Chapter 496 Can't Go Back
The people in my family left, saying that they would go back and think about it.

Su Chengyun thought for a while, and instead of going to the Flame Mountain, he returned directly to the courtyard and began to refine the elixir, while Su Junyu watched from the sidelines.

Soon green pills with majestic vitality were refined out.

"Sister, what kind of elixir is this? Such a strong life force!" Su Junyu asked excitedly.

"Haoyuan Body Pill!" Su Chengyun replied, "It can transform the practitioner's body to a level suitable for cultivation!"

"Yun Ziluo, is this for Yun Ziluo?" Su Junyu immediately thought of Yun Ziluo.

Su Chengyun smiled and nodded: "That's right, Ziluo's body has been poisoned many times, and it's actually very dilapidated. Although he has been exercising, his foundation has been damaged. This Haoyuan Body Pill is to restore his body to the best and transform it." !"

"It's such a heaven-defying pill, wouldn't it be used by a person who can't cultivate?" Su Junyu couldn't imagine it.

"This elixir can only be used by cultivators. There is no spiritual power in the body of ordinary people. If you eat it, it will only strengthen your body and have no other functions!" Su Chengyun said with a smile.

"Hehe, sister, refine more and let grandpa eat some too!" Su Junyu said very filially.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "Second brother, this elixir is not suitable for grandpa. I will refine another elixir for grandpa and them later." Haoyuan Tidan only has a strong effect on people like Yun Ziluo. It can only be used by a young man with the power, the life force in Mr. Su's body decays, and it will cause damage to the body after use.

After stopping Su Chengyun's explanation, Su Junyu discovered that the more unique the effect of the elixir, the harsher the conditions for using it. It seems that he has a lot to learn along the way.

Su Chengyun didn't go, but directly asked Su Junyu to send the elixir to Yun Zixuan, and asked Yun Zixuan to watch Yun Ziluo take the elixir, while she began to refine the elixir one after another.

Su Junyu didn't stay long after sending the elixir, but came back soon to watch Su Chengyun make alchemy and learn from it.

It wasn't until the evening that Su Chengyun stopped and put the bottles of pills into the ring.

"Sister, you are amazing!" Su Junyu praised.

Su Chengyun smiled: "You can do this in the future, let's go, let's go find grandpa and the others!"

In the early morning of the second day, Chang Shao brought her parents to visit. Su Chengyun looked at the two of them. Although the man looked a little simple and honest, the woman looked very weak, as soft as a ball of water. It's no wonder the family took advantage of this look that looks easy to bully.

"Chengyun, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Chang Shao said embarrassedly.

"It's okay!" Su Chengyun signaled Chang Shao's parents to sit down. She felt the pulse for the two of them, and it took a long time before she let go.

"Sister, how are you doing?" Su Junyu asked.

Su Chengyun sighed and said, "It is indeed a physical injury!"

"Ah...does my parents still need treatment?" Chang Shao hurriedly asked.

Su Chengyun nodded: "It's a bit troublesome, but it's not impossible to treat. Auntie is because she hurt her body during childbirth when she was pregnant with you, and she didn't take care of her in the later confinement period. Uncle is because she hurt her back. Under the dark wound!"

"That's right, I did hurt my waist once!" Father Chang said hurriedly.

"Your elixir for wounds is useless and needs long-term recuperation. I prescribed two prescriptions, and you took the medicine according to the formula, decocted it and took it every day. If you insist on it for a year or so, you will be able to conceive again!" Su Chengyun While talking, I started to write prescriptions.

"Chengyun, thank you, thank you!" Chang Shao sincerely thanked.

Su Chengyun smiled and didn't say anything, it was just a little effort.

After Chang Shao's family left, Su Chengyun waited for Su Junyu to come back: "Second brother, the situation of Chang Shao's parents should be able to be diagnosed according to your strength, right?"

Chang Shao laughed: "Sister, the Chang family was a little restless a while ago, so I didn't take action!"

"The important point..." Su Chengyun said.

"Hey, don't you want Chang Shao to feel that he owes me too much?" Chang Shao said.

"Oh, if you don't want her to owe you, let her owe me?" Su Chengyun raised his eyebrows.

"Well, for those who owe my sister, Chang Shao has no psychological burden. After all, my sister is too strong, but for those who owe me, if Chang Shao enters our Su family in the future, what should I do if I always feel short of me? Also, if I help I lost his parents, and his parents still won’t please me in the future, so I’m so awkward. In the end, if they give birth to another girl, what if the girl knows that she was born because of me and has a secret love for me? I don't want her own sister between me and Chang Shao!" Su Junyu said eloquently.

Su Chengyun was speechless for a while: "Second brother, I never knew that I would have so many assumptions when I was doing something!"

"This is what I call precaution!" Su Junyu said with a smile.

"I've convinced you!" Su Chengyun shook his sleeves and walked out.

But as soon as he stepped out of the courtyard, he saw a figure looking at him in the distance.

It's really a bad time for Su Chengyun to support his forehead. Every time he goes out, he will encounter something.

She walked towards the figure without saying a word, just looking at it like this.


"Jin Duoduo, what are you doing here?" Su Chengyun asked without sadness or joy. Shangguan Youyue once said that since she and Hua Shao designed Shangguan Youlan, it was equivalent to falling out with that side. So Jin Duoduo was released in advance.Hua Shao even arranged for an old woman who was eloquent and insightful to live in Jin Duo's house.Although Jin Duoduo was still a little obsessed at the beginning, but after returning to the Jin family, he felt the family relationship and was enlightened by the old woman, and the hostility in his body gradually subsided.Especially when he knew that she was taken overseas, and Feng desperately went overseas to find her, he came to his senses.

But even if they wake up, they can't go back to the past.

"Chengyun, I'm here to say sorry to you!" Jin Duoduo bit his lip and said, "Chengyun, I'm sorry, I was too paranoid before!"

Su Chengyun sighed: "Jin Duoduo, a lot of things you have done cannot be erased by saying sorry, but I have received your sorry, so let's go!"


"Jin Duoduo, since you have come out of the past, then behave yourself!" Su Chengyun said.

"We... can't go back to the past?" Jin Duoduo's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "Not all the past can go back, Jin Duoduo, You Yue and I have our own lives now, and your life has also entered the opposite side, there is no need to go back to the past!"

"Chengyun, I was wrong, please give me another chance, I will definitely be your friend this time!" Jin Duoduo begged.

Su Chengyun shook his head: "I can't go back, I can't go back!" After speaking, he walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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