Chapter 506
"Oh, what's the matter?" Su Chengyun asked with a smile.

"It's like this. We four old guys have practiced in the Liuyun Secret Realm for a while, and feel that the Liuyun Secret Realm is very helpful for improving our cultivation, so we want to jointly establish a college in the Exiled Land. In the future, outstanding students from the four colleges can Sent to the academy here to practice!" Qiu Tianqi said.

Su Chengyun nodded: "I think I understand what you mean. There are limited cultivators who can enter Liuyun Secret Realm at one time. I will leave some of the places in the four colleges for you!"

"Su girl, thank you!"

"Hehe, no matter what, I used to be a student of Nancang College!" Su Chengyun blinked and said, "Four deans, your four colleges can properly lower the age and conditions of enrollment, so that more The cultivators accept the education of the academy!"

"Well, we think so too. With the attraction of the academy and Liuyun Secret Realm here, I believe many students will try their best to cultivate!" Qiu Tianqi said with a smile.

Several people talked about the college affairs for a long time, and Qiu Tianqi and the others left satisfied.

"Hehe, Yun'er, I didn't expect our Liuyun Secret Realm to attract the Four Great Academies!" Old Master Su said with a smile.Although he used to have some prestige in Floating Cloud City, but compared to now, it seems that those are nothing. Now who doesn't respect him, only the Su family has two spirit gods, and one is unpredictable Son-in-law, who dares to underestimate him.Moreover, the strength of the Su family has been rapidly promoted under the special care, and it is just around the corner to become the first family in Lanling Continent.

The glory of the Su family was realized in his generation, and Mr. Su was very happy.

"Grandpa, don't always focus on cultivation, the important thing is to rest at the right time!" Ever since his body was improved, Mr. Su has also been obsessed with cultivation, but he is an elderly person after all, so let's take it easy.

"Hehe, grandpa knows that grandpa will be concerned about his body!" said old man Su.

"Don't worry, little sister, I will watch over Grandpa!" Su Junyang said.

"Well, by the way, big brother, I have something to tell you!"

The two of them bid farewell to Mr. Su and left.

And Qiu Tianqi's four principals moved very quickly. In less than two months, a majestic and huge academy was established at the junction of Flame Mountain and Flowing Cloud City, and it was named "Lanling Academy".

The establishment of Lanling College has been welcomed by many people. Since the last group of people entered the Liuyun Secret Realm, no new cultivators have been allowed to enter. Many cultivators who want to enter but cannot enter see the establishment of Lanling College. Opportunity spotted.

The opening ceremony of Lan Ling College, the gathering of the six spirits and gods, made the cultivators of Lan Ling Continent even more excited.

What's strange is that the four city lords who have status in the Lanling Continent are absent, and people have to feel the undercurrent.

"Brother Qiu, why do you not allow me to go when Lanling Academy is opened? You clearly know that I am in Floating Cloud City!" Shangguan Bing asked with a frown in an inn in Floating Cloud City.

Qiu Tianqi sighed: "Shangguan, as a close friend, I advise you to leave early!"

Shangguan Bing's eyes gradually widened, and he asked, "Why?"

Qiu Tianqi said: "Shangguan, why did you come to Floating Cloud City this time?"


"You want Youyue to give you a few places, do you want to enter the Liuyun secret realm?" Qiu Tianqi said.

"So what? You Yue and Su Chengyun have such a good relationship, wouldn't it be easy to get a few places?" Shangguan Bing said.

"You still take it for granted, Shangguan? I have never interfered with your housework, but don't you feel that you are too much to Youyue? Youyue is a good child, but such a good child is ignored by you It's chilling!" Qiu Tianqi sighed.

"I...I just..."

"You just love Youlan's mother and daughter more, but how did those two hurt Youyue? It's fine if you don't face Youyue, and you help those two to bully Youyue. Shangguan, I don't know what to say about you. Now, you are such a shrewd person, why are you so confused about family affairs. Now you are forcing Youyue to get a place for you because of those two people, and I won't even talk to you?"

"You Yue is my daughter, shouldn't I ask her to do a little favor?" Shangguan Bing obviously hasn't realized his mistake yet, thinking of You Yue's repeated rejections, he didn't even show his face in the end. is unhappy.

"Shangguan, Youyue endured you because you were her father. But do you think Hua Shao would see her woman being bullied and not fight back? And Su Chengyun would see her friend being bullied and remain indifferent I understand Su Chengyun's temperament, you will end up worse if you bully her friends than bullying her, and it's not like you haven't seen Hua Shao's methods before, can't you teach you a lesson about You Lan? Hurry up to provoke them!" Qiu Tianqi shook his head and said, "Shangguan, do you want to follow in the footsteps of City Lord Nangong?"

Shangguan Bing's face was a little ugly: "City Master Nangong, isn't he obsessed with cultivation, is he crazy now?"

"Haha, insanity, how can a city lord's mind be judged, and insanity will happen?" Qiu Tianqi sneered.

"You mean?" Shangguan Bing became startled.

"Nangong Yu's promotion cannot be missed. Nangong City Lord is a factor of instability, so he has to sacrifice, but I guess, Nangong Yu also knows! Shangguan, do you still think that your position as City Lord is so unbreakable?" Qiu Tianqi asked back.

"No, You Yue is very good!" Shangguan Bing said.

"You Yue is very obedient, so she will think that it is better for you to lose the status of the city lord, because it will allow you to recognize the people around you more clearly!" Qiu Tianqi said, "Shangguan, don't take chances, Nan boy As I told you, You Yue is already impatient with your interruption, and Hua Shao and Su Chengyun are also a little angry. This time, Lan Ling Academy did not invite the four major city lords, so you can see Su Chengyun's attitude!"


"Shangguan, that's all I've said, think about it carefully!" Qiu Tianqi left with a sigh.

But Qiu Tianqi saw Mr. Ming Yi not long after he left.

"Boy Nan, do you want me to reveal all this to Shangguan because Su Yatou and the others are going to make a move?" Qiu Tianqi asked.

"Master, Lord Shangguan is your friend no matter what. It's better to let him retire than to be cleaned up by Chengyun and the others!" Mr. Mingyi said, "Originally Chengyun didn't intend to interfere with the housework of the City Lord's Mansion, but However, when Shangguan City Lord was pressing Youyue step by step, Chengyun saw it, and later Shangguan Youlan cursed Youyue, and was also hit by Chengyun. You know Chengyun's temper, he is very protective of his friends, plus The last time Shangguan City Lord's family forced a marriage, Cheng Yun was completely angry!"

"Hey, it's self-inflicted. I hope Shangguan can think it through!"

(End of this chapter)

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