Go crazy!Choose a god-level villain at the beginning?

Chapter 208 Lin Xuan has a hole in his head?

Chapter 208 Lin Xuan has a hole in his head?

They found a place to sit down.

"I'll go. It's really lively here. How did these people come here? There are no cars or other means of transportation outside. Could it be that they flew over?"

Fatty Chen Lu looked around and said casually.

"Haha... You really guessed right, they just flew here!" Liu Guo joked.

"Don't talk nonsense, just order whatever you want, Mr. Fang Fan treats you, we will kill him for a meal!" Huo Zhen smirked.

Chen Lu picked up the menu and was startled when he saw the price, "A plate of braised pork costs 1 yuan? What kind of meat is this made of?"

"Damn... green steamed grass carp, 2 yuan per plate? Are we eating fish, or gold?" Liu Guo was also taken aback, "If you want to kill people, you can't kill them like this, right?"

"It's okay! I have plenty of money, take whatever you want!" Fang Fan disagreed.

[The food in this store is all spiritual food, all fed with spiritual energy, this price is already the most affordable! 】

[But I haven't eaten it yet, it should be delicious, and it can also improve your cultivation! 】

[However, Nangong Waner, the owner of the restaurant, does not know what he looks like. It is described in the novel that he looks like a fairy descending to the earth, likes to wear white skirts, looks very similar to Liu Yifei, has a fairy air, and has a super figure Hot, I really want to see her fairy face! 】

[It's a pity that such a peerless beauty will be one of the harem of the immortal doctor Lin Xuan, which is a pity. 】

"Huh?" Nangong Wan'er was practicing on the third floor of the restaurant when she suddenly heard a voice. She thought it was sound transmission, but it wasn't. She had set up a formation here, and no sound could come in.

Afterwards, the whole restaurant was under her insight.

Don't know who said it.

It seems to be a voice.

She frowned.

And she was a little angry, the elder of her majestic Nangong Immortal Mansion, the strongest Jindan Immortal Cultivator in Yunshan City, wanted to be the harem of the so-called Lin Xuan?

No matter what that person thinks is true or not, he must investigate first, who is that guy named Lin Xuan, if he wants to be Nangong Wan'er's immortal companion, he must be better than me.

And I have to close my eyes.

"Xiao Ming! Check out an immortal doctor named Lin Xuan for me, and try his strength. If he can't beat you, teach him a lesson!"

Nangong Wan'er said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" A young man walked to the door from the side, his name was Nangong Ming, he was Nangong Wan'er's subordinate, and he was in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Immortal cultivators are divided into acquired, innate, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying... (Each level is divided into four small levels: elementary, middle, late, and consummation.)
And Lin Xuan has just returned from time travel, and his current cultivation base is innately Dzogchen.


Fang Fan and the others ordered six dishes in total.

Chen Lu and Liu Guo looked at the dishes that came up, they did smell much better than their usual dishes, but they didn't feel much better.

All feel a little sore.

"Take a look and you'll know if it's worth it!"

Huo Zhen took a piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in Chen Lu's bowl, and gave another piece to Liu Guo.

Fang Fan has already started to eat.

This is really the early stage of foundation establishment.

And because of the system, my cultivation base should be at the early stage of the golden core, and with the 36 transformations of Tiangang, I may be able to defeat the immortal cultivator with the perfect golden core, and even step up against the old monsters in the Nascent Soul Realm.

This is why Fang Fan felt that if he faced Shang Lin Xuan, he might accidentally beat him to death.

"I'm going... This is too delicious, it feels like the meat is completely different!" Chen Lu couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Now you know why this is so valuable?" Huo Zhen smiled and said, "How does Young Master Fang feel?"

"It's okay!" Fang Fan nodded.

"It's still Fang Da's seldom knowledgeable. He is very calm after eating such fairy food."

Huo Zhen admired it very much.

After eating and drinking, they turned and left.

Chen Lu and Liu Guo admired Fang Fan very much. They spent 10 yuan directly without blinking an eye, which is really refreshing.



Huoshaoyun hangs in the sky.

Zhou Min drove to the school on time, and carried Shang Fan to the outside of the school.

ran quickly to her home.

"Grandpa is in a good mood today, and he has a good appetite!" Zhou Min said to Fang Fan, who was in the passenger seat, while driving. She thought, since Fang Fan knew that Grandpa's life would be in danger, can he prevent it before it happens?So she wanted to use Fang Fan's words so that she might know what put Grandpa's life in danger.

After all, after she came home, she asked Grandpa some things. Grandpa is in good health and has no enemies, so it is possible that he is the enemy of father and mother, and there may be more enemies of father and mother. And there are some things they don't know, and it's very troublesome to ask, so it's better to listen to Fang Fan's heartfelt opinion.

"That's a great relationship!" Fang Fan replied.

[Of course it's fine now, but something will happen tonight. 】

【Let me think about it, it seems that it was a piece of jade that caused her grandfather's illness. That piece of jade is tainted with evil spirits. It usually seems to be fine, but after a long time, her grandfather will suddenly explode one day because of the evil spirits. sick! 】

[So if you get rid of the evil spirit in advance, you won't fall ill, but according to the plot, Lin Xuan should save her grandfather! 】

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhou Min pinched her lips, she didn't care what the plot was.

As long as her grandpa is fine, no matter who saves her.

【That piece of jade seems to have been given to her grandfather by an enemy of the Zhou family! 】

Fang Fan thought for a while and felt that he remembered some plots, but the enemy couldn't remember it yet.

"Whoosh..." He quickly came to Zhou Min's house.

It was a group of villas, with a total of seven or eight buildings, and the environment inside was super nice and luxurious.

The car was parked next to the door.

The two got out of the car.

Suddenly a young man came over.

"We meet again!" Lin Xuan smiled, facing Zhou Min with a smile that he thought was very handsome.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Min said angrily when he saw Lin Xuan.

"I heard that Fang Fan is always pestering you, so I'm here to help you drive him away!" Lin Xuan had investigated a lot of information before, and felt that Fang Fan was really disgusting. He dared to pester the woman he liked, and Zhou Min also don't like him.

If you do something for her now, she will definitely fall in love with you.

"You don't need to take care of our affairs, just take care of yourself." Zhou Min said angrily, how could this guy be here.What a disappointment.

"I'm so happy, you actually care about me!" Lin Xuan was elated when he heard Zhou Min say that you took good care of yourself, and felt that she still liked her, but Fang Fan didn't dare to express it in the presence.

"Uh..." Fang Fan was taken aback when he heard that, Lin Xuan must be out of his mind, Zhou Min expressed his meaning so clearly, Lin Xuan could understand that she cared about him.

This comprehension ability is simply stronger than that of a patient in a mental hospital.

Fang Fan couldn't help but want to give Lin Xuan a thumbs up.

"Sister... You really came in time. Grandpa is sick. This is the fairy doctor I invited!" A gorgeously dressed young man came from the side. His name was Zhou Shan, Zhou Min's brother.

(End of this chapter)

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