Go crazy!Choose a god-level villain at the beginning?

Chapter 207 The Restaurant Where Immortal Cultivators Gather

Chapter 207 The Restaurant Where Immortal Cultivators Gather
"Look, what Fang Fan is doing!" Chen Lu patted Chen Lu on the side.

"Uh... Could it be that this guy is so attractive because he has become an immortal?" Seeing Fang Fan sitting cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, Liu Guo raised his mouth slightly, and then patted Huo Zhen on the shoulder.

"Well, it's possible!" Huo Zhen was dumbfounded seeing Fang Fan's expression, "No wonder he refused Zhou Min's invitation to go to her house, so this guy is going to come back to cultivate immortality!"

"Haha...that makes sense!" Chen Lu nodded in agreement with Huo Zhen's statement.

"Ah... What a word to wake up the dreamer!" Liu Guo also felt that Huo Zhen's words were simply the truth.

"Ding dong..." Fang Fan's phone rang.

And there were many boys' wolves howling outside.

"Damn... What are those guys howling, are they in heat?" Chen Lu immediately ran outside to see what happened to drive those boys crazy.

Fang Fan was silent, picked up his phone and looked at it with a look of horror. It was a message from Zhou Min: I will wait for you downstairs.

[Uh... Bingshan Xiaohua is waiting for me downstairs. 】

[I feel a little excited, what should I do?Waiting online...]

"Uh... she still has a present in her hand!"

"When did Zhou Min's beauty become so humble?"

Chen Lu turned around and walked back to the dormitory, yelling at Fang Fan, "What did you do to Zhou Min? How did she become like this? I feel so infatuated!"

"That's right, why don't you hurry up and tell the school girl that you like her, as long as you are with her, your happy life will begin from now on. Didn't you tell us before that your ultimate goal of entering this university is to catch up with her?" Zhou Min? Now he's chasing you instead, and even brought gifts!" Liu Guo couldn't stand it anymore.

"That's right, hurry up, don't procrastinate, if you miss the opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Huo Zhen and Fang Fan smirked.

"You talk so much nonsense!" Fang Fan gave them a blank look. He really wanted to go down, but what should I do if I go down to the mission? Physical decline.

【He is very hesitant.

Beauty is so beautiful.

Don't wait for the time.

People still need to be saved!

The task has to be completed! 】

"Whoosh!" Fang Fan jumped off the bed, walked out of the dormitory, went outside, went downstairs, and came to Zhou Min.

I saw that her eye sockets were slightly red.

Obviously, she was so impatient because she knew that her grandfather was ill.

How could she rely on herself.

And she also believed that she could save her grandfather.

I am a little villain, if the confession succeeds the day after tomorrow, the mission will fail.

What a hassle.

It is indeed a little difficult to succeed in the mission, save people, and make Zhou Min reject her. After all, she hated herself very much before, but now she doesn't hate her as much as before.

But I didn't see how much she liked herself.

"Little fool... How could I not help you if I like you so much!" Fang Fan also pinched her face, the feeling was so good that he almost screamed, "Okay, I'll go with you tonight Study at your home!" He immediately took the gift from Zhou Min, "Let's send you back to the dormitory!"

[Beauty, I didn't even care about the mission to help you. 】

[I will confess my love to you the day after tomorrow, you have to refuse, otherwise I will die. 】

"Okay, that's what you said!" Zhou Min squeezed her lips, and the tears in her eyes gradually disappeared. She heard Fang Fan's heartfelt voice, so it was this, and it was really easy to refuse, and he seemed unable to tell himself His mission, this guy is definitely a time traveler, knowing everything in this world, and his mission, if he fails, it seems that he will lose something.

For the sake of your promise to save your grandfather, I will definitely give you a surprise when the time comes, I dare to make this girl almost cry!

Fang Fan sent Zhou Min, a peerless iceberg beauty, back to the girls' dormitory under the eyes of many people who were about to kill.

Standing outside the girls' dormitory, looking at her back, he was amazed.

[It's so beautiful! 】

Zhou Min wasn't in a good mood, but calmed down a bit. Her hand was pressing on her mouth, and her heart almost jumped out of her body just now. At this time, her neck was slightly red, and it almost spread to her face.

Of course she was also worried about her grandpa.

After all, grandpa has been the best to her since she was a child.

When she was young, her parents were very busy, and it was her grandparents who took care of her. Later, her grandma died of illness, and her grandpa was her closest relative. Unexpectedly, her grandpa would also be seriously ill at night.

She was very sad, that's why she disregarded any rumors, regardless of whether it was true or not, and asked Fang Fan to agree first, otherwise it would be too late to regret if it was true as Fang Fan said.

Some people are so determined that they will not let accidents come and go quietly.

She immediately got into the car and asked for leave to leave school first.

Then come to pick up Fang Fan.

"Haha... envious!" Seeing Fang Fan's return, Chen Lu was so envious that he almost devoured Fang Fan.

"Shouldn't we treat the beautiful woman home? Young Master Fang?" Liu Guo joked.

"What did Zhou Min send you as a school flower?" Huo Zhen was very curious.

"Secret!" Fang Fan put the gift directly on the bed, "Let's go, please settle down!"

"Yes, I know where there is delicious food, you can eat it so much that you can swallow your tongue!" Huo Zhen said with a smile, "And only members can enter there!"

"Oh! Let's go!"

Fang Fan glanced at Huo Zhen, this guy is still a hidden cultivator, with an unusual power hidden in his body, this is one of the characteristics of a cultivator, and only Fang Fan can see through him, but he cannot. Fang Fan, because Fang Fan practiced Tiangang 36 Transformation, an incomparably powerful true immortal technique.

Soon, they came to a remote street, and when they turned a corner, they saw an old restaurant in front of them, with the sign saying "Fairy Food Restaurant!"

"The name of this restaurant is interesting. It's open in such a remote place, so it's no wonder there is any business." Fatty Chen Lu had his own views on modern restaurants on his face.

"It's no wonder there's no business!" Huo Zhenruo smiled meaningfully.

"I'll open the door, only members can come in here!" Huo Zhen took out a membership card and handed it to a security guard, "Four people!"

"Please come in!" The expressionless security guard glanced at the membership card, then nodded and the door opened automatically.

They went in.

The lively scene inside is in stark contrast to the deserted streets outside.

"I'm going... Am I dazzled?" Liu Guo had the same shocked expression as Chen Lu.

But Fang Fan seemed very calm.

The previous security guards were immortal cultivators.

And 60.00% of the people in the restaurant are immortals.

Here he knows that it is a restaurant opened by a beauty who cultivates immortals, one of the heroines who returned from the immortal doctor, and one of Lin Xuan's harem.

The author's words:
I think the new chapter of the new world looks good and give it a five-star praise.

(End of this chapter)

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