Go crazy!Choose a god-level villain at the beginning?

Chapter 218 Invited to drink by Su Nuannuan

Chapter 218 Invited to drink by Su Nuannuan

Zhou Min lay on the bed, staring at her iPhone 13 at the photos she had just downloaded.

It was the photo that Fang Fan raped.

Today is so fun, she pursed her lips, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Now I have kissed the villain Fang Fan.

Should let the male lead give up, right?
Lin Xuan shouldn't fall in love with herself anymore, right?

Lin Xuan is such a disgusting guy, he should give up, right?
Zhou Min felt that he was too smart.

Then put away the phone and get ready for bed.

Her roommate came over from the side.

"Zhou Min's school beauty didn't go out to play?"

Cai Jiena couldn't help asking curiously when she saw Zhou Min lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

"Jina, why didn't you go out to play? I heard that Nuan Nuan went to the bar! Aren't you her best friend?" Zhou Min was a little curious, and the school forum went crazy.

"Uh... no way? Nuan Nuan didn't tell me? She must be in a bad mood, after all, her vocal teacher jumped off the building and died!"

Cai Jiena whispered to Zhou Min, "That's a famous vocal teacher who has taught many stars!"

"No way?" Zhou Min knew that Su Nuannuan's teacher was named Luo Keke. She had met this vocal teacher before. He had a good temperament, a middle-aged single woman in her 40s, and was not married.

As far as she knows, Rococo is very optimistic and earns a lot of money. How could he jump off a building?

She couldn't figure it out.

"It is said that Luo Ke jumped off the building because he was regarded as a mistress!" Cai Jiena whispered.

"No way? Such shocking news?" Hearing this, Zhou Min's plump cherry mouth opened wide.


In the brightly lit bar, it was very lively at this time.

Many college students came here, and the facilities here are complete, including barbecue and meals.

So not just a bar, but a full service large bar.

"Bang bang..."

At this time, the bar was full of loud music.

Many people on the dance floor are having fun.

In the drinking area, there are also many people drinking.

Of course, there are also DJs shouting.

There is youth and enthusiasm here.

It is to indulge the desire in the heart.

Fancy men and women will be attracted to each other to dance together, drink together, and eat barbecue together.

Roll the sheets together.

As for Su Nuannuan, she usually wouldn't come to this bar.

After all, she is the eldest lady of the Su family.

The daughter of the richest man in Yunbian City.

She is also the school belle of Yunbian University.

Once it appeared in the bar, it made many boys go crazy.

Frantically poured into the bar.

The DJ at the bar also directly welcomed Su Nuannuan.

This is a rare treat.

As soon as she appeared, she attracted everyone's attention.

They were all attracted by her charming figure.

She was wearing a short skirt and a white T-shirt. The front of the T-shirt was printed and embroidered, which looked very cute. Her long hair reached her waist and was slightly curled to the back.

The skin is as white as snow, the face is like an angel, the body is 36D, and the waist is as thin as A4 paper, and the buttocks are big and round, it is simply too attractive.

And the legs under the short skirt are long and tender.

These add up to a stunning beauty, nothing special.

However, her temperament is different, how can I describe it, as soon as she appears and stands there, she gives people a very special feeling, as if she is the source of happiness, which makes men excited and happy.

It's just a little bit special.

However, her eyes also moved a little bit.

The fingers are also a bit special.

These all add up.

It's like a chemical reaction.

Gives people a kind of extraordinary beauty, very special beauty.

Like a happy elf by her side.

Make many men crazy about it.

Su Nuannuan stood at the door of the hotel, her heart beating slightly faster.

She was a little nervous.

This is the first time I came to a bar, I didn't expect it to be so lively.

She was curious and nervous.

After all, anyone will be nervous for the first time.

Your first date, first job.

First time in love.

Who is not nervous?

Not to mention her.

She is usually a good girl.

Apart from studying, I play the piano and learn to sing.

If her teacher had an accident and she was in a bad mood, she wouldn't have come here.

However, her appearance unexpectedly made the bar extremely hot.

Fang Fan and three roommates also just walked to the bar, and saw the beautiful Su Nuannuan standing at the door.

It was as if time was about to stop.

Most of the boys stared straight at her. This Su Nuannuan was simply too beautiful.

Simply not human.

It is simply the existence of an angel.

It seems that she can only live in the sky, and the world seems to have no room for her.

Some people drool directly.

Chen Lu said directly, "I'm going... It's the first time I've seen Su Nuannuan here, this beauty... it's so delicious! I want..."

"Eat your sister... what do you want? Don't say you want to chase her? Then you can't go to the moon!" Liu Guo directly countered Chen Lu, telling this fat man not to think, it is impossible.

"Hey...you two guys are crazy about it, look at Fang Fan, how calm he is, this is the one who has seen strong winds and waves!" Huo Zhen directly praised Fang Fan's calmness.

Even when I saw Su Nuannuan, I couldn't calm down anymore.

But Fang Fan was unexpectedly calm.

It just made him feel uneasy.

"You guys are really good at complimenting people, Su Nuannuan is indeed very beautiful, even men want to sleep with her!" Fang Fan said directly.

"You are shameless!" Chen Lu did not expect Fang Fan to speak so directly.

"That's right, shameless, how can you say such a thing!" Liu Guo was also speechless to Fang Fan.

"Haha... this is the real temperament!" Huo Zhen looked at Fang Fan, feeling that this guy was very mysterious, and really wanted to fight him.

So keep talking for him.

"Boss Huo, why do you always help this scumbag?" Chen Lu was speechless.

"What nonsense, didn't we come to see the beauties? All the beauties have gone in, so let's go in too, otherwise, there will be nothing left!" Liu Guo walked forward first after speaking.

"Yeah... look at the beauties!" Fang Fan nodded and walked over, not fussing with Chen Lu.

This fat man is not jealous of himself.

They went into the bar.

It's very lively inside.

The sound wave is very strong.

It came directly.

The beauties inside are all dressed very little.

Most of them are heavily made up, looking very delicate and beautiful.

But in front of Su Nuannuan, no matter how thick they put on makeup, it was all for nothing.

All paled in front of her.

She's the only one tonight.

Most of the eyes fell on her.

She looked a little nervous.

No one dared to strike up a conversation.

Because everyone knows that this is not a master to mess with.

Anyone who offends Su Nuannuan's father will be killed.Definitely won't survive the next day.

This is not a joke.

But there are also some who are not afraid of death.

Want to climb high branches.

I couldn't wait to come over and strike up a conversation.

But without exception, they were rejected by Su Nuannuan.

Nor did they dare to force her.

Had no choice but to leave.

Su Nuannuan then sat at the bar and ordered a cocktail.

And Fang Fan and Huo Zhen came to Su Nuannuan's side.

"Good evening, classmate... yes..." Chen Lu immediately greeted Su Nuannuan.

"Well, good evening!" Su Nuannuan's crisp voice sounded, "I know you!"

"Beauty knows me?" Chen Lu looked very excited when he heard Su Nuannuan's words. He almost jumped up excitedly when he heard Su Nuannuan's words, "Haha...the peerless beauty actually knows me?"

"Ahem...I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about him!" Su Nuannuan pointed to the tall and handsome Fang Fan and said in a low voice, this fat man is a bit funny.

"Uh...how did this happen?" Chen Lu immediately collapsed when he heard Su Nuannuan's words. Could it be that no one remembers that he is ugly?And Fang Fan, this damn guy, is not only handsome, but also rich in his family, that's why he gets the attention of beauties?

He was speechless, helpless, and was going to go for a run to lose weight tonight.

Otherwise, he would have wanted to die.

"I'll go, beauty, how do you know our handsome guy Fang Fan?" Liu Guo asked curiously.

"I don't seem to know you!"

Fang Fan asked in confusion.

"A few hours ago, didn't you forcefully kiss Zhou Min? You confessed to Zhou Min and got rejected?"

Su Nuannuan said, "In the school forum, you are directly listed as one of the weirdest licking dogs of the year, and the most stupid scumbag!!" When she said this, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Beauty, your evaluation really makes people feel very comfortable!"

Fang Fan was also speechless, "But why do I feel that it is impossible for a beauty like you to come to the bar? You are not here to increase business for the bar, are you? Or come here to indulge in a bad mood?"

"This guy is really interesting!"

Su Nuannuan didn't expect to be hit by his guess.

[Su Nuannuan, the third harem of Lin Xuan, the protagonist in the novel Return of the Immortal Doctor, is not only optimistic, but also super beautiful. It is Lin Xuan's bank, because Lin Xuan needs the elixir of Xu me, so he fell in love with it Su Nuannuan soaked him in his hands, and then he had inexhaustible money.

Su Nuannuan is also very good at making money. 】

"What?" Su Nuannuan was a little surprised that she seemed to have heard something terrible just now.

But it was just surprise and didn't show it.

And that voice seemed to come from Fang Fan, like the voice of his heart.

She feels fresh.

I couldn't help but look at Fang Fan a few more times, and after thinking about it, I mustered up the courage and asked, "Let's have a drink together?"

"Okay!" Fang Fan nodded, no objection, the beauty asked you to have a drink together, obviously interested in you.

[Such a beauty, who doesn't want it? 】

[A fool would refuse, right? 】

[However, Lin Xuan seems to be coming tonight, after all, the plot here in the bar is also the first time Su Nuannuan and Lin Xuan met. 】

[Lin Xuan can also sing, so Su Nuannuan is very interested in him directly with his singing voice. 】

"It can't be true, can it?"

Su Nuannuan blinked her smart eyes, wanting to see if the message from her heart is true.

Fang Fan sat beside Su Nuannuan.

Picked up a cocktail.

And Chen Lu and the others also took advantage of Fang Fan's favor and sat nearby.

It aroused envious glances from others.

They didn't expect Colonel Su Hua to be talking and laughing with that scumbag.

It just left them speechless.

"Damn...then how did Fang Fan get Su Nuannuan's favor?"

"Well, what the hell, I must punish him! I heard that Fang Fan's singing is terrible? Do you want him to sing a song and make him look ugly?"

"How to let him go up?"

"I know that DJ, let him say something that irritates Fang Fan, and he will go up! Fang Fan has no IQ at all, and he will lose his mind when he gets angry!"

A student named Li Jianren was from the same department as Fang Fan. He knew Fang Fan very well, so he said such things.

"Then you go! Let that dead guy make a fool of himself, let the goddess who dares to rob us let him know how powerful we are."

That student is Wu Jianhao.

"Okay, I'll go there now!" Li Jianren turned and walked towards the DJ on the stage beside him.

A young man was dressed very fashionable, with headphones on his head, and was playing music on a disc.

"Brother Chen..." Li Jianren greeted Chen Yang, took out a pack of soft shell Zhonghua and stuffed it into Chen Yang's hand.

"It's Li! What's the matter?" Chen Yang looked at Li Jianren and smiled brightly at him.

"Do me a favor! I heard that you like to drink. I have a good bottle of wine, and I'll give it to you then!" Li Jianren was very willing.

"Haha... what's the matter?" Chen Yang's eyes straightened up when he heard Haojiu.

"I want to embarrass that guy next to Su Nuannuan, Fang Fan. I heard that he sings badly. Do me a favor and ask him to come on stage and sing a song!"

Li Jianren sneered.

"It's interesting!" Chen Yang looked at the guy next to Su Nuannuan not far away, and he also looked disgusted, "You are so clever, Fang Fan... I remember him, this guy stole my girlfriend before! "

"So hateful?" Li Jianren didn't expect Fang Fan to offend so many people, it's so kind.

We must make him faceless.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

And they were meant to be friends.

So it's really congenial.

"My friends~ have fun tonight, there is a game tonight, let's play with you, do you want to?"

Chen Yang immediately took the microphone and started talking.

"Okay!" There are usually rewards for activities in bars.

"Then today, a pair of red wine for couples sponsored by Handsome Xiao Li is worth 2000 yuan. We will randomly select a lucky friend to sing on stage. How about getting this red wine if the audience cheers?"

As soon as Chen Yang said this, the room exploded.

"it is good!"

"no problem."

Many people's voices rang out.

"Then let's get started!"

Many people shouted.

"Then the lights will be dimmed, and the light beams will rotate randomly. Those who are hit by the light beams will be the lucky audience!" Chen Yang said.

"Interesting!" Huo Zhen said with a smile.

"Haha... Our Young Master Fang should be stunned when he sings, right? His singing voice is famous in the whole school!"

Chen Lu said with a smirk.

"How famous?" Fang Fan frowned, thinking that Chen Lu was praising himself.

Then thinking of what happened to Fang Fan in the novel, he almost didn't laugh.

Fang Fan's singing voice in the novel is even uglier than a duck's quacking.

"It's so famous!" Liu Guo didn't want to say any more.

"Well, I've heard of it too!" Su Nuannuan took a sip of wine, almost bursting out laughing.

He had heard Fang Fan's singing before at the Freshman Assembly, and it was like destroying anyone's song.

He will not give the original singer any face at all.

So if Fang Fan went up, it would be fun.

"It's really interesting!"

Huo Zhen smiled, Fang Fan really knows how to act, he pretends to be so weak, if he explodes, it will be shocking.

This is no joke.

Some people are actually very powerful, but they have to hide their strength and cultivation for some reason, and Fan should be such a person!

Then there is a good show to watch next.

(End of this chapter)

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