Proud Maiden Fairy

Chapter 507 Repair Channel

Chapter 507 Repair Channel
In the end, Shangguan Bing was still unwilling to give up the rights in his hands. When he was out, he met a high-level monster and was seriously injured. Najie was also lost in that battle.

But Shangguan Youlan's mother and daughter saw that Shangguan Bing had almost become a half useless person, and he had no money, so they immediately abandoned him.

Shangguan Bing's seriously injured body was thrown in a dilapidated house, his heart like a mirror.

A few days later, a man and a woman entered the dilapidated house. Looking at the two of them, Shangguan Bing raised his lips and said, "You Yue, you are happy to see that you are like a father!"

Shangguan Youyue bit her lips: "Father, we didn't arrange that monster!"

Shangguan Bing obviously didn't believe it.

Hua Shao said coldly: "Shangguan Bing, Xiaoyue'er is not so ruthless, we just plan to let you lose the position of city lord, let you get out of power, our people are now active in Nancang City!"

Shangguan Bing still had no doubts, but he felt much better.

"I prepared a small courtyard for you in Floating Cloud City, and I will pick you up this time!" Shangguan Youyue said.

Hua Shao immediately said: "You don't have to go, I can tell you clearly, you can't wait for your hand to come down!"

"What did you do?" Shangguan Bing frowned.

"We just told everyone that you have defected to your daughter, and you will focus on cultivation in the future, and you don't want anyone to disturb you!" Hua Shao said.

"You are cruel enough!"

"You forced us!"

"Father, you can go back with us, after you heal your injury, you can concentrate on training from now on!" Shangguan Youyue also said.

Shangguan Bing fell into deep thought.

In a small courtyard in Floating Cloud City.

Qiu Tianqi looked at Shangguan Bing, who had been lying half dead, and sighed: "Hey, Shangguan, are you going to be so decadent?"

"I'm almost a useless person, what can I do if I'm not decadent?" Shangguan Bing said listlessly.

"I went to investigate, and that monster was really an accident!" Qiu Tianqi said.

Shangguan Bing's eyes paused.

"I know you don't believe other people's words, Shangguan, the matter has come to this point, do you want to continue like this?" Qiu Tianqi frowned, "If you fall from the peak of power, you will never be able to stand up again, Nan Cang Does your city lord attract you more than ascending to the upper realm? Shangguan, have you been blinded by power and forgotten your original intention of cultivation?"

Shangguan Bing's eyes were complicated when he asked each sentence.

"I've got some news for you. The other two city lords have voluntarily resigned as city lords. They have been approved to apply for training in Liuyun Secret Realm. Now they have completely abandoned their external possessions and devoted themselves to cultivation!" Qiu Tianqi did not forget to mention it when he left. And a sentence.

Shangguan Bing heard the words and fell into deep contemplation.

"Xiaoyue'er, I know you still have feelings for that father, but if he can't figure it out, everything we do is useless!" Hua Shao said.

"Well, I got it. When Dad figured it out, I will ask Chengyun for medicine to make him recover completely!" Shangguan Youyue replied.

"That's the right way to think! Let's go, we should go to the mother and daughter to settle the score, let them have too long!" Hua Shao's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness.

"it is good!"

A few days later, someone found several corpses under a cliff, and it was judged that they fell by mistake.

A year later, Feng Jue, Young Master Ming Yi, Su Junyang and Hai Tianlong reached the peak of Spirit God in turn. Although Nangong Yu was the latest to be promoted to Spirit God, she had a special physique and reached the late stage of Spirit God.

On this day, the six great spirits gathered together and came to the desert deep in the exiled land.

"Wow, the day is finally here, we are finally going to open the tunnel!" Feng Jue shouted excitedly.

Others are also very happy.

Su Chengyun and the others didn't tell many people about the restoration of the channel, but this matter was too big, and some people got the news, and they spread it to ten, ten to hundreds... Many cultivators rushed over to watch.

The barren desert was suddenly full of people, and it was very lively.

"Su Xiaomei, Mo Mo, shall we start like this?" Feng Jue asked.

Su Chengyun looked at Mo Qiling.

Mo Qiling nodded: "I will visualize the passage of ascension, and you join hands to input your spiritual power into it, and I will guide your spiritual restoration passage!"

Su Chengyun and the others all nodded.

Mo Qiling's face was very serious, he was making complicated gestures with his hands, and muttering to himself, after a long time, the air in front of him began to fluctuate, and a golden light tunnel began to appear, but this golden light tunnel was full of holes.

No wonder he couldn't ascend, there was indeed a problem with this channel.

"Mo Mo, is it now?" Feng Jue asked.

"Wait, let me draw a six-pointed star array first, with the help of the star array, it will get twice the result with half the effort!" After Mo Qiling finished speaking, he began to arrange the array.

I saw a piece of red drifting by, and after a while, around the golden light channel, a hexagram array appeared.

"The six of you each occupy a corner of the star array, and start inputting spiritual power!" Mo Qiling said.

Su Chengyun and the others did not dare to neglect, they jumped into the star array one after another, only to see Mo Qiling flicking his finger slightly, and the whole star array lit up, Su Chengyun and the others were also busy outputting their spiritual power.

Mo Qiling began to guide the six strands of spiritual power to converge, continuously circling towards the golden light passage.

The Golden Light Passage was being repaired non-stop, but after a quarter of an hour, several people in black jumped out and came towards them.

"Everyone keep your minds on your back!" Su Chengyun snorted, she didn't need to guess that those people were the Dark Demon Queen, but she didn't expect that there were so many people in Lanling Continent, luckily they had already guessed that there would be such a situation , have been prepared for a long time.

"Dare to destroy, pass our level first!" Many cultivators jumped out of the crowd and went towards these men in black.

Soon the battle began.

Although those men in black were very powerful, Su Chengyun and the others picked out good players. They couldn't deal with them alone, but several of them teamed up were more than enough to deal with them. Soon all the men in black were beheaded.

"Sure enough, Yun'er and Mo Mo were right, and someone really made trouble!" Wen Xinlan said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Yun'er and Mo Mo are both successful people, they will arrange it!" Although Su Hongyi was also a little worried, he still comforted him.

"Hey, I'm not worried about the troubles in Lanling Continent, I'm worried..." Wen Xinlan pointed to the position in the sky.

"Even if the Dark Demon Queen comes, we can't stop it. Our son-in-law is not weaker than the Dark Demon Queen, so it's fine!" Su Hongyi said.

Wen Xinlan nodded indiscriminately when she heard the words.

"However, when I think that Yun'er will leave us once the channel is repaired today, my heart is full of reluctance!"

"Don't worry, one day we will be able to fly to the upper realm to find Yun'er!" Su Hongyi also had reluctance in his eyes, but he still said, "Yun'er has been with us for a long time, we can't tie Yun'er to Yun'er for the rest of our lives!" around."

"Well, I know! We must practice harder in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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