forward.

The one walking in the front of the group was an old man with a cane. Su Junyu said: "That is the oldest and most senior person in our family. His name is Su Ji. Everyone calls him Ji Lao!"

Ji Lao and his group came over and stopped when they saw Su Chengyun and Su Junyu.

"What are you doing?" Su Chengyun asked casually.

Elder Ji leaned on the ground with his cane, trembling his beard and said, "Are you Su Chengyun? The spiritual powerhouse of the Su family?"

Su Chengyun nodded: "Not bad!"

Su Junyu curled his lips, his sister is more than just a spirit god!

Ji Lao was obviously a little excited when he heard the words, and said: "It's not polite!"

Su Chengyun originally thought that Mr. Ji was talking about her, but he didn't expect that as soon as Mr. Ji finished speaking, the people behind all saluted Su Chengyun, and Su Chengyun frowned slightly.

Seeing that everyone had met Li, Ji Lao nodded in satisfaction and said, "That...Yun girl, you don't mind if I call you that?"

Su Chengyun shook his head and continued to listen.

"Yun girl, although your family has been separated a long time ago, after all, we were originally one family, and our family has been taken care of by you. Now we have come out of the hiding place and stood in front of the world openly. But the old man knows that before What some family disciples have done has chilled your hearts, and you also have a grudge against us. But now, girl Yun, you are a strong spirit god, so you can't leave us alone!" Elder Ji looked at Su Chengyun and said.

Su Chengyun hooked the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, didn't uncle already take you back? Why do you still say that we don't care about you?"

"This...Yun girl, but the cultivation of Huoyan Mountain has nothing to do with my own family?" Ji Lao said.

"Then may I ask if you came yesterday?" Su Chengyun asked, seeing the frowning faces of the family, she sneered, "The candidates for cultivation were all selected yesterday, do you think you were members of the family before?" People, will they enjoy privileges?"

"'s not like that! We thought you would take care of your own family first!" someone whispered.

"Hehe, why do you let us take care of you first? Are you working hard enough? Are you seizing the opportunity? Have you let go of your figure? Are you really surrendering to our team? You haven't done anything, so why should we do everything first? For the sake of you, to put it bluntly, in my eyes, you are just strangers with a blood relationship, even if compared with the friends I am most unfamiliar with. Under such circumstances, why do you still With the airs of our family, let us condescend to accommodate you?" Su Chengyun said bluntly.

"My sister is right. Our branch has risen, but we have never relied on your family. On the contrary, your family has been holding us back! Based on what you have done, even if our branch becomes independent People will say something about us, but they will say that your family is not authentic!" Su Junyu also said.

Some people in my family are not convinced, while others are thinking.

Ji Lao was silent for a while and said: "We are willing to merge into your branch, just to share the cultivation resources!"

"Sharing..." Su Chengyun smiled slightly, "That's impossible!"

"Then how are you doing?" Elder Ji asked in a deep voice.

Su Chengyun said: "In any case, we are all of the same clan. Now I will give you two choices. First, your family will count as one, and ours will count as one. The two are independent. In the future, we will not take any responsibility for etiquette exchanges. You are cheap, and you don't want to take advantage of us!"

"What about the second one?" Elder Ji asked immediately.

Su Chengyun smiled: "The second choice is that you submit to our branch, and you will have no family in the future. We will be the master and you will be the assistant! However, after you surrender, you will be led by our branch, but cultivation The resources are not necessarily allocated to you!"

"What does this mean?" Ji Lao's face was a little ugly.

"It's very simple. Not all people in a family are suitable for cultivation, so we will only use our resources on juniors who are enlightened and have good conduct. As for the others, it's okay to keep their own. If there is a disagreement, we will never be soft!" Su Chengyun said.

Ji Lao became silent when he heard the words, and the people behind him also thought about their own thoughts.

"You can think about the two points I mentioned!" Su Chengyun said again.

"Girl Yun, does what you say represent your branch?" Elder Ji asked.

Before Su Chengyun answered, he heard a loud shout from behind: "Of course!"

I saw old man Su walking in the front, followed by uncle, auntie, Su Hongyi, Wen Xinlan and two children.

"Grandpa, why did you come out?" Su Junyu went up to him and asked.

"I heard that someone from my family is here, let's take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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